



  • Why Is There No Nobel Prize In Mathematics?


    <正> Six Nobel Prizes are awardedeach year, one in each of thefollowing categories: litera-ture, physics, chemistry,peace, economics, and physiology &medicine. Notably absent from this listis an award for Mathematics.1 Thereason for this conspicuous omissionhas been subject of extensive specula-tions, some of which are discussed be-low. One of the most common-and un-Founded-reasons as to why Nobel de-

    1999年03期 No.327 4-5页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 226K]


  • Ahead Of His Time


    <正> AN American doctor whowants to perform the world'sfirst head transplant hasconceded the host body would probablyreject the new addition. But he believes more researchcould eventually find a way to over-come the rejection the way the successrate of heart transplants has soared inthe past 20 years. Robert White, who has success-fully transplanted the heads of mon-

    1999年03期 No.327 6-7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 427K]


  • Wild Birds In Winter


    <正> As the Trojans who wheeled inthe big horse must havesaid, "It seemed like a goodidea at the time." I live inNew York City, a couple of blocksfrom Central Park. Last winter, Ithought, Why not feed the birds Andinstead of going to them, why not ar-range for them to come to me A dayor two later, thanks to the YellowPages, I was checking out a variety of

    1999年03期 No.327 8-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 231K]
  • 人类与太阳


    <正> 黑死病1665年横扫英国,迫使牛顿离开大学,继而有了他后来极为重要的发现。当时的天文纪录表明当年正处于剧烈的太阳黑子活跃期。根据太阳受干扰时树的年轮变宽这一规律,对树的年轮研究显示,1348年那场可怕的瘟疫也伴随着剧烈的太阳活动。一名俄罗斯历史教授收集这类数据已经四十年,他声称,一些大瘟疫,欧洲爆发的白喉和霍乱,俄罗斯的斑疹伤寒,芝加哥流行的天花都出现在太阳11年一轮的活动高峰。

    1999年03期 No.327 24-25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 185K]
  • Seal of Approval


    <正> THERE was an enormous roar astwo macho young sea lions camecharging out of the dunes. Downon the beach, we backed off to asafe distance and watched as they suddenlystopped, looked at each other, simultane-ously turned on their sides and rolled the restof the way down the dune like childrenshowing off. A visit to Seal Bay, where 500 of theworld's endangered sea lion populationbreed, live and generally loll about, is thekind of experience that makes one feel hum-ble and highly privileged. For these are not

    1999年03期 No.327 38-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 549K]


  • WORLD PEACE:The Unattainable Goal?


    <正> What is more idealisticthan world peace Nothing, right Who isto say it cannot reallyhappen World peace is very im-portant in this society. It is essen-tial to international and domesticaffairs. The nations of the worldneed to share the resources, protectthe global environment, and en-courage economic prosperity. Wehave only been given one world.We must somehow coexist. I feelthat it would he much easier if ev-ery nation and its leader were will-ing to forget all that they havelearned in the classrooms and fromtheir parents and to just startanew, working together. I am in-

    1999年03期 No.327 10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 48K]
  • A Closer Look at Haunted Happenings


    <正> In 1964, TV cameraswere taken to England.NBC wanted to do a TVshow on haunted houses.One of the most interesting oldhomes was a house called Longleat.The TV team talked to people whohad seen or heard ghosts in thehouse. One of the people was theMarquess of Bath. Her ancestorshad lived in the house. She told of a ghost called theGreen Lady. A family picture ofher shows a lady in a green gown.Her name was Lady LouisaCarteret. One of Lord Bath's, an-cestors had married her in 1735.

    1999年03期 No.327 25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 113K]
  • I Felt Like I Won


    <正> I used to be the best run-ner on my block. I evenused to beat all theboys. They would get so mad,too. My brother would make allkinds of bets and get all those boysto race with me and they alwayssaid, "Oh, c'mon! She's only agirl!" And they would think theycould beat me-no sweat. Butthen I'd beat them every time. Ionly lost one race, and that waswhen Tiger threw something in myway and tripped me, so that was-

    1999年03期 No.327 58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 139K]
  • The Dog Nobody Wanted


    <正> The setter first came toJack Barlow's door soonafter he moved into thelittle village. Barlowwondered if the dog would be anygood on grouse. "Who owns the bigsetter " he asked Gibney, the hotelmanager. "Nobody," Gibney said, "and no-body ever will. But if I were you, I'dleave it alone. "His answer puzzledBarlow. A few days later the dog wasback. Barlow took it for a walk in the

    1999年03期 No.327 59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • A Cheap Piano


    <正> ONE day Richard Brodygot a letter from a com-pany in New York. Thecompany had good newsfor Mr. Brody, "Congratulations!"the letter said. "You are the winnerof a mini electronic piano! Pleasesend us $ 10 for shipping, and wewill mail the piano to you." A description of the piano wasin the letter. Mr. Brody read thedescription very carefully and de-cided to mail the company $ 10 forthe piano. Two months later Mr. Brodyreceived a box in the mail. It washis piano! He opened the box andfound pieces of newspaper. He

    1999年03期 No.327 60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 37K]


  • Star Search


    <正> Why do some people get all theplum assignments, the bigraises, the fast-track promo-tions It's not that they're more intel-ligent than their colleagues, or betterleaders or smoother schmoozers. Infact, most of them don't work anyharder than the poor schmo in the nextcubicle. What makes these people officestars, says Robert E. Kelley, 47, amanagement consultant and professor

    1999年03期 No.327 11-12页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 103K]
  • Holmes Joke

    <正> After a rather difficult case, Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion Dr. Watson decided to take acamping trip. Once finishing a fine meal and a bottle of wine they decided to turn in for the night. A fewhours before dawn, Holmes nudged his companion and said, "Watson, Look up and tell me what you candeduce." Watson did so and said, "Why, I see millions of stars." Holmes said, "What does this suggest toyou, good friend " The Dr. thought for a moment and said, "I can deduce many things, Holmes.....from a scientific standpoint, the millions of stars visible suggest there are tenfold planets orbiting thosestars." "Go on," said Holmes. Watson thought a moment more and continued, "From a religous stand-

    1999年03期 No.327 12页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]


  • Have to Make a Speech?


    <正> As someone once said,"Themind is a wonderful thing. It startsworking the minute you're born andnever stops... until you get up tospeak in public." Well, speeches are not magic.A speech is essentially a combina-tion of information and opinionwritten on paper and spoken withthe mouth. If you can have athoughtful conversation, you canprobably write and give a thought-ful speech. Here are a few things I'velearned as a speechwriter that may

    1999年03期 No.327 13-14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 157K]



    <正> If you had to use two words todescribe Canada, they might belarge and diverse. Canada is thesecond largest country in theworld. It has a total area of 9 970 610 km2and is bordered by three oceans: the Pacificto the west, the Arctic to the north, and theAtlantic to the east. Across the country,Canadians experience many different land-scapes from rolling plains and mountains tothe cold tundra of the north. Geographically, Canada can be dividedinto five major regions: the Pacific region,the Prairie Provinces, Central Canada, the

    1999年03期 No.327 15-16页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 536K]
  • Drug Abuse in the United States


    <正> The Problem Drug abuse in the United Stateshas come to be regarded as one ofthe most challenging social prob-lems facing the nation. Indeed,the very word "drug" excites strong emo-tions, and opinion polls since the late 1960shave shown that the "drug problem" is per-ceived by most Americans as a major threatto the society, particularly to its youngermembers. A DRUG can be defined as any chemicalthat is psychoactive, or capable of modifying

    1999年03期 No.327 17-19页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 946K]


  • The Web Lifestyle

    Bill Gates;宋云峰;

    <正> If you asked people today why theyused the telephone to communicatewith their friends or why theyturned to the television for entertainment,they would look at you as if you were crazy.We don't think about a telephone or a tele-vision or a car as being oddities. Thesethings have become such an integral part oflife that they are no longer noticed, let aloneremarked upon. In the same way, within a decade noone will notice the Web. It will just bethere, an integral part of life. It will be a

    1999年03期 No.327 19-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 250K]


  • A Foreign Affair

    Julian Baum;陈海君;

    <正> By the time Tsai Ming-liang's latestfilm, Hole, won the top award atthe Chicago Film Festival in earlyOctober, it was nowhere to befound in Taiwan. Only a few days after itsopening, the bleak, end-of-the-millenniumtale about two lonely denizens of Taipei hadalready been replaced in the island's theatresby Hollywood blockbusters like Saving Pri-vate Ryan. Even cinemas owned by theCentral Motion Picture Studios, where Tsaihas produced films and which helped withthis production, pulled the film. Hole was

    1999年03期 No.327 21-23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 384K]
  • The "Sale" of the Colosseum


    <正> Many tourists must havedreamed of owning asmall house in a foreigncountry-perhaps on astretch of lonely coast-to whichthey could return year after year toenjoy the sun and the sea. Others,with even bigger ideas and a lotmore money to spend, think ofbuying hotels. In any case, it isabsolutely essential to know a greatdeal about the value of property-otherwise the buyer may be at themercy of dishonest agents. Some tourists, however, are

    1999年03期 No.327 23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 119K]



    Miguel de Unamuno;

    <正> And now for a story. While he was on this wicked earth JuanManso was a simple soul, a harmless fel-low who during his whole life had never hurta fly. As a child, when he played donkeywith his friends, he was always the donkey.Later, his comrades confided in him abouttheir love affairs, and when he grew to fullmanhood his acquaintances still used togreet him with an affectionate "Hello, little

    1999年03期 No.327 26-28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 126K]


  • Father Tries to Make Mother Like Figures

    Clarence Day;蒋素华;

    本文选自Life with Father一书。作者Clarence Day(1874-1935)生于纽约市,毕业于耶鲁大学。大学毕业后成为纽约证券交易所的成员,并成为他父亲的经纪公司的股东。他常给New Yorker投稿,但没什么名气。晚年以他幼年时的家庭生活为题材,写成三本书:God and My Father(1932),Life with Father(1935),Life withMother (1938)。这三本书使他出了名,其中的片断被Howard Lindsay和RusselCrouse改编成舞台剧(名为Life with Father)在百老汇上演,经久不衰。这三本书里的中心人物是‘父亲’,一个证券商人。Clarence Day以讽刺、诙谐的手法把‘父亲’刻画得活龙活现。我们读这些文章,简直觉得‘父亲’要从书中跳出来跟我们说话,或者说吵架。尽管‘父亲’脾气大、又固执,而且总是把自己的意志强加于人,但是他也有其可爱之处,那就是率直。

    1999年03期 No.327 29-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 211K]


  • How the Salesmanship and Brainpower Failed at Long-Term Capital Shulang Chen/Jasmine Yu

    Jasmine Yu;

    <正> 金融权威败走麦城——两位诺贝尔经济学奖得主所经营的基金是如何失败的编注:纽约华尔街汇聚了世界各国知名的金融机构和成交量占世界首位的纽约股票交易所,是美国和世界的金融中心。1998年9月24日,华尔街爆出了重大新闻:由美国中央银行——美国联邦储备委员会牵头,14家华尔街著名国际投资银行和商业银行提供36亿美元贷款,拯球濒临破产的长期资本管理公司(Long-Term Capital)。此后近一个月,长期资本管理公司经济援助事件受到美国和国际经济新闻媒体的广泛关注。长期资本管理公司是一家

    1999年03期 No.327 33-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 289K]


  • Letters Form America

    <正> Feb. 25, 1999 Dear Xiao Mei: People say if your tour of the USA doesn't include a visit toNew York, then you haven't been to that country. Of courseone could also argue that having been to New York doesn't meanknowing what the country looks like. However, everybody a-grees that New York is the most metropolitan city in the world.One is impressed by the skyline of New York City, and therethe highest buildings that greet your eye are the twin towers ofthe World Trade Center (WTC). When you are in front of thetower, either One WTC or Two WTC, allow your eyes to travelslowly from the lower to upper stories. Peering upward asthough from the bottom of a deep well, you will experience thedizzy effect of perspective and wonder if the ground is actuallymoving beneath your feet, or is this sensation merely an illu-sion. Then you join the other tourists and will be lifted up, inone minute, to the 107th floor, the Observation Deck, the topof the world, and the view there cannot be topped. I have beenup to the "top of the world" many times, accompanying myfriends as a guide. In this letter, I am not going to describe

    1999年03期 No.327 37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 59K]


  • 英汉翻译练习解析


    <正> 上期已经介绍过,本次练习取材于美国人Jonathan Spence写的God's ChineseSon一书。该书为一部太平天国史,虽为史书,但丝毫没有学究气,叙述十分生动,而生动的语言又未影响史实的准确性。准确是史书之所以为史书的根本,这一点在翻译历史题材的时候应当予以充分注意。另外,作者使用了"历史现在时",也使人觉得书中的史实有如发生在眼前,为该书增色不少。还有一点需要注意的是文中的专有名词必须查清方可下笔,因为这也是译文准确性的一个重要方面。好了,下面先看一下这段文字的中译

    1999年03期 No.327 41-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 126K]
  • 数字的困惑(二)


    <正> 英语大数字中所采用的表示数字的前缀主要有:bi-二,tri-三,quadr-四,quint-五,sext-六,sept-七,oct-八,non-九,dec-十,undec-十一,duodec-十二,tredec-十三,quattuordec-十四,qunindec-十五,sexdec-十六,septemdec-十八,novemdec-十九,vigint-二十。很多非数字词也使用这些前缀,而且他们的造词功能很强,所以请大家牢牢记住。这些以bi-,tri-等为前缀的词都是一些大数字,直到不远的过去还给人以天文数字的感觉。最近随着通货膨

    1999年03期 No.327 43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 61K]
  • Parallelism之特征、功能及运用


    <正> 在英语里,无论文章写作还是各种类型的考试,平行结构(parallelism)均大量出现和频繁使用,而学生对此结构所产生的错误却比比皆是。因此有必要结合教学实际,对这一问题作一些归纳说明。1.平行结构的特征平行结构是指结构与功能完全一样或相似的词、词组或从句的并列运用,其显著特点是对称:(1)词对称His symptoms were fever,dizziness,and headaches.(2)短语对称We learned to read the passage carefully and to

    1999年03期 No.327 44-45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 149K]
  • 情在不言中——读白朗宁《深夜幽会》有感


    <正> 《深夜幽会》是一首素描诗。因是素描,所以全诗十行没有大起大落戏剧性的感情变化,没有信誓旦旦火一般的爱情表白,只有诗人用意象传达给读者的经验和感觉。诗人在《深夜幽会》中用的最多的是视觉意象。他把自己的经验,通过读者的眼睛,送达读者的大脑,再栩栩如生地出现在读者眼前,使其产生亲临其境的感觉,仿佛诗中所描述的一切都是亲眼所见。正是因为诗人在诗中成功地运用了视觉意象,读者才能在吟诵诗歌的同时,欣赏到苍茫的海水(the grey sea),昏

    1999年03期 No.327 45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 82K]
  • 浅谈英语定语从句的汉译


    <正> 长期以来,我们的教科书、语法书或翻译理论书籍,多把英语的定语从句分为限制性和非限制性两大类。其实,这是就定语从句的性质而言的,可看成是一种横向的分类。笔者在长期教学和翻译实践中,接触了大量的、多种多样的定语从句,以为仅把它们分成上述两类是远远不够的。为便于教学和翻译,笔者认为,就定语从句的形式而言,从纵向分类来看,还可以把它们分成简单的定语从句和复杂的定语从句。而复杂的定语从句又有几种形式:一是自由式定语从句,二是嵌套式定语从句,三是并列式定语从句,四是一主二仆式定语从句。本文拟对这些定语从句的翻译作些分

    1999年03期 No.327 46-47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 143K]


    <正> 英语中有许多副词和副词词组可以表达说话人(或写作者)对自己所说的话或对谈话(写作)对象的态度,这类副词被称为"观点副词";又因为其说明的是整个句子,所以有的语法书又称其为"句子副词"(Sentence adverbs)。如作者或说话者用诸如evidently或clearly等副词来表示他要作出的结论;用honestly或frankly强调其诚恳;用normally或generally进行概括;用briefly或inshort表示不想赘述或详谈。观点副词与其它副词的区别并不在于它们的形式或它们所处的位置,而在于它们在句中的作用。请对比:

    1999年03期 No.327 48-50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 205K]
  • 外贸英语函电中“感谢”的表达方式


    <正> 清楚、简要、礼貌是外贸英语函电的三个基本要求。如果要表示礼貌,"感谢""感激"之类的词语是必不可少的。外贸英语函电在长期的应用过程中产生了一些常用的表示谢意的词语与句型)较常见的有:thank、appreciate、be grateful、be obliged、be indebted等词语、词组及相关的句型,兹介绍如下: 1.THANK thank是日常生活中最常见的用于表达感谢的词语,也是外贸函电中最常见的用于表达感谢的词语,使用很广,多用于收到东西或接受帮助后表示感谢。往往一封信的开头就能见到

    1999年03期 No.327 50-51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 134K]
  • Airline Funnies

    <正> An airline pilot was scheduled to take a flight fromNew York to Los Angeles. The weather was too badin New York to allow his usual on time departure. The weather in New York finally cleared and thepilot asked for his departure clearance. He was verydismayed to hear that he had another. delay due to theincreased traffic now leaving New York. Sometimelater he finally received his clearance and decided hewould try to make up the time lost by asking for a

    1999年03期 No.327 51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 65K]
  • 七种英语文字游戏


    <正> 英语文字游戏深受人们喜爱。玩文字游戏能激发学习者学习英语的热情,有利于扩大词汇量,增长知识,启迪智慧,发展思维。以下介绍七种英语文字游戏。读者还可以按照本文提供的一些思路,自己创造游戏作品。一、四方联词(word square):将字母排成四方形,无论横竖都可读出单词。横读与竖读读出来的单词可以相同,如例(1);也可以不同,如例(2)。

    1999年03期 No.327 52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 59K]
  • 英语里的“世外桃源”


    <正> 用英语如何表达"世外桃源" 在英语词汇里,这方面的说法有不少。例如,a lotus land,an earthly paradise,a heaven ofpeace and happiness,a beautiful retreat from the turmoil of theworld,等等。这些词语在表达上有所不同,但都体现了"世外桃源"的特点:美好、安宁,全无尘世纷争。然而,如果用英语表达我国晋朝诗人陶渊明笔下的"世外桃源"(桃花源),则往往离不开"桃花"一词,一般定译为the land ofpeach blossoms,以毛泽东诗句"陶令不知何处去,桃花源里可耕田 "为例,外文出版社出版的《毛泽东诗词》英译本(1976)翻译如

    1999年03期 No.327 53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 73K]
  • 英语委婉语


    <正> 在一些正式场合或日常交流中,人们常用一种比较婉转、文雅的话来表达一些难听的、不便直说的、粗俗的或所忌讳的事物和概念,这就是所谓的委婉语,英文叫做euphemism。前缀eu表示"好"(good),如:eugenics,eulogy等,词根pheme的意思是"话"(speech),整个单词的意思是说好听的话,即(comfortablewords)。委婉语通过语法和词汇手段来表达,其中以词汇为主,比如,It might be helpful to try the new method.I don't think shecould be wrong.这两个句子分别通过过去时和否定句来表示委婉。这种修辞方式在英语中运用得非常广泛,下面简要地介绍一下英语中一些常见的委婉语。委婉语是一种修辞,它的产生主要是为了社会交往更加方便,

    1999年03期 No.327 54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K]
  • 浅谈英语习语的分隔


    <正> 英语习语一般都是固定搭配,如addto(增加),be aware of(意识到),get ab-sorbed in(全神贯注于某事)等等。但习语中间也可能出现其他的词语,形成所谓的割裂现象。了解习语的割裂,有助于我们在阅读中预知难点。现列举常见的英语习语的分隔并对它们作简要的解释。一、习语为状语所分隔 1.为副词所分隔 (1)This was to add greatly to hisknowledge of the weather.这后来大大丰富了他对天气的认识。 (2)You have to accustom yourselfgradually to the new conditions.你得使

    1999年03期 No.327 55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 66K]


  • 有问必答


    <正> 问:附有汉译的Advanced Learner'sDictionary把continually解释为"屡屡地,再三地,不断地"。又把continuously释为"连续不断地,不停歇地"。在下面两个空白里各应填哪一个词才正确 Ships__cross the sea. This water has been boiling__forover an hour. 答:遇到这种情况,可以先看该词典的英文解释。该词典对continual的解释是:going on all the time without stop-ping,or with only short breaks。而对于continually(adv.)的解释则是again andagain;without stopping。它对continuous

    1999年03期 No.327 56-57页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 164K]



    <正> 兴趣是最好的老师,问题是怎样找到她编入Enjoy YourEnglish(EYE)的文章是从Reader's Digest(《读者文摘》)十选一的结果,是从最好的杂志中选择出来的最好的文章。兴趣是首要的,但不是唯一的。文章精采还须难易适度。没有难度就没有效率。一本生词稀少的简易读物,只有复习的功效。但是,一本英文原著又可能充满冷僻的用典和词汇,一部原版影片的台词有可能让您几乎如闻"鸟语",几日热情之后是永远的受挫感。我们采用计算机技术,按难易度分级。假如您现在想通过大

    1999年03期 No.327 61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 64K]


  • 休闲篇

    <正> After seeing the Walt Dis-ney's Sleeping Beauty, mynine-year-old daughterdanced around the house, singingthe songs heard in the movie score.Some of the lyrics puzzled herthough, and one evening she askedus what "gleam in your eye" meant."Let me put it this way," my hus-band told her. "If someday one ofyour dates shows up with a gleamin his eye, you're not leaving thishouse."

    1999年03期 No.327 62-63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 91K]


  • Marguerite Duras


    <正> 迪拉斯为雷斯内1959年所拍的影片《广岛之恋》提供了剧本。在这部以东方(从朝鲜到越 南)煽动性热点问题为题材的剧本中,她对传统叙事方式的怀疑贯串于他对时间、记忆和异域风情的迷恋之中。由于运用了当时突出的(现在仍让人不太好接受的)政治主题——战火纷飞的阴影之下的跨文化爱情——以及对形象的反复描绘和简洁、缩略的风格,这部电影上演之后,确立了迪拉斯在法国电影新潮流中的中心地位,并且使新潮电影在法国前卫文化运动中确保了核心地位。

    1999年03期 No.327 64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 202K]
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