


  • 嘉莉妹妹


    《嘉莉妹妹》是美国著名作家德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser 1871—1945)的处女作。《嘉莉妹妹》和他的另一部巨著《美国悲剧》被认为是美国小说创作史上的里程碑。嘉莉是个天真漂亮而又幼稚无知的农村姑娘,抱着对城市生活的浪漫幻想,年仅18岁时独自来到芝加哥市投靠姐姐和姐夫。在火车上嘉莉认识了推销员德鲁埃。生活本已艰难的姐姐、姐夫对嘉莉的到来并不欢迎。吝啬的姐夫更是对她冷漠无情。生活的逼迫加之德鲁埃的哄骗,嘉莉到芝加哥后不久便成了德鲁埃的情妇。后经德鲁埃的介绍,嘉莉又结识了一家酒巴的经理赫斯特伍德。赫几乎比嘉莉年长一倍,已有妻室。当德鲁埃去外地出差时,嘉莉竟又成了赫的情妇。后来赫偷盗了老板保险柜中的巨款,将嘉莉骗上火车,一起私奔到加拿大的蒙特利尔市。在蒙市两人匆匆结为夫妻。这之后他们又返回纽约定居。嘉莉逐渐成为走红的演员,她抛弃了赫斯特伍德,结交了新的有钱的朋友。她所追逐的、梦寐以求的城市的富贵生活正在变成现实。但是她并不幸福。德莱塞在小说中生动而深刻地描写了人物的遭遇与发展,但他极少对人物的作为和道德规范加以评说。在他的笔下,人没有邪恶与善良之分,只有强者与弱者。机遇能让人发迹,也能让人毁灭。

    1995年01期 No.277 21-24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 100K]



  • 人体部分构成的习语(18)——Flesh(肉)


    <正> Flesh 构成的习语虽然不多,却有好些来自《圣经》。最普通的是 flesh and blood,指血肉之躯亦即人之肉体,也可指人类和人性(包括其感情和弱点),如 It is more than flesh and blood can tolerate(这不是一个人所能忍受的)。这个习语作形容词时表示"活生生的"、"真实的",如That was a flesh and blood performance(这次演出演得非常真实);作名词而加 one's own 则指近亲(有时相当于汉语"亲骨肉"),如 And to think of aNewcome doing this to his own flesh and blood!(W.Thackeray)(真想不到,一个纽科姆家的人会对自己的亲骨肉干这种事!)

    1995年01期 No.277 76-77页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 61K]


  • 试论英语谚语修辞


    <正> 英语谚语是人们生活经验的总结,是漫长岁月的结晶。它们不但富于哲理,启迪人生,而且音韵铿锵,语言简练,寓意深刻。本文将从八个方面谈谈谚语的修辞特色。1.音韵(1)头韵:是指两个或两个以上邻近的词在辅音上或音节中的押韵,通常为起首辅音的重复。

    1995年01期 No.277 81-86页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 143K]

  • The Black Box

    Anne Ranasinghe;蓝纯;

    年轻的时候人们不懂孤独,却常常大谈什么"享受孤独",而人到老年,儿女们一个个羽翼丰满,纷纷离去,需要慰藉的苍老的心灵却不得不面对一个残酷的现实:别无选择的孤独。在"黑匣子"这篇小说里,Anne Ranasinghe 以女性特有的温柔细腻的笔触展示了一位七十老妪无可奈何的悲凉处境。不知道在渐渐进入人口老龄化的中国,是否也有这样的老妪和老翁?

    1995年01期 No.277 3-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 174K]
  • The Falling Star

    Sara Teasdale;


    1995年01期 No.277 10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 17K]

    Dave Margoshes;秦放;

    <正> Lewis was reading when the telephone rang and he hung ontenaciously to the sentence he was following,letting it pull him tothe end of the paragraph before he grudgingly rose on the fourthring.Judy was taking a shower and there was no one else but himto go.He spent a good part of his working day on the telephoneand in the evening,at home,he hated to be drawn to the damnmachine.

    1995年01期 No.277 11-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 226K]
  • 战争与女人——介绍希·塞松的一首诗


    <正> 英国诗人希·塞松(Siegfried Sassoon,1886—1967)以战争诗歌而著名。与同辈的许多诗人一样,他亲身经历了第一次世界大战的战火,对这次战争有独特的感受。Glory of WomenYou love us when we're heroes,home on leave,Or wounded in a mentionable place.

    1995年01期 No.277 25-27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 101K]
  • Letters to the Editor

    <正> 编辑委员会负责同志:我订阅《英语学习》已有十年历史了,对贵刊还是比较喜爱的。但是我发现近几期《英语学习》的装订质量越来越差,订书钉位置不正,书边切口不齐,四角不成直角。这种现象在过去也曾发生过,但近来这种现象越来越严重,不知是何原因。

    1995年01期 No.277 27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 32K]
  • Ci——Poems in Irregular Meter

    <正> Ci is a variety of poetry.It is different from ordinary poetryin that its lines are not of the same length,while each line of a po-em has a fixed number of words,generally five or seven words.However,the number of lines and the number of words in eachline of ci are not flexible,neither are its tonal pattern and rhymescheme.There are fixed tunes or forms,and poets have to writeci according to them,or fill them with proper words.It was said that originally this form of poetry was created and

    1995年01期 No.277 28-33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 123K]

    <正> A half truth is a whole lie.There are victories of the soul and spirit.Sometimes,even if youlose,you win.In the confrontation between the stream and the rock,the streamalways wins——not through strength but by perseverance.The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement.

    1995年01期 No.277 33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 20K]
  • Golden Tangerines

    <正> I was born in a littlecounty town in Anhui.Atthat time father was workingfar away in Beijing.I was asickly little child and when Iwas five I was hospitalised formy third operation.Motherwas then teaching in a primaryschool and after classes everyday,she would hurry to thehospital and stay beside methe whole night,to take careof me and also to prepare forthe next day's classes.

    1995年01期 No.277 34-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 68K]
  • 本刊对来稿的几项要求

    <正> 本编辑部每年收到读者寄来的大批稿件。对《英语学习》的编辑工作给以大力支持。我们在此新年之际向一切热习给本刊投稿的同志表示衷心的感谢。现将本刊对来稿的几项要求重申如下:1.稿件请附一纸上面写明:1)稿件题目 2)投稿栏目(请参看本刊目录) 3)作者真实姓名(发表时可用笔名) 4)作者的工作单位、职业、职称及通讯处。来稿请寄本刊编辑部稿件组收。请勿寄给个人、以免耽误、丢失。2.长度各类稿件须短小精悍,一般不得超过三千字。

    1995年01期 No.277 36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 30K]
  • How Difficult Is English?

    <正> Like the national push for Asian literacy in Australia,there hasbeen foreign languages fervour in China,with English on top ofthe list.English is not only taught at schools,colleges and uni-versities,but also at evening classes,on radio and TV.Parentshire private tutor for their school children;adult English learnerswould sacrifice the only one-day weekend at an English corner in apublic park practising their spoken English with people of thesame interest and determination.Is English such a difficult lan-guage that it realIy demands people to invest large amount of timeand energy before it is mastered?The answer,if I am asked to of-fer,is undoubtedly,yes.

    1995年01期 No.277 37-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 108K]

    <正> Multi-national personnel at North Atlantic Treaty Organisation(NATO)headquarters near Paris found English to be an easylanguage…until they tried to pronounce it.To help them discardan array of accents,the verses below were devised.After tryingthem,a Frenchman said he'd prefer six months hard labour toreading six lines aloud.Try them yourself.

    1995年01期 No.277 41-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 46K]
  • 母亲的书桌

    Elizabeth Sherrill;蒋跃;

    <正> 我需要一个答复——后来终于有了我坐在母亲的书桌旁,这是一个红木做的带书橱的写字台,上面有个可以折叠的活动桌面,桌面翻下来就可以看见几排分类格子架和一些小抽屉,甚至还有一个可以拉动的秘密的小隔间。我刚刚长到可以看见桌面

    1995年01期 No.277 44-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 93K]


    <正> SCHINDLER'S LIST has arunning time of 185 minutes,and it is a tribute to Spielberg'stalent as a director that at theend of that time,one's atten-tion is focused firmly on thescreen rather than the exit.Butthen,Spielberg was always agreat entertainer,how does hedo as critic of one of the most

    1995年01期 No.277 47-52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 154K]
  • Different Folks,Different Keystrokes


    在当今电脑普及的世界里,已有人开始不满足现用的电脑,这种不满足使电脑发展日新月异。这篇文章就是人们对键盘又提出了新要求。于是,一种新型,被称为"人类工程学键盘"(Ergonomic Key-boards)的 PC 键盘就应运而生了。

    1995年01期 No.277 53-56页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 214K]
  • Tough Town


    <正> SINGAPORE IS PROUD TO BE tough.As a multiethnicisland run by a Chinese majority and surrounded by poten-tialy hostile Malay powers,the little city-state has always basedits survival on tight discipline.Singapore,which inherited itscriminal code from British colonialists,cracks down against any-thing that smacks of a political challenge—including,in an earlierera,men with long hair.Its heavy fines—1,000 Singapore dollars($640)for such offenses as using chewing gum,spitting or feed-ing birds—are legendary.And holding a foreign passport has

    1995年01期 No.277 57-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 116K]
  • EUTHANASIA To cease upon the midnight



    1995年01期 No.277 61-69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 445K]
  • The Dutch Way of Dying

    <正> HOLLAND has the most liberal regime for voluntary eu-thanasia of any western country.As a case study,its lessonsare much disputed.Admirers cite the care with which the Dutchdebated the issue until consensus was reached,and the safe-guards that they built into their system.Critics say the safeguardsare ineffective and that Holland is skidding down a slippery slopetowards licensed killing.The Dutch parliament decided last year to authorise euthana-sia under certain conditions—thus recognising officially a practice

    1995年01期 No.277 70-71页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]

    Martin Gansberg;苏人;

    <正> For more than half an hour the law-abiding"good"citizenswatched a killer follow and stab a woman in three separate attacksin a section of New York City.No one telephoned the police dur-ing the attacks;one witness called after the woman was dead.This is what the police say happened beginning at 3:20 AM inthe respectable,middle class,tree-lined area:Twenty-eight year old Kitty Genovese was returning homefrom her job as manager of a bar.She parked her red Fiat in a

    1995年01期 No.277 72-74页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K]
  • 翻译练习解析(1)


    <正> 译文:大多数人已经认识到地球是不堪摧毁的,如果我们不保护它的话,它将不可能永远维持现状。除了人类自相攻击产生的危险之外,还存在着环境污染以及野生动物被猎杀等问题。例如许多捕鲸者不顾世界限制年捕获量的呼吁而不断捕杀以致鲸濒临灭绝,海豹也受了威胁。由于核能发电应用的增加,产生了新的危险:核废料对海洋的污染。绿色和平组织的存在旨在引起人们对上述问题的注意。它的宗旨是保护环境,维持生态平衡。它采取直接行动制止捕杀鲸类和海豹,制止向海洋倾倒核废料。它不仅在上述领域中采取切实的阻挠行动,而且使用外交压力以图说服

    1995年01期 No.277 78-80页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 102K]
  • news的来历

    <正> 我们如果把"north(北),south(南),east(东),west(西)"这四个词的头一个字母抽出来按 n,e,w,s 的顺序拼凑在一起,就成了 news(消息、新闻)这个词了。据说,在报纸出现之前,众人所关心的新闻,通常是张贴在公共场所的专栏上。专栏的顶部分别标有 N,E,W,S。N 栏登载来自北部的消息,E 栏登

    1995年01期 No.277 86页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 29K]
  • 小议cats and dogs


    <正> To rain cats and dogs 是个英语成语,意思是"下倾盆大雨"。但是,下雨为什么与 cats and dogs 联系在一起呢?根据北欧神话,cat 被认为是对天气有巨大影响的动物,每当猫儿不同寻常地蹦蹦跳跳的时候,水手们就说"The cat has a gale of wind in her tail"(这猫有一阵大风在它的尾巴里)。他们从猫儿的活动中预感到风暴的来临。此外,cat 还被看作"滂沱大雨的象征"(a symbol of the down-pouring rain)。神话还传说有一位神仙叫 Odin(奥丁),他掌管智慧、诗文、战争和农业,常把

    1995年01期 No.277 86页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 29K]


    <正> Thomas Jefferson,the third President of the United States,may be less famous than George Washington and Abraham Lin-coln,but most people remember at least one fact about him:hewrote the Declaration of Independence.Although Jefferson lived more than 200 years ago,there ismuch that we can learn from him today.Many of his ideas are es-pecially interesting to modern youth.Here are some of the thingshe said and wrote:

    1995年01期 No.277 87-89页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 63K]


    <正> My Aunt Edith was a widow of 50,working as a secretary,when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very seri-ous heart disease.Aunt Edith doesn't accept defeat easily.She began studyingmedical reports in the library and found an article in a magazineabout a well-known heart surgeon,Dr.Michael DeBakey,ofHouston,Texas.He had saved the life of someone with the samedisease.The article said Dr.DeBakey's fees were very high;Aunt Edith couldn't possibly pay them.But could he tell her ofsomeone whose fee she could pay?

    1995年01期 No.277 90页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 20K]

    Jesse Stuart;炳和;

    <正> Mom put a heavy wool hat on Grandpa's head."Now,"shesaid,"You will not get cold.Wait until I get your gloves.""Do not get them,"Grandpa said."My hands will not becold."But Mom went to get the gloves.Grandpa and I looked ateach other."Your mother is putting enough clothes on me to kill aman."Grandpa laughed.His rough laugh was like a March windamong the treetops.I started to laugh,too.He thought I waslaughing at his words and he was pleased.But I was laughing athis clothes.

    1995年01期 No.277 91-95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 101K]
  • “民有、民治、民享的政府”


    <正> 1863年11月19日,在美国宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡战场遗址的国家公墓前,美国第十六届总统亚伯拉罕·林肯作了著名的"葛底斯堡演讲"(Gettysburg Address)。该演讲词被后入盛誉为"the onlyprose poem of classical perfection in modern English"。其中最后一句"…that government of the people,by the people,for the peo-ple…"(民有、民治、民享的政府)更是流传甚广的名言。然而或许人们不知,早在十三年前,于1850年5月29日波士顿的一次反奴隶集会上,帕克(Theodore Parker)就曾在他的演讲中用"a democracy,that is,a government of all the people,by all thepeople,for all the people…"据说林肯认为"all"破了韵,故在他自己的演讲词中划去了。

    1995年01期 No.277 95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 23K]
  • Crossword Puzzle No50


    1995年01期 No.277 96+74页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 36K]
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