1994年05期 No.269 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 10K] - David Malouf;云芳;
短篇小说 The Empty Lunch-tin 写的是窗外伫立在草坪上的一个年轻人。由于他的外表与房子女主人的故去的儿子有相似之处,勾起了她对儿子 Greg 的怀念。Greg 虽然已经死去七年,但是作为母亲她能想象出他在15岁、17岁、20岁该长成什么样子。Greg 喜欢她做的一种花生饼干,由于她把窗外的年轻人当作 Greg,地立即和面、烘烤,做出了饼干。但当饼干做好,正准备去送给那个年轻人时,她的理智阻止她去做如此愚蠢的事。她甚至把 Greg 的房间清理出来,准备邀请年轻人住进来,自然,她也没有勇气去实现这一计划。文中对于母亲思子之情写得细腻感人,对于她的理智与感情的冲撞刻画得尤为巧妙,不愧为大手笔的佳作。
1994年05期 No.269 3-11页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 238K] -
1994年05期 No.269 11页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 18K] - A.B.帕特森;夷则;
Waltzing Matilda 是澳大利亚著名诗人 A.B.帕特森(A.B.Pa-terson,亦称‘Banjo’Paterson,1864-1941)创作的民谣体诗歌,从19世纪末直到今天它一直是澳大利亚脍炙人口的诗篇,也是澳大利亚人最喜欢唱的一支歌,有人甚至建议把它定为国歌。这首诗讲的是一个穷困的流浪者在路边拣了一只羊羔,塞在了包里,羊的主人和警察发现后穷追不舍,最后流浪人跳进了水塘,不幸被淹死,死后每晚在池溏附近都能听到他的鬼魂的叫声。诗篇充满了对于下层人民的同情与对权威反抗的意识,人们认为这是澳洲人民族性格的一部分,由此不难看出为什么这首诗歌历经一个世纪却仍为人们所传诵。
1994年05期 No.269 12-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K] - Angelo Loukakis;佚林;
Partying on Parquet 写的是年轻人 Steve 从家里搬出来以后组织的首次聚会。他事先做了充分的准备,但是,由于缺乏经验仍不免出些差错。尽管如此,他仍然很满足,因为他尝到了独立生活的幸福滋味。小说自始至终采取了倒叙的手法。聚会已经结束,朋友们都已离去,Steve 坐在那里回味着刚刚发生过的一幕又一幕。从文化的角度看,这篇小说告诉我们西方国家年轻人的心态,以及他们怎样开 party,在 party 上都吃些什么,喝些什么以及谈论什么话题。这对我们了解西方文化无疑是有所裨益的。
1994年05期 No.269 14-22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 202K] - ISABEL HOCH;
1994年05期 No.269 22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 12K] - Henry Lawson;乐安;
<正> Brook let down the heavy,awkward slip-rails,and the gaunt cattlestumbled through,with aggravating deliberation,and scatteredslowly among the ragged native apple-trees.Brook had shifted the rails there often before—fifteen yearsago—perhaps the self-same rails,for"stringy bark"lasts long;and the action brought the past near to him—nearer than he
1994年05期 No.269 23-28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 134K] - MOCCO WOLLERT;
1994年05期 No.269 28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 20K] - Frank Moorhouse;张永新;
<正> As a cultural delegate,Blase tried always to read the protocolguides to the sensitivities and customs of other nationali-ties.Although he knew in his heart that he was a bad culturaldelegate he did,at least,worry about protocol.He knew,for instance,that the Chinese were punctual andtook speech-making and banqueting seriously.This pleased Blase,
1994年05期 No.269 29-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 97K] - C. McCullough;天涧;
1994年05期 No.269 33-47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 348K] -
<正> In 1983 an Australian Studies Centre was set up at BeijingForeign Studies University—the first of its kind in China.At thetime it had only a few members and offered barely one or twocourses in Australian Studies.Since then much progress has beenscored.Now it has grown to be one of the best staffed Australianstudies centres in China with impressive achievement in both-teaching and research.
1994年05期 No.269 48-50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 63K] <正> 1.In which year was the Commonwealth of Australia founded?2.What is the approximate population of Australia?3.Which city is Australia's capital,Sydney,Melbourne or Can-berra ?4.What is the name of Australia's national anthem?5.How many stars are there on the Australian flag?
1994年05期 No.269 50+47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K] -
<正> The only inhabitants on the Australian continent before thefirst white settlement in 1788 were Stone Age people,said to bethe only race which could serve as a common ancestor for allmankind.There is no evidence that these natives in this conti-nent originated in their present homeland;but wherever they camefrom,it is reasonable to assume that they left southeastern Asia
1994年05期 No.269 51-54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 95K] - I.Garratt;焦蕾;
Garratt 是澳大利亚人,回爱尔兰老家探亲。短文记述了她的探亲经历。文字不多,但用词风趣幽默,读者对注释的各句原文都应细细品味。
1994年05期 No.269 68-70页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 70K] - 余平;
1994年05期 No.269 71-73页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 74K] 澳大利亚 ITA 杂志以此为题目举办了读者征文竞赛。这里是获奖的征文。这些短文可以帮助我们了解一点澳大利亚人的家庭与婚姻生活状况。
1994年05期 No.269 74-76页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K] -
<正> Our quiz is designed to reveal aspects of your Personality.Just give a straightforward‘Yes’or‘No’answer to eachquestion to discover the real you.
1994年05期 No.269 77-79页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 45K] - 申明;
<正> Meet the Australian soldier of the 21st century.It is unlikely politicians will ever march him off to becomecannon fodder on some distant battlefield.Carrying so much hightechnology,he will be much too expensive to risk losing.To develop the soldier of the future,the Australian DefenceForces have launched a 10-year program,dubbed projectWundurra."In the past,the soldier has been equipped on apiecemeal basis,"said Mr Rob Ramsay,the director of the
1994年05期 No.269 80-81页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 47K] - 龚雁;
<正> We are now all quite sure we live in the caring-sharing'90s,a gratifying backflip from the grimy '80s.Hip-pies and yuppies(and people who were both)have been systemat-ically dealt with.There are now television shows like Real Lifeand radio programs like The Search for Meaning.
1994年05期 No.269 82-87页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 140K] - Norman Lewis;晏小萍;
<正> To get to the primitive Yali tribes,the only means of trans-port were the light planes of the Missionary Air Fellowshipwhich very rarely carried anything but the missionaries them-selves,their supplies,and the occasional government official.A traveller motivated presumably by nothing better than cu-riosity could buy himself a seat in a missionary plane,but havingreached his destination could normally expect,at best,nothing
1994年05期 No.269 88-94页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K] 下载本期数据