- Emily Dickinson;
1994年06期 No.270 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 343K] - Bram Stoker;贺欧;
<正> This is a story of horror. It happened many years ago, but Istill remember it clearly. I will never forget it-and my wife willnever forget it either. After we were married, my wife, Amelia, and I went to Ger-many. We went to stay in the old city of Nürnberg. In Nürnberg, Amelia and I met an American. Like us, he wason holiday. His name was Elias. The three of us became good
1994年06期 No.270 3-8页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 126K] - OWEN MARSHALL;侯毅凌;
<正> THE brochure from Aladdin's Travel Agency said that a BusTour is like a family. And so it is; in all the most malevolentways. In the sense of familiar contempt, petty resentments with-out cause, relentless competition for resources held in common,and the cynical knowledge of the shrunken reality behind each
1994年06期 No.270 9-19页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 289K] - Witter Bynner;刘维成;
<正> Witter Bynner译过一些中国古诗,也许他不知不觉受了影响,他的这首Moon Fragrance就很有点中国诗人的情趣,用古典句式译过来很顺畅。把这首诗同李太白的《静夜思》对照着读,可以说,东西方诗人想象力的翅膀上有着相似的羽毛。樱桃于早春开花,也许真的能与雪同时出现在大自然的画面里。
1994年06期 No.270 29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 24K] -
<正> Qin, one of the seven big states of the Warring States Peri-od, grew stronger and stronger by adopting Legalist(法家)mea-sures. Finally in 221 B. C. it conquered all the other states andunified China. Shi Huang Di, or the First Emperor of Qin, put an end to the800-year-old system of feudal beliefs. He divided the whole coun-
1994年06期 No.270 30-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 117K] <正> She did not give me my life, but she gave me warmth andstrength. She enabled me, a poor boy from the countryside, to goto university. When I was nine and my sister only five, our mother died.On her death bed she said to father in a very weak voice:"I’mleaving…the children are still too young. You'll have to find
1994年06期 No.270 35-38页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 90K] - 龚雁;
1994年06期 No.270 39-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 210K] - 胡月;
<正> "Mhusband and I farmed for 35 years, until he died," shesaid."Now,"Marguerita gestures around her hotel roomwith eher arm, "I live here." After the death of her husband, Marguerita was forced to sellthe farm. When all their debts were paid off, Marguerita, who isHispanic, was virtually penniless. At 68 and in poor health, shedepends on Social Security to Survive.
1994年06期 No.270 47-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 49K] - 云芳;
<正> More than 9 million people immigrated to theUSA in the 1980s. Now a report by the CensusBureau shows who the immigrants are, and doc-uments the struggles of many new arrivals andthe successes of those who have been here for gen-erations.
1994年06期 No.270 49-51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 61K] - 小竣;
<正> Animals have been hunted and killed purelyfor sport for many years, But now, people inBritain are starting to protest, arguing that it isunnecessarily cruel. The following is an investi-gation to the debate over fox hunting in Britain.
1994年06期 No.270 52-56页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 121K] - 立羽;
<正> High school grades still are the most important factor decid-ing who gets into college, a new survey shows. But scores on college admission tests are now second, replac-ing a student's rank in Class. Grades in college prep courses have "considerable importance" inthe admission decision for 82% of the 703 colleges responding to
1994年06期 No.270 59-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 46K] - 罗宾;
<正> VETERAN fighter aircraft once destined for the scrapheapare being recycled to make a new, environmentally friendlyfridge. Scientists in Bristol are using cockpit air-conditioning sys-tems to build fridges that work on compressed air instead of thechlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)which erode the earth's protective o-zone layer and contribute to global warming.
1994年06期 No.270 67页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 24K] - 方玉;
1994年06期 No.270 68页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 17K] - 应天;
<正> Don't let anyone tell you that it's absolutely impossible nowa-days to get a job without any special qualifications: I can tell youthat it's not, because I've Rot two jobs at the moment, and I'mnot officially 'qualified' for either of them. I haven't always done two jobs, of course. Until six monthsago, I was happily employed full time as a private secretary to the
1994年06期 No.270 69-73页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 106K] - 李律;
<正> 英语中有一组系动词,其功能与系词to be大致相同,能够起到连接主语和表语(又称主语补语)的作用;它们的语义特征与动词become十分接近,往往与形容词补语连用,表示状态的变化。这组系动词属动态动词,在英语中有时被称为the verbs of‘becoming’,它们包括become,break,come,fall,get,go,grow,run,take.turn,wax,wear,等。例如:
1994年06期 No.270 74-78页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 141K] - 江淮;
<正> 1.hair, hairs; dark-haired误 She has a black hair and very good-looking eyes.误 She has black hairs and very good-looking eyes.正 She has black hair and very good-looking eyes. 当hair意为"头发"时,是不可数名词,既不可说成a hair,也不可说成hairs,所以以上前二句都错了。hair当"毛"讲时,有复数形式,如:There was ablack hair in my tea.下面二句与hair有关,一误一正,看看错在何处:
1994年06期 No.270 86-87页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 61K] - 纪边;
1994年06期 No.270 88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 12K] - 雁南;
<正> (I)-Good afternoon. I'd like some information about your coachtour to Longleat on Saturday.-Certainly. What would you like to know?-What time does it leave Brighton?-At 8.30…from outside the station. It gets back at abouteight o'clock in the evening.-Yes, I see. And how much does it cost?
1994年06期 No.270 89页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K] - 小翊;
<正> Most Australians would agree that the kangaroo is the mostimportant native animal in Australia. Like the native mammals itis a marsupial. It is beautifully adapted to life in various environ-ments. It does not damage the land, as do animals introduced fromoverseas.
1994年06期 No.270 90-92页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 81K] - 初雪;
<正> (1) Miss Williams was a teacher, and there were thirty small chil-dren in her class. They were nice children, and Miss Williams likedall of them, hut they often lost clothes. It was winter, and theweather was very cold. The childern's mothers always sent themto school with warm coats and hats and gloves. The children cameinto the classroom in the morning and took off their coats and
1994年06期 No.270 93页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 17K] -
<正> Are you an over-achiever? Are success and status impor-tant to you? Or would you rather relax and enioy life?Ambition is good, but not if it's taken to extremes. Takethis quiz to see if you're ambitious or too ambitious.
1994年06期 No.270 94-95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 44K] <正> ……《英语学习》版面扩充后,栏目增加了,气象一新,令人振奋。FICTION栏更加充实,读著名作家的作品,如Ray Bradbury的两篇小说等以及侯毅凌的阅读与欣赏栏是一种美的享受。A World of One's Own,A Novel with Endur-ing Charm,"英语习语趣谈——hair"等文使人读了还想再读。但遗憾的是,Hollywood Films等一些优秀篇目消失了。我盼望:增加习作篇幅,这不至于增加稿费,又能吸引广大英语爱好者。选
1994年06期 No.270 96页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 32K] -
1994年06期 No.270 97+84页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 45K] 下载本期数据