


  • 梦魇——读析《行人》兼谈科幻小说


    <正> 偶然间从一本集子里读到一个题为"The Pedestrian"的短篇,觉得其内涵别具旨趣。这是一篇科幻小说(Science Fiction),作者布雷德伯里(Ray Brad-bury,1920—)是美国的一位写这类小说的行家里手,著有两本有名的科幻小说集《火星人编年史》(The Martian Chronicles,1950)和《太阳的金苹果》(The Golden Apples of the Sun,1953)。在具体分析这篇作品之前,笔者想先就科幻小说略谈一二,意在为本文选析的作品提供一点理解和思考的背景。

    1994年01期 No.265 23-25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 129K]





    <正> Babe RuthHis real name was George Herman Ruth.He was born in 1895and arrived on the baseball scene as a pitcher with the Boston RedSox in 1914.When Ruth was a youngster Jack Dunn,owner ofthe Baltimore Odiles,took him under his wing and he becameknown as"Jack's Babe".That name stuck with him.It was not

    1994年01期 No.265 51-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 101K]
  • 正误辨(一)


    <正> 初学英语的人常将一些常用词的意义搞混。为了解决这个问题,我们必须首先弄清这些词的真正含意,然后才能谈得上如何正确地选用它们。请看以下两组词:1.bring,take这里不讲 bring 和 take 的其他种种含意和用法,只谈一谈它们的意义是"带来"、"拿来"或"带走"、"拿走"时的用法。误:Please take your dictionary here tomorrow.正:Please bring your dictionary here tomorrow.

    1994年01期 No.265 69-70页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • Examples of Communicative English I.Ways of Commanding


    <正> 交际英语中有许多表示命令的形式,祈使句是最常用的一种。这种句式,社会、家庭、单位、学校天天都在使用。当然,祈使句除了表示命令外,还表示请求、叮嘱、号召等意思。这里我们只谈谈它表示命令的情况。祈使句的谓语动词用原形开头,在一般情况下,不出现作为主语的祈使或命令的对象,例如:

    1994年01期 No.265 71-73页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 66K]


  • 人体部分构成的习语(12)—Hair(头发)


    <正> Hair 首先是"头发",其次指体毛。女子一般发长需要梳理,叫做 do herhair(光是"梳"则用 comb),把发盘在头上是 do up her hair。但是给一个男人梳头 comb sb’s hair for him,却是骂他,例如 Your wife will comb your hairfor you.(你夫人会骂你的。)正因为女子盘发于头上是日常打扮,所以 Iet her hair down 便成了休息或私下放松时的情况,此语引申为 Iet(或 take)one’s hair down,指任何人处于自由自在毫无拘束的状态,例如 We hadn't known each other an hour be-

    1994年01期 No.265 66-67页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 63K]


  • 《凯氏现代英汉同义词、近义词辞典——求解、用法、辨析附反义词》辞典

    <正> 由 S.I.Hayakawa 著的 Cassells Modern Guide To Synonyms & RelatedWords 一书,现已出了第四版。该书已由北京外国语学院、北京大学、清华大学、社科院、中科院等数十个院校的学者翻译、由20多位教授、副教授审稿,在中国出版发行。该书共收入七大学科300个分支学科近万个单词。该书的例句均为双解。在目前国内出版过的全部同义词、近义词词典中信息量价格之比是最优的。

    1994年01期 No.265 78页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 21K]
  • 《随意英语文库》


    1994年01期 No.265 96页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 21K]



  • Conference on Four Modern American Writers Closes in Beijing


    <正> A four-day conference on Willa Cather,Gertrude Stein,F.Scott Fitzgerald,Ernest Hemingway and their contributions tomodernism closed on 5 November,1993 at the Beijing ForeignStudies University.Sponsored by the English Department andfunded by the University and by English Language Learning,theconference attracted thirty scholars and graduate students whopresented twenty-two papers,of which twenty were read in the

    1994年01期 No.265 94-95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 52K]

  • SONG

    William Blake;

    <正> How sweet I roamed from field to field.And tasted all the summer's pride,Till I the prince of love beheld,Who in the sunny beams did glide!

    1994年01期 No.265 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 380K]
  • The Dull Girl and Her Mother


    <正> Mrs Ewing was a short woman who,like many short women,be-lieved it was her duty to be full of life and gaiety.Whenever MrsEwing entered a place,all stillness left it.Her age could only be guessed,except by those who had beenat school with her;she always said that she paid no attention toher birthdays,and it is true that when you have collected severaldozen of the same thing they no longer possess the same impor-tance.

    1994年01期 No.265 3-7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 120K]
  • August 2002:Night Meeting


    <正> Before going on up into the blue hills,Tomas Gomez stoppedfor gasoline at the lonely station."Kind of alone out here,aren't you,Pop?"said Tomas.The old man wiped off the windshield of the small truck."Not bad.""How do you like Mars,Pop?""Fine.Always something new.I made up my mind when Icame here last year I wouldn't expect nothing,nor ask nothing,nor

    1994年01期 No.265 8-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 222K]
  • The Pedestrian


    <正> To ENTER out into that silence that was the city at eighto'clock of a misty evening in November,to put your feet uponthat buckling concrete walk,to step over grassy seams and makeyour way,hands in pockets,through the silences,that was whatMr.Leonard Mead most dearly loved to do.He would stand uponthe corner of an intersection and peer down long moonlit avenuesof sidewalk in four directions,deciding which way to go,but it re-

    1994年01期 No.265 18-22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 111K]


    <正> The Count of Monte—Cristo 系法国著名作家大仲马(Alexan-dre Dumas 1802-1870)于1844年出版的长篇小说。小说以十九世纪的法国社会为背景描写了一个名叫 Edmond Dontes 的青年海员复仇的故事。故事情节扑朔迷离,惊心动魄,是世界文学宝库中的一大名著。本书在我国早期译作《基督山恩仇记》,现已按原名改译为《基督山伯爵》。

    1994年01期 No.265 26-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 126K]

    <正> The Chinese people are proud of their long history.About 5,000 years ago,Huang Di,the Yellow Emperor,ac-cording to legend,ruled part of the Yellow River valley.He andanother leader,Yan Di(炎帝),or the Fiery Emperor,made greatcontributions to the progress of civilization.Huang Di is said tohave invented the cart,the boat,clothes,script and medicine,and Yan Di to have taught people how to turn the soil with a

    1994年01期 No.265 30-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 109K]
  • The Gun


    <正> AT eighty-five,Harry Cram is the epitome of the gentlemanhunter,having spent a lifetime shooting grouse in Scot-land,duck on Long Island,and quail in South Carolina.A su-perb marksman,Harry is a fanatic about gun safety,but he's notabove having a little fun now and then.People still talk abouthow,back in the 1930s,Harry would invite guests for Sundaylunch at noon and tell them to be sure to be on time.At the

    1994年01期 No.265 37-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 115K]
  • Adapt Yourself for the New Era


    <正> A new era is upon us.Call it what you will:the service econ-omy,the information age,the knowledge society.It all translatesto a fundamental change in the way we work.Already we'repartly there.The percentage of people who earn their living bymaking things has fallen dramatically in the"industrialized"world.Today the majority of jobs in the United States,Europeand Japan (two thirds or more in many of these countries) are in

    1994年01期 No.265 41-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 74K]
  • A World of Ones's OwnI After Shi Cun

    <正> How I had wished for a room all to myslf.In that world ofmy own I would be free of all household worries and where Iwould not be disturbed by children's noises.I would be able toread,write,drink tea or pace about without having to worryabout disturbing my nervous and tired wife.Such had been myfondest dream.But for long years it remained a dream as the whole familyhad to crowd in a small room which had to serve as the living

    1994年01期 No.265 44-47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 82K]
  • WIG~1 Wonder

    <正> "Off with their wigs!"may be the new cry in Britain's law courtsthis spring.After four months of debate,Britain's barristerslook set to cast off the traditional wigs they wear in the court-room.If they do,they will be abandoning a tradition that is morethan 300 years old.Wigs became popular for courtroom use in the seventeenth centu-ry.Those who favour wigs and long robes say it gives the court a

    1994年01期 No.265 47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 16K]
  • The Aerospace Bicycle That Fell to Earth~1

    Charles Arthur;罗宾;

    <正> A radical new bicycle had its first public showing at the NationalBritish Cycling Championships in Shrewsbury last weekend.Based on the gold medal-winning design from the BarcelonaOlympics,it is the first commercial mountain bike made of asingle piece of carbon fibre.Bicycles for amateurs have up to now been made of steel,aluminium or magnesium tubes welded together into theconventional"A-frame"shape.But last year,the British

    1994年01期 No.265 48-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 40K]
  • 名言录



    1994年01期 No.265 50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 18K]
  • Youth

    <正> Alfred Tennyson wrote his first volume at eighteen.Alexander was a mere youth when he rolled back the Asiatichordes that threatened to overwhelm European civilization almostat its birth.Napoleon had conquered Italy at twenty-five.Byron,Raphael,and Poe died at thirty-seven after writingtheir names among the world's immortals.

    1994年01期 No.265 55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 16K]
  • 实用英语写作(一)



    1994年01期 No.265 56-59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • 比较级的修饰语初探


    <正> 在英语中,有时要在形容词或副词的比较级形式前加上某些修饰语以表示比较程度或加强语气。可以充当这种修饰语的词语较多,本文拟对如何使用恰当的词语修饰比较级作一初步探讨。一、如要表示"(比……)……一点",可以用 a little,a bit,somewhat 或rather 修饰比较级,有时也可以用 some 或 any 修饰比较级,但 some 和 any 多用于 more 之前(some 常用于肯定陈述句以及表示建议或请求的词句中,而any 则常用于否定句或疑问句中)。例如:

    1994年01期 No.265 60-61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 59K]
  • 浅谈非谓语动词(6)—动名词(GERUNDS)


    <正> 动名词是非谓语动词的第三种形式,顾名思义,动名词具有动词和名词双重特性。从形式上看动名词与现在分词相同,但是现在分词用作形容词,而动名词用作名词,这是两者的根本不同之处。1.动名调的语法功能动名词具有名词特性,可以用作句子的主语、宾语、介词宾语、表语和定语。

    1994年01期 No.265 62-64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 65K]
  • 谈“so it is with”及其它


    <正> 曾见两道选择题:1.Jim likes swimming,but doesn't like fishing.____Dick.A.So does B.Neither does C.Nor does D.So it is with2.His father is a teacher and has been teaching in a middle school fortwenty years,____his mother.A.Sois B.Sohas C.Soit is with D.Sodoes根据题意和句子结构分析,该两题的正确答案应为"so it is with"。理由是:在表示"前面所说的情况也适合后面提到的人或事物"时,"so+倒装句"的句型仅用于肯定句;"neither(nor)+倒装句"的句型仅用于否定句,

    1994年01期 No.265 65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 28K]

    <正> Ali put the 10 bags in a row and took out one stone from thefirst bag,two stones from the second bag,three stones from thethird,etc.He therefore had 55 stones altogether.If all stonesweighed 1 gram,the total weight would be 55 grams.But heknew the real diamonds only weighed 0.8 grams each,0.2 gramslighter than all other stones.So if the total weight was 54.8grams,he could easily tell that the stone from the first bag wasthe real diamond.If the total weight was 54.6 grams,the stones

    1994年01期 No.265 67页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 26K]
  • 从革命烈士纪念碑的英译谈起


    <正> 学习英语,正确运用介词是一大难题。许多初学者把革命烈士纪念碑不恰当地译成 a monument of the revolutionary martyrs 或 a monumentfor the revolutionary martyrs 就是例证。美国总统里根1980年1月的就职演说中有这样一段描述:This,as you've been told,is the first time in our historythat this ceremony has been held on the West Front of the CapitolBuilding.Standing here,We face a magnificent vista,opening up

    1994年01期 No.265 68-69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K]
  • 剑桥商务英语证书考试——样题选介(一)

    <正> 读者要了解有关剑桥商务英语证书考试的情况请查阅本刊1993年第11期 BEC 测试简介一文。现选登 BEC 书面测试的部分样题,帮助读者进一步了解 BEC 的测试水平。BEC 书面测试分阅读与写作两部分。阅读部分又分为六项,主要测试阅读理解,词汇掌握,和获取文字信息的能力。这里选登的仅是阅读部分样题中的几例。以后本刊将设计刊登 BEC 模拟试题。

    1994年01期 No.265 74-78页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 92K]
  • Learn to Say…



    1994年01期 No.265 79页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K]
  • EVERYDAY DIALOGUES Making Telephone Calls


    <正> —Good morning.Is that 808 9932?—Yes?—This is Maria Smith ringing from the Packaging Company.Could I speak to Mr.Richard Brian?—Speaking.—We've got your job application and I'm ringing just to ar-range an interview with you.—That's good.When will itbe?

    1994年01期 No.265 80页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 12K]
  • ANSWERS TO Crossword Puzzle No 40

    <正> Across 6 Pull 8 Own any 8 Reason 9 Shut 10 Sorry that he13 Slow 15 Poor to 17 Across 18 NoneDown 1 June 2 Closer 3 Going to push 4 Ones5 Enough 11 O'clock 12 Amount 14 Wood 16 Tens

    1994年01期 No.265 84页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 16K]
  • The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe


    <正> During the whole of a dark,cloudy day near the end of theyear,I had been riding my horse along country roads with littlelife or beauty.When evening fell,I found myself within view ofthe House of Usher.I do not know why,but my first sight of itmade my heart heavy.I stopped my horse at the edge of the blackand quiet lake that lay beside the building.Looking down into thewater,I saw a reflection of the dark old house and the dying trees

    1994年01期 No.265 85-88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 80K]
  • A Matter of Perspective

    <正> A farmer drove his tractor to a hillside field where a patch ofsoft ground under one wheel caused the tractor to suddenly flipover.Miraculously,the farmer walked away from the accident.After hearing the story,the farmer's wife commented,"Hon-ey,I guess the Lord was with you."The farmer rubbed his aching neck and said,"Well,if Hewas,He sure got a rough ride."

    1994年01期 No.265 88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 19K]
  • The Best Fisherwoman


    <正> Jack was very keen on fishing.He had a big collection of dif-ferent kinds of rods and hooks and flies,and whenever he hadsome spare time,he went down to the river to fish."Don't you sometimes think it's stupid,"his mother used tosay,"standing beside that dirty old river in all weathers,and of-ten not catching anything?""Oh,no,Mum!"he always answered earnestly."WheneverI'm there beside the water,with the trees round me,and thebirds singing,I'm thoroughly content.Everything's so peace-ful."

    1994年01期 No.265 89-90页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • Two Humorous Stories


    <正> (1)Fred works in a factory.He does not have a wife,and hegets quite a lot of money every week.He loves cars,and has anew one every year.He likes driving very fast,and he alwaysbuys small,fast,red cars.He sometimes takes his mother out inthem,and then she always says,‘But,Fred,why do you drivethese cars?We're almost sitting on the road!’

    1994年01期 No.265 91页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 17K]
  • Letters to the Editor

    <正> 《英语学习》编辑部的同志:你们好!我是一名今年参加高考的学生。我衷心地感谢《英语学习》给我的帮助。两年前我对英语课没有丝毫的兴趣,英语成绩经常低到二三十分。一次偶然的机会我结识了贵刊,囫囵吞枣地读完了贵刊上精彩的文章之后,学习英语的激情马上进发出来。但学习的历程相当困难,由于我的基础不太好,我就索性抛弃枯燥的语法条条,坚持以阅读为主,并不懈地做阅读笔记。随着阅读量的增加,对文章内容的理解也由生吞活剥到豁然开朗。尽管高考前我从来不做老师发

    1994年01期 No.265 92页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 32K]

    <正> Ali the thief had managed to break into the Sultan's treasureroom.He was looking fora bag containing 1250 diamonds,eachweighing 0.8 grams.Unfortunately,the Sultan had filled nineother bags with imitation diamonds.There were 1000 imitationdiamonds in each bag,each one weighing 1 gram.So all 10 bagsweighed exactly 1000 grams and all the bags looked exactly alike.Just as Ali was scratching his head,the Sultan burst into the

    1994年01期 No.265 93页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 18K]
  • 凯瑟、斯泰因、菲茨杰拉德、海明威对现代主义的贡献国际学术研讨会

    <正> 由北京外国语学院英语系主办的"凯瑟、斯泰因、菲茨杰拉德、海明威对美国现代主义的贡献国际学术研讨会"于1993年11月2日至5日在北京外国语学院举行。参加此次学术研讨会的有来自美国杨伯翰大学、香港大学、北京大学、清华大学、南京大学、复旦大学、南开大学、兰州大学、北京外国语学院、西安外国语学院、洛阳解放军外语学院、中国社会科学院、北京301医院研究生院、《文艺报》编辑部、《世界文学》编辑部以及《外国文学》编辑部等16个单位的

    1994年01期 No.265 95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 32K]
  • Crossword Puzzle No.40

    <正> Across6‘Help! I've fallen off theboat,……me out of the wa-ter!’(4)7 That man owns three houses,but I don't…………hous-es.(3,3)8 ‘Why did you do it? Whatwas your…………?’(6)

    1994年01期 No.265 97页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 12K]
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