- Edgar A. Poe;炳和;
Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849)是美国早期著名的小说家,是推理侦探小说的奠基人,擅长惊险恐怖小说。本期刊登的两篇是改写过的,适合初中级读者阅读。从中我们也可看出Poe的写作技巧与风格。
1994年12期 No.276 3-7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 120K] - Edgar A. Poe;
<正> IT'S TRUE! Yes, I have been ill, very ill. But why do you saythat I have lost control of my mind, why do you say that I ammad? Can you not see that I have full control of my mind? Is itnot clear that I am not mad? Indeed, the illness only made my
1994年12期 No.276 7-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K] - Lois Simmie;方玉;
<正> Every year we rented the same cottage at the west end of thelake. All through the dry, cold winter, when snow lay thick onthe town, I dreamed about the lake; and in the summer, too,when parched prairie grass crackled under my feet and the cara-
1994年12期 No.276 11-18页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 172K] -
<正> Tang rule was greatly weakened by An Lushan's rebellion (755-762). After him several other regional commanders and bordertribes rebelled against the central government, and local wars oc-curred one after another. Many of the late Tang emperors trusted
1994年12期 No.276 23-28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 128K] <正> US research indicates that humans, like many animals,need to sleep longer in winter. Artificial light in winter means we no longer have togo to bed when it gets dark. We can also get up beforeit is light. This means we have a summer sleep patternall year round.
1994年12期 No.276 28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 22K] - 张剑;
<正> 提起圣诞,人们自然会想到火鸡、美酒、张灯结彩的圣诞树和满载礼物的圣诞老人。受过教育的人可能还会想到狄更斯的小说《圣诞赞歌》和安徒生的童话《卖火柴的小女孩》。英美的年轻人甚至会为你哼唱起流行歌手克里夫·理查德的"Mistletoe and wine"。圣诞节是西方的一个重要节日,它是基督教的救世主耶稣的诞辰纪念日。
1994年12期 No.276 29-31页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 82K] - David Crook;
<正> Ireland is named "the Emerald Isle" because of its lush, greengrass. But it was pillaged and plumdered for hundreds of yearsand suffered a man-made famine in the 19th century which killedhundreds of thousands from starvation and forced milllions to em-
1994年12期 No.276 35-39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 127K] - 齐平;
1994年12期 No.276 40-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 146K] - 田云;
Operation Rescue是美国更对堕胎的极端派组织,本文介绍了该组织的一些活动情况。
1994年12期 No.276 47-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 69K] - 钱红;
1994年12期 No.276 50-52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 70K] - 赵伟;
<正> What could be more British than a black cab, a double-deckerbus and a village church? Not much, you might think, cricket,perhaps, or tea in the afternoon. But as Lizzie drives me into thegrounds of a north London church in her black cab, things are notquite what they seem. There are double-decker buses here all
1994年12期 No.276 53-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 73K] - 欣楠;
<正> Salesmen depend upon the person-to-person approach in try-ing to persuade consumers to buy. Advertising, however, has todepend upon reaching consumers indirectly- through messageson radio and television, in the newspapers, or even on hand-bills given to you in the street.
1994年12期 No.276 58-61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K] - 春景;
<正> Language is often slow to keep up with changes in society. Thisshows in the language we use to describe the person we romanti-cally love. Love is what makes the world go round, or at least that'swhat they say…If you love someone but you're not married, howdo you refer to that person? Do you feel comfortable describing
1994年12期 No.276 61-63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K] - David Levy;柯凡;
本文作者David Levy是一位业余天文爱好者,是苏梅克-利维9号慧星的发现者之一。作者在文中叙述了他和专业天文学家苏梅克夫妇一起发现9号慧星的经过。文章刊登在美国Smithsonian杂志第六期上,选注时略有删节。
1994年12期 No.276 64-69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 271K] <正> Though mother is always chatting away, she is, I know, re-ally very lonely at heart. She doesn't have any hobby, but I know for a fact thatwhen she was young she was a girl of wide interest and had manyhobbies. But now as a working woman with a family to look after,
1994年12期 No.276 70-72页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 68K] - 易草木;
1994年12期 No.276 73页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 18K] - 应天;
自学英语课程自开办以来已历经五年有余。课文难度已从初级水平过渡到中级水平。Lesson 68是自学英语课程的最后一课,其难度大致相当干大学英语二年级下学期教材的水平。要求进一步提高的自学读者,请购买相应的英语教材学习。为照顾广大中级水平的读者,本刊不便登高难度的读物。借此机会我们向几年来对自学英语专栏给予极大关心和支持的广大读者表示衷心的感谢。英语自学课程将由外语教学与研究出版社汇集出版,书名为《阅读与理解》。
1994年12期 No.276 74-79页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 120K] - 赵国强;
<正> 介词多用在名词或名词性词组等结构之前,表示人、物或事件等之间的关系。具体而言,介词宾语多为名词、宾格代词、动名词或what引导的从句。略举几例:
1994年12期 No.276 82-83页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 42K] - 赵仁;
<正> When Joe Black married, he was already thirty years old. His am-bition was to have a son; he had had a very good father, who hadalways done a lot of interesting things with him, so he wanted todo the same for his son.
1994年12期 No.276 89-90页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K] - 唐度;
<正> On December 1, 1955, Mrs. Rosa Parks boarded a bus in downtown Montgomery, Alabama, paid her fare and took a seat in thefront of the Negro section at the back end. It felt good to sit downafter a long day's work. At the next stop, however, the drivertold the Negroes to move back to make room for new white pas-sengers.
1994年12期 No.276 91-92页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 49K] <正>~~
1994年12期 No.276 92-96页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 130K] 下载本期数据