


  • Serving Up Words


    <正> It's generally thought that peo-ple who read Stephen King nov-els don't read much else.Hiswork has been criticised as"post-literate",~3 and he personally likens itto junk food.~4 His books,he says,are"plain fiction for plain folks",~5 and he clear-ly beheves that hard work is more importantthan ability."Talent is cheaper than tablesalt;~6 what separates the talented individualfrom the successful one is hard work."

    1998年02期 No.314 2-3页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 352K]
  • Hunting the Hunters

    梁励敏;Charu Shahane;

    <正> A lthough more than 80 per cent ofBritain's population live incities,the British have a veryclose bond with the country-side.~1 For many city dwellers,getting outinto green fields and hills,even just for afew hours,brings relief from the stresses ofurban life.But nowadays,not everything istranquil in the countryside.Many peoplewho hve there are worried that their way oflife is under threat from interfering city peo-

    1998年02期 No.314 4-5页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 371K]
  • Return to Eden

    Jonas Hughs;吴青;

    <正> In 1633,Gahleo Galilei~2 was puton trial for heresy by the RomanCatholic Church.~3 His crimewas to support the idea that theEarth revolved around the Sun.To theChurch this was a blasphemy~4 which directlycontradicted the Bible.Galileo,being a practical man,offeredan explanation which would reconcile realitywith the scriptures.~5 But this only made mat-ters worse because it was forbidden for amere mortal~6 to try and interpret the word of

    1998年02期 No.314 6-7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 106K]


    1998年02期 No.314 7+24+50-51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 211K]
  • How to Grow Old


    <正> In spite of the title,this articlewill really be on how not togrow old,which,at my time oflife,is a much more,importantsubject.My first advice would be to chooseyour ancestors carefully.Although both myparents died young,I have done well in thisrespect as regards~1 my other ancestors.Mymaternal grandfather,it is true,was cut offin the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven,but my other three grandparents all

    1998年02期 No.314 8-9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 331K]
  • Towers and Dungeons

    Maura Kohle;晓暄;

    <正> For over 900 years,the Tower ofLondon has served as a royalpalace and fortress.Today,it'sfamous for its bloody history andfor being the place where the Crown Jewels~1are kept.But it hasserved other purposes,too.It has been the royal arsenal,royalmint,royal observatory and even the royalzoo.~2The site of the Tower was originally partof the Roman city of Londinium.But when,

    1998年02期 No.314 10-11页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 505K]
  • Test Your Nutrition IQ

    <正> Give your mind a good workout by taking the following quizdesigned to test your knowledge of fitness and nutrition. 1.Muscle is mainly made up of:A.WaterB.Protein(/'prutin/:蛋白质)C.FatD.Amino acids(氨基酸)Answer:A.Muscle is made up of 70percent water and 22 percent protein.2.Eating extra protein,especially in theform of amino acids,will stimulate mus-cle growth.A.TrueB.FalseAnswer:B.False.Only exercisestimulates muscle growth.Recent re-search shows that athletes may require a

    1998年02期 No.314 12-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 97K]

    <正> The Coca-Cola company made the first cola drinksmore than a htmdred years ago.Companies now sellmillions of bottles and cans of Coca-Cola,Pepsi-Cola,and other colas every day.The cola flavor in the drinkscomes from the cola or kola nt.~1 These nuts grow ontrees in the tropics.~2 Kola nuts have caffeine~3 in them.Coffee,tea,and chocolate have caffeine,too.Caffeinemakes some people feel nervous.Now there are coladrinks without caffeine.Cola and other soft drinks have carbon dioxide~4(CO_2)in the water.This gas makes bubbles.There is

    1998年02期 No.314 13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 53K]


  • The Long Kiss Goodnight

    <正> Samantha Cain came to this smalltown in New Jersey eight yearsago nobody knew from where.She didn't know herself as shewas suffering from amnesia,~2 that is,a totalloss of memory.All she knew was,she wastwo months pregnant,but she didn't evenknow who the father was.Now after eightyears she still doesn't remember anything ofher past,but she has built up a happy newlife.She teaches in the local school and hasbecome a well loved and respected member

    1998年02期 No.314 14-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 372K]


  • England Revisited

    <正> To an old man of seventy like meseventeen years is not such along time.So when I steppedout of Heathrow airport~1 after anabsence of seventeen years,I didn't haveany strange feeling as I had in 1979 when Ifirst revisited England after an absence ofnearly thirty years.The circumstances of thetwo visits were totally different too.I had left England in 1950 as a youngman of twenty-three,and returned to visitmy mother in 1979 when I was already well

    1998年02期 No.314 21-22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 109K]


  • Adventure at Lan Kwai Fong

    <正> You wouldn't feel surprised if I tell you thatI'm near-sighted,would you? And you could wellimagine how frustrated I was when I found out that Ihad lost my glasses,couldn't you? To add to myanxiety,buying a new pair of glasses is incrediblyexpensive in Hong Kong.Well,it all started from a dinner at a cozyrestaurant at Lan Kwai Fong(兰桂坊).Lan KwaiFong,street of cymbidium and osmanthus,which islocated in the Central District of Hong Kong Island,has long been famous for its pubs,cafes,smallrestaurants and night clubs.So when a Cantonese

    1998年02期 No.314 23-24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 129K]



  • 数字摄影

    Chris O'Mally;陈远;

    <正> 数字摄影还是一件新鲜的事,我们大多数人还需要对它有个认识,还谈不上对它有什么看法。但这并不影响广大摄影和计算机爱好者基于常识对数字相机取得一致的看法——数字相机是微机的一个精巧的配件,并不适用于日常拍照。他们错了。精明的人会花钱买数字相机,或者很快就会。最新的数字相机只要几百美元而不是几千美元,而且它们的成像质量更加接近胶卷相机的最佳质量。最为重要的是,数字相机正在从根本上重新定义摄影的含义及其效果。胶卷和相片不会很快就消失。但即使做了许多改进,我们所熟知的这些历史悠久的摄影器材也开始显得

    1998年02期 No.314 27-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 265K]


  • Kong at the Seaside


    <正> Kong got his first glimpse of thesea as he ran on the beach,which stretched like a white arealong the edge of the cove.Hebarked vociferously~2 with extravagant enthu-siasm.Again and again,the bluish-whitespray~3 came dashing up at him and he wasforbidden to hurl himself into it!A tall orderfor an Airedale terrier~4 with a wiry browncoat and shaggy forelegs.However,Willie,his young god,~5 would not permit it;but atany rate he could race at top speed acrossthe firm sand,which was still damp from theebbing waters,Willie following with lustyshouts.Engineer Groll,strolling after,no-

    1998年02期 No.314 31-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 181K]
  • ‘Let Sleeping Dogs Lie’

    <正> QA If a"cat got your tongue"could you"talk the hindlegs off a donkey"?Certainly not.The first id-iom is actually an informalquestion which means thesame thing as"Why don't you sayanything?".For example:"You'reusually so talkative.What's the matter-[has the]cat got your tongue?"If a cat did get your tongue,youdefinitely wouldn't be able to talk thehind legs off a donkey,because thisinformal,humorous expression is usedto refer to someone who talks toomuch.For example:"Don't get into a

    1998年02期 No.314 34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 40K]
  • Bicycles,Muscles,Cigarets

    Raymond Carver;简墨;

    <正> It had been two days since Evan Hamil-ton had stopped smoking,and itseemed to him everything he'd saidand thought for the two days somehow suggestedcigarets.He looked at his hands under the kitchenlight.He sniffed his knuckles and his fingers.‘I can smell it,’he said.‘I know.It's as if it sweats out of you,’AnnHamilton said.‘For three days after I stopped~2 Icould smell it on me.Even when I got out of thebath.It was disgusting.’She was putting plates onthe table for dinner.‘'I'm so sorry,dear.I knowwhat you're going through.But,if it's any conso-lation,the second day is always the hardest.The

    1998年02期 No.314 35-39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 232K]


  • 英国的PUB


    <正> 在英国,酒馆被称作 publichouse,或简称为 pub。目前,英国的 pub 大约已有八万余个。大小不一、形态各异且遍布英国城镇和乡村中的 pub 已成为其独具特色的风景之一。英国的 pub 大都有美丽动人的名字,如"美人鱼(The Mer-maid)、"红房子"(The RedHouse)、"森林古堡"(Castle inForest)、"快乐的水手"(The JollySailor)、"迷人的港湾"(CharmingPort)等。Pub 中一般都有两种酒吧问(bar):大酒吧(public bar)和沙龙酒吧(saloon bar 或 lounge bar)。在酒吧中,通常有多种含酒精及不含酒精的饮料供应,它们包

    1998年02期 No.314 42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]


  • 语法通信(八十八)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!在上一次通信中,我们提到过还有一些关于状语顺序的问题需要探讨。让我们就在这封信里探讨一下吧。但在这次探讨中,我们所谈的状语不只限于单词,而是包括短语(尤其是介词短语)在内了。总的说来,状语的顺序一般应遵照下列几个原则:(一)最重要的也是概括性最强的一项原则就是"由亲到疏",即将与谓语动词的关系较密切的状语置于前,将与谓语动词的关系较疏远的状语置于后,上一次通信中读者闵宏所举的 Harry worked well here yester-day 即是一例。该信中的句(2)句(8)与句(9)中的状语也是按照"由亲到疏"的原则而排列的。再如:

    1998年02期 No.314 45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K]
  • 从读简易读物说起

    李清梅;Simon Vaughan;

    <正> 纵观大学英语四、六级考试成绩,很大一部分学生都是勉强达到60分,因此通过了四,六级考试并不意味着英语水平就达到了大学英语教学大纲的要求。据我们在武汉高校所做的调查:只有30%的大学毕业生对简易听力材料如 Special English能够听懂大意;70%以上的研究生都需要请人写论文的英文摘要;80%以上的研究生表示不习惯看英文文献,一般的英文文献读了很多遍都记不住文献上所介绍的研究方法、手段及结论等。这些数据表明大部分大学毕业生都不能熟练地应用英语。尽管他们掌握了相当的词汇量,但在读、写、听英语的时候仍然摆脱不了母语的干扰。很多大学生从一进校开始就苦苦寻求行之有效的英语学

    1998年02期 No.314 46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K]
  • 关于英语中表肯定意义的否定句


    <正> 一个句子是肯定还是否定人们一般会先从形式上来考虑:句中使用了表达否定意义的字词的句子为否定句,句中不含任何表否定意义的字词的句子则为肯定句。一般情况下旬子的形式和其传达的意义是统一的。然而无论是英文还是中文由于表达的习惯、口吻轻重的不同或是因为修辞的目的,一个否定的意思可能是以一种肯定的句式来表达的,而一个否定形式的句子表达的可能是肯定的意

    1998年02期 No.314 47-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 168K]
  • way的副词用法举例


    <正> 英语中有许多常用词具有多种词性和意义。以 way 这一常用词为例,作为名词 way 作"道路"、"路途"、"方法"、"方面"解。除用作名词外,way 还可用作副词,意为"远远地"、"大大地"、"非常"。在《大学英语》(上海外语教育出版社)精读第三册第五单元阅读材料"The Day I Met My Mother"中就有这样一个实例:‘Please don't go way off to China!’I begged."请别到中国那么远的地方去吧!"我央求道。这句话中的 way 就是副词,作"远远地"解。如果我们按照名词的意思去理解 way 这个词,整个句子的含义就很难理解了。为了进一步熟悉 way 的这一用法,笔者查阅了一些国内外出版的词书,兹举数例如下以供参考。1.The company is way ahead of its competitors in terms of

    1998年02期 No.314 50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 39K]
  • 启发性的开场白


    <正> 去年暑期,笔者参加了北京市教委与英国伦敦三一学院合办的高级教师进修班。进修期间,观摩了外国教师的口语教学。他们在讲正课开始时所进行的第一个阶段是5—10分钟的 elicitation,实际上就是启发性的开场白。我觉得这种做法很好,就试着做了。结果证明,这样做的好处有四点:(一)可以集中学生的注意力,使他们积极思维,有效地参与课堂活动。(二)可以使老师了解学生所知道的和不知道的知识,有针对性地进行教学。(三)鼓励学生大胆猜测,自己给出回答或得出结论。(四)减轻学生学习英语的压力,消除学生学习英语难的忧虑。启发性的方法很多,下面首先以我口语课上的启发性开场白为例简单介绍一下。

    1998年02期 No.314 51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]
  • 某些容易引起误解的含否定词NOT的句子


    <正> 对于英语初学者,某些含否定词 not 的句子容易引起误解,应给于注意。现分述如下:一、对否定词 not 的否定范围的误解在某些句子中,否定词 not 虽然形式上位于动词之前,实际上却不否定该动词,而是否定后面的不定式、介词短语或从句的谓语动词。例如:1.We do not live to eat,but eat to live.(谚语)我们活着不是为了吃饭,而吃饭则是为了活下去。句子中的否定词 not 虽然在动词 live 之前,却否定其后面的不定式 to eat。对此不理解,就会把 not hve to eat 逐词译为"不活着吃饭",造成文理不通。2.The workers did not repair the machines for money.工人们不是为了钱而修机器。如果把该句译为"工人们为了钱不修机器",那么译文正好与句子原意相反。句子中否定词 not 的否定范围转移,原句相当于"The workers repaired the machines not for money"。3.We are not placing Edgar Allan Poe at the bottom of the list of 19th century American romantics because he was the last in the chrorlological

    1998年02期 No.314 52-53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 98K]


  • 怎样书写和答复邀请信


    <正> (二)邀请函(LETTER OF INVITATION)在公司间交往的活动中,邀请是相当频繁的,例如:周年庆典,开业,就职典礼等等,一封正式的邀请信就是必须的了。这是秘书作为上司的代笔者的又一份内之事。下面是一封以书信形式发出的周年纪念宴会邀请(Invitation to an anniversary party)。Dear Mr LeeWe are pleased to extend our cordial invitation to you to attend our twentieth anniversary party of thefounding of our company.The party will be held at 6pro on Sunday,July 8 at the Palace Hotel.You have been our great supporter for these twenty years and we would be very much honoured if you.could attend it.We hope that this invitation from our company will be acceptable to you and we anticipate your replyin the affirmative.

    1998年02期 No.314 53-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 89K]


  • 一九九六年下半年北京市高等教育自学考试 综合英语(一)试题选


    1998年02期 No.314 56-57页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 88K]
  • 用作定语从句的there be结构


    <正> There be 结构是英语中常见的一种句子结构,它以引导词 there 开头,后常接具有"存在"之意的动词 be 的各种形式,再加上主语和其他成份。我们已经熟知这种结构的各种形式和用法,但在学习中我们会碰到仅仅由 there be 两个词构成定语从句的情况,请看下面例句:No one would have time to read or listen to an account 0f ev-erything there is going on in the world.谁也没有时间去阅读或聆听对世界上所有正在发生的事情的报道。该主从复合句中,主句是:No one would have time to reador listen to an account of everything going on in the world.其中 go-ing on in the world 为现在分词短语,作 everything 的定语。there is 两个词一起构成一个定语从句,插在其先行词和现

    1998年02期 No.314 57页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 46K]



    <正> The thin man in the circus was so thin, he had to stop playing"Fetch"with his dog because the dog always brought him back instead of the stick. A woman in Hollywood has such large eyes that when she winks, the windfrom her eyelids blows out a burning match.There is a man in Alabama who is so forgetful that one night he put his catto bed and put himself outside. He didn't discover his mistake until a dogchased him, and he found he couldn't climb a tree.That same forgetful man put his best shirt to bed and sent himself to thelaundry to be washed. But he didn't realize what he had done until thelaundress tried to iron him.

    1998年02期 No.314 62页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 47K]

    <正> Pat and Mick went to Dublinfor the weekend, and in ahigh-spirited moment took adouble-decker bus for a joy ride. Theycrashed into a low bridge and madesmithereens of the bus. When they ap-peared in court, the judge asked themwhy they had not stolen a single-deckerbus, in view of all the low bridges theywould meet."It's Mick here,"said Pat,"helikes to go upstairs for a smoke."A new McMaster, the Irish ac-tor-manager, when travellingby train in Ireland with hiscompany was one day stopped at a small

    1998年02期 No.314 63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 44K]
  • You Be the Judge


    <正> The Weatherbees complained to their landlord that they werealways soaked because the tenant in the apartment above neverdrew his shower curtains. The landlord collected damages fromthe tenant. He did not, however, halt the careless showering orreimburse the Weatherbees for their damages. So they sued himon both counts."We're paying for a roof, not sieve, over our heads,"theycomplained."Our landlord should reimburse us for the damagealready done to our place, and also because he failed to stop it

    1998年02期 No.314 63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 44K]

  • 雨点

    Carrie Rasmussen;易草木;


    1998年02期 No.314 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K]
  • 从“yellow 与胆小”谈起


    <正> yellow(黄色)是一个我们大家都非常熟悉的颜色词。如:The leaves turnyellow in autumn.(秋天叶子变黄了。)但"He has a yellow streak in him."是指"他身上有一道黄色纹路"吗?那就理解错了。事实上,yellow 这个词在英、美国家的另一种含义是指性格中的胆小或怯懦。如 yellow-beuv(胆小鬼、懦夫),yel-low-bellied(胆怯、缩头缩脑)。因此这句话的正确理解应为"他性情胆小。"需要指出的是英语 yellow 一词并不含有中文"黄色"中的"不道德","下流"的意思。内涵相同的英语颜色词应为 blue。如:

    1998年02期 No.314 17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 53K]
  • 英美社会文化简介


    <正> UK:ENGLANDPopulation(1994) 48.7 million(UK total 58.4 million)Area 130 423 km~2(UK total 241 752 km~2) England is a highly urbanized country,with 80% of its population living in cities,and only 2% of the population working inagriculture.Its largest city is the capital,London,which is dominant in the UK in allfields:government,finance,and culture.England is physically the largest of the fournations,and it has by far the largest popula-tion.This dominance in size is reflected in acultural and economic dominance too.Peo-ple in foreign countries sometimes make the

    1998年02期 No.314 18-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 444K]
  • Too Famous to Stop

    <正> Alan Brown liked the novels of a writerwhose name was Fraser Lambourn verymuch,and as Alan's wife Violet wasthe manager of a big bookshop,shealways brought back to Alan the latestwork by his favourite writer.Then one day Violet said to herhusband,‘Guess what,Alan!FraserLambourn's coming to our bookshopnext week to sign copies of his new bookfor people who buy it!Isn't that goodnews?’‘Yes,it's wonderful!’saidAlan happily.Then he stopped andthought for a few seconds.‘But

    1998年02期 No.314 22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 58K]
  • Fast Work

    <正> Mrs Matthews lived in a small townwhere there was one jeweller's shop.It also took in watch repairs,althoughit had to send them off to London forthe work to be done,as there was notenough business to keep an expertwatch repairer occupied.When Mrs Matthews's old fatherdied,she inherited his gold watch,which had belonged to his father andgrandfather before him.It was big andheavy and-worth a lot of money,but itwas broken,so Mrs Matthews took itto be repaired.The man in the jeweller's shopwas very interested to see such an un-

    1998年02期 No.314 26页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 46K]
  • Birthday Present

    <正> Sally had been studying at an art col-lege for a year and,like most stu-dents,she did not have much money.It was going to be her mother's birth-day soon,and she wondered what shecould buy her as a present that wouldbe nice and useful but not too expert-slve.Sally's college was in London,but she had been living in the countryfor many years,so every day she hadan hour's journey by train in themorning,and the same in theevening.At lunch time one day,a weekbefore her mother's birthday,she de-cided to have a quick sandwich and a

    1998年02期 No.314 30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 59K]
  • 怎样提高听、说、写、读的能力


    今年是《英语学习》创刊四十周年,我们特辑了 The Best of the Forty Years 专栏,选登这四十年间本刊登载过的优秀作品,以示纪念。

    1998年02期 No.314 43-44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 165K]
  • 随意学英语(英文)

    <正> New CIA AgentsThree men are going through CIA(中央情报局)training,trying to become secret agents. They finally got through alltheir written and physical tests when they are pulled aside byone of the instructors who took them to a small room with an-other room adjacent(毗连的)to it.They brought the first guy's wife into the room and lefther there. The instructor then loaded two rounds(子弹)into apistol, handed it to the first man saying,"Go kill your wifeof five years."The trainee took the weapon, went into thenext room. He came back out one minute later and said,"Ican't do it."The instructor replied,"Then you fail out-

    1998年02期 No.314 58-59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 97K]
  • Best and Pest

    <正> Once there were two brothers. Their names wereBest and Pest. They worked together most of their lives.They had a good business which made them rich.Best was a wise man. He was good, too. He neverspent his money on himself. He gave some of it to poorfamilies. The rest he saved. Pest was quite a differentperson. He always spent more money than he really had.He never saved anything.When the brothers grew old, they decided to stopworking. But Pest remembered that he had no money tolive on. He said,"But how will we bye without anymoney?Where will we get food?Who will take care of

    1998年02期 No.314 59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 49K]
  • American Music (1)

    立俊;Sonia Eagle;

    <正> The first Europeans came to America in1492 with Christopher Columbus. Sincethat time people have come to Americafrom all over the world, from Europe, Africa, andAsia, and they have brought their music withthem. This mixing of people and music has createdAmerican music.Music is a very important part of our lives.Music is for dancing, drinking, eating, loving,and thinking. Some songs remind us of our child-hood or youth. Others remind us of the people welove. Many important occasions, like weddings and

    1998年02期 No.314 60-61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 231K]
  • What a Good Idea!

    <正> Mrs Grey lived in the country, butshe worked in London, the capital ofEngland. She always drove to therailway station in her car every morn-ing, and left it in the station carpark until she arrived back in thetrain in the evening. She was acareful driver, but one morning shewas rather late, so she was goingrather faster than usual when she hadan accident in a narrow road not farfrom her home.What happened was that anoth-er car was coming in the opposite di-rection, and either that one or Mrs

    1998年02期 No.314 61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 126K]
  • A Glimpse into Claude Monet and French Impressionism

    <正> In classic paintings, a lot was on bibli-caI figures and historical events, reli-gious or heavenly scenes. Such subjectsas Last Supper,Reclining Venus have been pre-sented by artists of different generations in theirpaintings. In sculptures, the death of Jesus Christand heroism of David have had many different ver-sions and are done with different materials.Theyare images of idealized beauty to symbolize stabilityand eternity.But the French impressionists made a cleanbreakthrough of this tradition of stability. Theypainted what Emile Zola called"a slice of life".Among the well-known impressionist painters

    1998年02期 No.314 64-65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 330K]
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