


  • Meeting the Princess

    Joan Hanger;孙哲;

    <正> It felt like cominghome—the car wasparked in the drive,the door was ajar and the wel-come mat was out.But thiswas not my home—this wasKensington Palace,London.Before me were the private a-partments of Her Royal High-

    1996年08期 No.296 3-9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 151K]


  • X-射线能强化绝缘材


    <正> 制造电缆过程中用一定剂量的X-射线照射,能解决妨碍全球输电网敷设的问题。通常电导线用的绝缘材料——聚乙烯,不适用于电压非常高的直流电,因为电缆往往会被击

    1996年08期 No.296 37-39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]




    <正> 《海狼》是美国现实主义作家杰克·伦敦所著的又一部家喻户晓的小说。《海狼》所描写的并不是自然界的狼,而是人类社会中的狼,一个生性残酷,待人狠毒的船长。

    1996年08期 No.296 56-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 95K]


  • 神圣的气息——译介艾米丽·狄金森的一首诗


    <正> 出版常被看作是对作者才能的承认,对作者辛勤创作的回报。人们往往以出版物的多少来衡量一个人能力的高低。作者往往为自己的作品得以出版而感到自豪,从出版中实现自身的价值,获得一种满足和快慰。而对于艾米丽·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)却不是这样,让我们来读一读她的一首诗:

    1996年08期 No.296 61-63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K]


  • What is the meaning of the expression“a chicken land egg situation”?

    <正> This is an informal expression which describes a situation orproblem in which it is impossible to decide which of two thingswas the cause of the other.For example:The connection between

    1996年08期 No.296 65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 19K]
  • Than+动词不定式用法举例


    <正> Than大多数情况下用作从属连词,用在形容词或副词的比较级之后。但由于"than"引导的比较状语从句中的谓语动词经常被省略,than看起来也象介词。在下列结构中,than常与动词不定式连用。1.词组know better than to do sth.表示"很懂得,很明白而不至于做某

    1996年08期 No.296 67-68页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 46K]


    <正> 英语中otherwise一词的使用频率较高,但因其含义和用法在不同的语言环境中存在着相当大的差异,纷杂难辨。笔者就该词的类别、意义、搭配及用法诸方面做了一番考察,现将考察所得及自己的看法叙述如下。

    1996年08期 No.296 69-71页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 78K]
  • 由and连结的名词短语的分离和结合


    <正> and是含义和用法最为广泛的并列连词。它常常连结同一结构层次的语言项目在句中发挥作用。例如,在下列三个句子中,and连结两个名词词组在句中充当主语:

    1996年08期 No.296 71-73页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 72K]
  • Dissatisfied Customers


    <正> 前面我们已讲过,秘书要善于处理各种情况(able to handle allkinds of situations)。有时顾客打电话来对公司的产品或服务表示不满,秘书应该采取什么态度呢?

    1996年08期 No.296 79-80页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • Love and Loving


    <正> 1.Read the passage below and decide whether the statements thatfollow it are true or false.Write a T for true and an F for false.Sally Jones is fifteen years old and has never been

    1996年08期 No.296 81-83页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 49K]
  • 词语英译集粹


    <正> 标新立异:start something new just in order to be different;dosomething unconventional;create something new andoriginal表里不一:think one way and act another

    1996年08期 No.296 87页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 16K]


    <正> A.Say the following words correctly and put them into Chinese.(Taken from Candlelight of the Last Evening Together)1 forlornly 2 mausoleum 3 dew 4 lawn5 melancholy 6 endearing 7 chord 8 senior9 inaudible 10 intoxicate 11 lyric 12 guitar

    1996年08期 No.296 89-90页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 30K]


  • 一本理想的英语课外读物


    <正> 由应天主编,外语教学与研究出版社出版的《阅读与理解》不是向当今浩瀚题海中扔进的一颗砂子,而是别具风采的闪光的金子;是一本堪当英语自学者或在校学生良师益友的课外读物。一本好的课外读物,应该能补课堂教学之不足。该书每课后面的Word

    1996年08期 No.296 66页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 30K]


  • The Way I Learn Writing

    <正> 在科研工作中,有时需与国外学者就某一学科领域进行交流与探讨,或用英语表达有关科研课题的研究情况。由于这种需要,我开始了英文写作。下面是我的一点体会:一、广泛阅读各种体裁的英语文章,将自己置身于英语世界中,体会不同

    1996年08期 No.296 77-78页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 65K]




    <正> Harvard College was founded in 1636 in Cambridge,Mas-sachusetts as an institution from which the leadership of church,state and trade was expected to emerge.Today Harvard has

    1996年08期 No.296 88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 15K]

  • Is There LIFE on MARS?

    Jonas Hughes;云方;

    <正> Twenty years after the last mission to Mars failed to detectany signs of life,living or extinct,Nasa is preparing another se-ries of missions to the Red Planet to once again try and find evi-dence of life.

    1996年08期 No.296 10-12页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 76K]


    <正> For most of the 20th century,there has been life onMars.Or,at least in the minds of us Earthlings,thatis,who inhabit its closest planetary neighbour.When,at the end of the 19th century,the American astronomer Percival

    1996年08期 No.296 13-14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 45K]
  • The New Job Interview:Beyond the Trick Question


    <正> Instead of probing for the inner candidate,smart interviewers want to know one thing:Canyou do the work?Years ago,an executive with a reputation as a superb judge of talent told me his

    1996年08期 No.296 15-19页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 119K]
  • Abandoned Before Birth

    Jean Snedegar;曾诚;

    <正> About 3,000 frozen human embryos may be destroyed laterthis.year without the consent of their genetic parents.For some couples who cannot conceive nornally,IVF(in vetro fertilisation)

    1996年08期 No.296 20-23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K]
  • 理性的追求

    George Santayana;王勤学;

    <正> 人类心灵的可塑性是有限的,它同外部世界进行交流的渠道屈指可数。若考虑这些本质特点,那么我们就不必惊奇,我们为何要追寻光明,或者在人类构建的思想体系中为何

    1996年08期 No.296 24-27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 104K]
  • What are the different meanings of the phrasal verb“put off”?

    <正> Put off has several different meanings.Firstly to putsomething or somebody off means to delay something and move itto a later date,especially because there is a problem or difficulty.For example:They have decided to put off their wedding until

    1996年08期 No.296 27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 23K]
  • Moving the Goalposts


    <正> 足球比赛以其独特的魅力吸引着全世界无数的观众。国际足联(FIFA)提出要扩大球门的尺寸以期增加进球数。然而,这种考虑虽然初衷不错,广大球员及球迷却不买帐。

    1996年08期 No.296 28-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]

    Margareta Simons;沈郁兰;

    <正> 美国好莱坞大导演拍出了美国前总统尼克松的传记片,手法独特。然而人们对影片的真实性、公正性却众说不一。Filn director Oliver Stone's latest documentary-drama of

    1996年08期 No.296 31-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 49K]
  • The Road to a British University

    Philip Neville;李鸥;

    <正> 昔日要想踏进英国大学的校门,必须拿到会考A级的成绩;但是今天,无论是英国本国学生还是外国学生都可以选择其它的途径攻读学士或硕士学位,升学不再是陡径一条,你亦可通过其它的道路通往"罗马"。

    1996年08期 No.296 33-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 85K]
  • 不损伤细胞的探针

    <正> 密歇根大学的化学家拉乌尔·科佩尔曼发明了一种只有一根头发丝的千分之一粗细的光纤探针。它很细,能穿过大多数细胞保护膜的空隙而不造成任何损伤。

    1996年08期 No.296 39-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 47K]
  • 海上武器库

    <正> 美国海军正在研制新的一级战舰以支持它在区域性战争中的火力。现在的导弹巡洋舰只能运载120枚导弹,而在海上补充弹药既困难又费时。因为较大的巡

    1996年08期 No.296 40-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]
  • 太空照相机

    <正> CORONA卫星上装载的最先进的成像设备,是1962至1972年使用的ITEK照像系统的KH-4系列。KH-4系列是最先送入轨道拍摄立体照片的

    1996年08期 No.296 42-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • Candlelight of The Last Evening Together

    <正> It was our last gathering that evening before our gradua-tion day.The evening was cool and still.We could almostsmell the dew in the still air.The yellowish street lamps shoneforlornly in the distance.We lit our candles on the lawn and satin a circle.Afei from Qidong was fiddling with his xiao.Wenwen

    1996年08期 No.296 44-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 52K]
  • The Bridges of Madison County(Extract)

    RObert James Waller;傅美榕;

    <正> 古老的廊桥,记载着一段刻骨铭心、凄婉绝伦的不了情缘。对往事的思念伴着Francesca晚年寂寞的时光。每个特别的日子,读着Robert Kincaid曾寄给地的情话,看着他的遗物,触景生情,魂牵梦绕……

    1996年08期 No.296 47-50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 88K]
  • What is the meaning of the idiom“out on a limb”?

    <正> If you are out on a limb,it means that you are alone withoutanybody who supports you or agrees with you.For example:Allthe other EU Governments have signed the agreement,leavingBritain out on a limb.(From BBC English)

    1996年08期 No.296 50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 19K]
  • No Way to Win

    OLGA BYRON;张芳芳;

    <正> Daphne pursed her lipswith relish at thenews she was aboutto impart."I hate telling youthis,"she said,"but it's bet-ter to hear it from me thanfrom anyone else."She took a

    1996年08期 No.296 51-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 106K]
  • Joker's Corner

    <正> Harry came to his mother one morning while she was having herbreakfast,and said to her,‘No one at my school likes me,Mother.The teachers don't,and the children don't.Even the cleaners andthe bus drivers hate me.’

    1996年08期 No.296 55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 21K]
  • What did the maid say?

    <正> Master,get out of your bed and put on your trousers.For the cathas got a spark of fire on its tail,and unless you get some waterthe house will be on fire.

    1996年08期 No.296 60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 16K]
  • 语法通信(七十七)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!有一位读者来信提到一个颇有意趣的问题。他说有这样一句话:(1)He can dance,which I can not.他问到如何分析这个句子中的which I can not,which的先行词是什么。我们知道,关系代词which常可引导一个非限制性定语从句,用以修饰一

    1996年08期 No.296 64-65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • MISMATCHES in Translations between CHINESE and AMERICAN ENGLISH

    Leslie Barratt;

    <正> Leslie Barratt教授1982年于美国衣阿华大学(the University ofIowa)获博士学位,现任印第安那州立大学(Indiana StateUniversity)语言学教授。她曾于1987年作为富布莱特(Fulbright)学

    1996年08期 No.296 74-76页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 65K]
  • Do you know the answers?


    1996年08期 No.296 78+92页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • LCCI商务英语写作的语言规范(二)


    <正> MEMORANDUM是公司内部上司与下属,部门与部门之间书面联系方式之一,可以发布指示,下达通知或提供信息。与商务书信相比,其格式及语言要求比较简单,不需信封,故称之为便函。

    1996年08期 No.296 84-86页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 47K]

    Joseph Jocobs;王虹;

    <正> A girl once went to thefair to hire herselffor servant.At lasta funny-looking old gentle-man engaged her,and took her home to his house.When she got there,he told her that he had something to teach her ,

    1996年08期 No.296 91-92页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 42K]
  • The Hidden Princess

    Michael West;

    <正> Once there was a princess.She was called Ann.ThePrincess Ann loved hiding.She hid in the garden and herfriends came and found her.Then her friends hid andshe found them.She loved hiding and being found.The Princess grew up.The King,her father,said:"Youmust be married.Which prince do you want to marry?"

    1996年08期 No.296 93-95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 58K]
  • Crossword Puzzle No.67

    <正> The diagonal squares contain four people with different jobEach one starts at a corner and ends in the centre square.Ymust find the four corner letters yourself.

    1996年08期 No.296 96-97页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 23K]
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