



  • Baby Room



    1999年06期 No.330 4-6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 462K]
  • A Sister'sHelping Hand

    Nancy Sheehan;陈海君;

    <正> Heidi and Paul Jackson's twingiris,Brielle and Kyrie,wereborn October 17,1995,12 weeks aheadof their due date.Standard hospitalpractice is to place preemie twins inseparate incubators to reduce the risk ofinfection.That was done for the Jacksongirls in the neonatal intensive care unitat The Medical Center of CentralMassachusetts in Worcester.Kyrie,the larger sister at two pounds,three ounces,quickly began gainingweight and calmly sleeping her newborndays away.But Brielle,who weighedonly two pounds at birth,couldn't keepup with her.She had breathing and heartrate problems.The oxygen level in her

    1999年06期 No.330 7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 239K]
  • Acknowledging the Demon

    Kris Olsson;小云;


    1999年06期 No.330 8-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1136K]
  • Assignment in 2004

    Rebecca Winters;小林;


    1999年06期 No.330 10-11页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 541K]



  • 反对霸权,维护和平(英)


    <正> The U.S.-led NATO strike against theChinese Embassy in Belgrade is a brutalinfringement upon China's sovereignty andnational dignity,and a serious threat toworld peace and security.The U.S.-led NATO must bear fullresponsibility for the atrocity,or theChinese people will not leave the matter atthat.Any prevarication such as "mistakenbombing" or "accident" can never beaccepted.As a cold-war-time military

    1999年06期 No.330 13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 632K]


  • “Elizabeth”& Elizabeth I

    <正> The story was set in England in1554.Under the rule of QueenMary I,a devoted Catholic,England hadbecome financially difficult andreligiously unstable.Before Mary died,she set up a policy to repress Protestants.The country was full of conspiracy andterror.She even imprisoned her half-sisterand heir Princess Elizabeth in the Towerof London for suspicion of Protestantactivities.But Mary failed to kill her.After Mary died,Elizabeth becameQueen of England in November 1558,atthe age of 25.The whole countrycelebrated her succession when she

    1999年06期 No.330 14-16页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1922K]
  • Oscar Trivia


    <正> Since the first appearance of Oscar seven decades ago,the golden statuette has been representing the mostimportant award in the world of entertainment.Following are some most-asked questions andlittle-known facts about Oscar.

    1999年06期 No.330 17-19页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 990K]


  • Male Order

    Steve Biddulph;方舟;

    男人的世界有其特有的规则和秩序。父亲在儿子成长过程中的影响举足轻重。每一位父母都希望把自己的儿子培养成个性完善、成熟的男人。请看 SteveBiddulph 在他的新作 Raising Boys 里是怎么说的。

    1999年06期 No.330 20-22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 965K]
  • My Forever Valentine

    Pamela U.Altendorf;海平;

    <正> The traditional holidays in our house when Iwas a child were spent timing elaborate mealsaround football games.My father tried to makepleasant chitchat and eat as much as he could duringhalftime.At Christmas he found time to have a cupor two of holiday cheer and do his holly-shaped bowtie.But he didn't truly shine until Valentine's Day.I don't know whether it was because work at theoffice slowed during February or because the footballseason was over.But Valentine's Day was the timemy father chose to show his love for the specialpeople in his life.Over the years I fondly thought ofhim as my"Valentine Man".My first recollection of the magic he could bringto Valentine's Day came when I was six.For several

    1999年06期 No.330 23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 273K]


  • Jeep Thrills

    David Bentley;吕行;

    <正> Wildlife offers the single best reasonto visit South Africa,and there's plentyof it to keep everyone happy.DavidBentley reports.NYALA and kudu skitter through theAfrican thicket.Lions laze in the grass,playful as kittens.A herd of white rhinosstares balefully as the 4WD edgesforward with its cargo of tourists.The rhinos resume their placid tuggingat brown tufts of grass by the roadside.Oxpeckers,tiny birds that feed onparasites,ride on their backs,hunting forticks.Antelope are less accepting of humanintrusion,possibly because so many end

    1999年06期 No.330 24-25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1157K]


  • Britain International

    Martin Vander Weyer;宋云峰;


    1999年06期 No.330 26-27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 115K]
  • The Global Environment:Canadian Concerns



    1999年06期 No.330 28-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1369K]

    Jimmy Carter;刘相东;

    <正> Even before leaving the WhiteHouse,Rosalynn and I received anotice from the AmericanAssociation of Retired Persons thatwe were qualified for membership,but we considered ourselves tooyoung to face the stigma of seniorcitizenship.However,once backin Plains the point was to be drivenhome most firmly and clearly.Welive 120 miles south of Atlanta andhabitually drive back and forth toThe Carter Center and to EmoryUniversity,where I am a professor.One morning we left our housequite early and stopped to eatbreakfast in Thomaston,Georgia,about halfway to Atlanta.Therewere four of us in the car,and weall ordered about the same thing.But when the waitress brought mybill,I noticed that it was less than

    1999年06期 No.330 31页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 360K]



    John Updike;佚林;

    <正>"Sharks?"The tiP of the doetor's wife'5 freekled nose seemed to sharpenin the sParkling air.Her eyes,momentarily rendered colorless bythought,took uP the green of theCaribbean:]the Plane of the waterinterseeted her throatZ"Yes,we havesome.Big dark fellows,too.", RalPh,hanging beside her,squatting on、buoyanee,4

    1999年06期 No.330 32-37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 619K]




    1999年06期 No.330 38页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 243K]

    <正> I am one of those whoareagainst coeducation.Since we all know whatcoeducation is,let me comestraight to the point.Girls are believed to bethe most unfortunate victimsof coeducation.In mixed-sex schools,boys are oftenconsidered clever and smart.They have hundreds ofexcuses for not studying well-being too fond of play,or being absent-minded inclass,for example.But girlsare not that lucky.Once agirl fails in a maths test,for instance,the teacher willcome to the naturalconclusion that she is notclever enough.To put itmore straightforward,she isconsidered downright stupid.

    1999年06期 No.330 40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 42K]


  • American Scene Alcohol on Campus

    <正> In the Autumn of 1997,a femalestudent of a large state university inAmerica died after falling from thestaircase of her residence.She wasinebriated when she fell,and doctorsconcluded that had she not been drinking,she would have survived the impact of thefall.The accident was a catalyst for thedebate that ensued regarding the prevalenceof drinking on American campuses.Schooladministration at the campus where thisdeath occurred cited this incidentrepeatedly as an example of the negativeconsequences of excessive drinking.Drinking on campus,more often than not,

    1999年06期 No.330 43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 206K]


  • wake,waken,awake,awaken异同比较辨析


    <正> 《College English》Book Three 课后练习中有这样几个填空练习:Could you__(wake…up,awake,waken,awaken)me tomorrow morning in case I should oversleep?He was violently___(woken up,wakened up,awake)by the enemy soldier's kicks.He lay___(wake,awake,awaken) the whole night,unableto reach a decision.看似不难的几个词,完全做对的学生却寥寥无几。这几个词虽然词义相近,但在习惯用法上,仍存在细微的差别。现分析如下:一、这四个词均有及物动词和不及物动词的用法,但在使用

    1999年06期 No.330 44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 88K]
  • 六组英语同义词辨析



    1999年06期 No.330 45-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 132K]
  • 谈谈“whether”和“if”


    <正> whether 和 if 在语法及语义上各有异同,其用法和区别简述如下:一、whether 可直接用于介词之后,if 则不能。There is some question as to whether we can get there in time.I'm not interested in whether you like the plan or not.I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.It depends on whether we've got enough money.二、whether 可用于动词不定式之前,if 则不能。The decision whether to see her was mine alone.She doesn't know whether or not to go(或 whether to go or not).Will you advise me whether to accept the offer(or not)?I'm not sure whether to resign or stay on.三、whether 可引导同位语从句和表语从句,if 通常不能。

    1999年06期 No.330 48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 399K]
  • To后接动名词结构种种


    <正> 我们知道,小品词 to 有两个功能,一是作为不定式符号,后面接动词原形,一是作介词,后面接名词或动名词。但由于英语中不定式使用得非常广泛而频繁,致使人们把成语动词中的介词 to,以及与某些不及物动名词或名词构成固定搭配的介词 to,也当成不定式符号。而实际上,to 后面接动名词的结构也大量存在。这种结构有以下几种。1,有些动词后面跟一个反身代词作宾语,其后再与介词 to 搭配。这类带反身代词作宾语的动词常见的有:reconcile,devote,adjust,accommodate,adapt,address,apply,submit,accustom,resign,abandon,addict,tend,conform等。例如:We'll soon adjust(adapt)ourselvesto living in the South.我们很快就会适应南方的生活。

    1999年06期 No.330 50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K]


  • 英语中几个“颜色”词汇的比喻意义


    <正> 曾肯干等编的《英语泛读教程》(4)第一课有一句"Hehas blue blood,yours is onlyred。"此处 blue 是什么意思呢?此句摘自美国家喻户晓的汽车工业巨子艾可卡的回忆录。句中 he 指美国著名的福特汽车公司老板 Ford。显然,blue blood 在这并不是指 Ford的血是蓝的,这个短语表示某人出身高贵,其社会地位显赫,即 highbirth,或 descent from nobility。例如,He is a real blue blood.(他是真正的贵族。)英语中的 blue book 是刊载知名人士、政府高级官员名字的书。(a book listingpeople who are socially prominent.)例如,Mr.Brown became such a successfullawyer that his name was in the bluebook.(布朗先生成为一名著名的律师,他的大名被收集在名人录中。)blue 在英语中还有"情绪低落、心情

    1999年06期 No.330 51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 189K]
  • 中国人名在英语中的书写方式


    <正> 不少中国的英语学习者仍然不知道应该如何把自己的名字用英文写出来,而且国内外报刊在用英语表达中国人姓名时所用方法也是五花八门。归纳起来有如下的差异:1、姓和名哪个在前啊个在后?尊重英美人的习惯(也是大多数欧美国家的习惯),名在前,姓在后(所以英语中 first name 指名,lastname 指姓。读者在填写国外的表格时一定不要按中文习惯把 first name 栏里填上自己的姓氏了)。比如,笔者的姓名字可表示为 Ping zhang。很多旅居国外的华人华侨基本都采取这种方法,特别是很多人起了英语

    1999年06期 No.330 52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 59K]


  • 语法通信(九十四)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!在这封信中,让我们继续谈 this 作"这种情况"解的用法。在前一封信里,我们谈了"this 或 and this+状语"(状语从句与用作状语的介词短语)结构的一些用法。现在谈一下"介词+this'’的用法。这种用法也十分简洁,在口语和书面语中都很有用。现举几例如下:(1)The death of his brother in the World War I had had an effect so profound on his mother thatthe impact of this was always with him.(2)Literature must be creative;and borrowing,or imitating,or adapting material in the new state—none

    1999年06期 No.330 53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 162K]
  • 黑马与跛鸭


    <正> 媒体中常会碰到"黑马"一词,如体育比赛中首次露面就出人意料获胜的运动队或运动员,往往被称为"黑马";某些国家总统竞选中,意外的获胜者,也常被称之为"黑马"。那么,"黑马"一词是怎么产生的呢?据记载,英国政治家 BenjaminDisraeli 是第一位使用这个词汇的人。这位英国前首相还是位小说家。他在其1831年出版的小说《年轻的公爵》一书中描写了一场赛马比赛。在这场比赛里,本来夺标呼声最高的两匹马落到了后面,而一匹从未被人注意过的马却"风驰电掣般冲过看台获得最后的胜利"。由于这匹获胜的马是

    1999年06期 No.330 53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 162K]
  • 英语用法问答A-Z


    <正> doubling of consonants问:语法书上说,单音节形容词,而且是闭音节,其末尾只有一个辅音字母。如big-bigger-biggest;hot-hotter-hottest。我的问题是,slow 这个词也符合这条规则,为什么它的比较级是 slower,最高级是 slowest,字母 w 并不双写?答:这条双写规则不仅适用于加词尾-er 和-est,而且适用于其他词尾,如-ing,-ed 等等。所有的单音节词最后一个字母如果是辅音(w,y除外),而它前面的那个字母是元音时(即 a,e,i,o,u 中的任何一个),那么在加-er,-est,-ed 等词尾之前,须双写该辅音字母。例如:-er:bigger,hotter,fatter-est:biggest,hottest,fattest

    1999年06期 No.330 54-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 188K]



  • My Dream


    <正> When I was a child,I dreamed of becoming a soldier.Soldiers are heroic,brave,dedicated to others anddetermined to succeed in(all) what they do.People would often ask me,"Why do you want to be a soldier?Thereare so many more(jobs)attractive things to do(and).(w)What's more,(YOU)you are a girl!Can you(meet)bear thehardships and brave the physical and mental stresses(that are soldier's lot)as the soldiers do?"On hearing such a

    1999年06期 No.330 58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 183K]


  • Feeling Free


    <正> Kim is a deaf girl who appeared on a television program called"Feeling Free".Here are some of the things she said about herself sothat people who do hear can understand how it feels to be a deaf personin a hearing world.

    1999年06期 No.330 59-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 338K]
  • The Gift


    <正> DONNA Ashlock,a14-year-old girlfrom California,was verysick.She had a bad heart."Donna needs a new heart,"her doctors said."She musthave a new heart,or she willdie soon."Felipe Garza,15,wasworried about Donna.Felipewas Donna's friend.He likedDonna very much.He likedher freckles,and he liked hersmile.Felipe didn't wantDonna to die.Felipe talked to hismother about Donna."I'mgoing to die,"Felipe told hismother,"and I'm going togive my heart to Donna."Felipe's mother didn'tpay much attention to Felipe."Felipe is just kidding,"shethought."Felipe is not going

    1999年06期 No.330 62页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 77K]


  • 布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀


    <正> After years of bad poetry,woolen hats and unpleasant stragglybearded rock,Springsteen took note of the working classas portrayed by US cinema,assimilated the lot(from James Deanto Badlands,from Blue Collar to Wise Blood),and trundled itout in simple language and cumbersome,loud rock.By now hehad realized that Phil Spector had a stronger grip on Americanmythic pop than Bob Dylan,and that dance music would sellbetter;in 1984,'Dancing in the Dark' became the first factoryfloor disco hit and Springsteen went on to conquer the world bycomplaining about Vietnam with 'Born in the USA'(1985).Springsteen took a set of views on American post-war cultureand attached them to a supposed working man's version of

    1999年06期 No.330 64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 102K]

  • Towards a Gender Free Society

    <正> The world is sharply dividedinto masculine and feminine,because that is the way we believe itshould be.We hold this unwaveringbelief and take considerable effort tokeep this division.From the time achild is born,he or she is expected tomeet stereotypes-boys are portrayedas boisterous and disruptive,girlsconform to the expectations when theyare sweet and docile.People becomethe product of their biology.Their socialroles and identity are predeterminedby their permanent identifying attribute"sex".Males are the procucers of coolreasoning and are capable of beingleaders."Emotional" is seen to be thecharacteristic of women and their placeis at home.

    1999年06期 No.330 39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]
  • Untitled

    Daisy Tainton;

    <正> Marigolds spring open in maniac luxury,theirorange and yellow molding the airwith purr-like ripples of scent.the house is cool and tired,a self-engrossed haven't filled withpurple-parrot bamboo ashtraysand perfume not quite sufficientto kill the cigarettes' ghostshovering just above the carpet.Wasps drown in the watering can,

    1999年06期 No.330 39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]
  • 海誓山盟


    <正> ~~

    1999年06期 No.330 41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 185K]
  • 回声


    <正> ~~

    1999年06期 No.330 41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 185K]
  • 电鱼



    1999年06期 No.330 42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 349K]
  • 浅谈since引导的状语从句


    <正> 一、Since 时间状语从句所表达的意义1.在 since 时间状语从句中,谓语如用了延续性动词的一般过去时,其表达的含义恰好和动词的词义相反,具有否定的意味。例如:Since we owned a car,we have gone camping everyvear.自从我们没有汽车后,年年去野营。I haven't heard from him since he lived/was inBeijing.自从他离开北京,我没有收到过他的来信。2.Since 从句中,谓语如用了短暂性动词的一般过去时或延续性动词的现在完成时,句子的意思和动词的词义相一致.具有肯定的含义。例如:It has rained a great deal since you left.你离开后下了好些雨。I haven't got any letter from him since he began tolive in London.自从他住在伦敦后,我就没有接到过他的来信。

    1999年06期 No.330 47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]
  • 谈have sb.do sth.


    <正> have sb.do sth.,have sb.doing sth.和 have sth.done这三个句型在英语中经常会出现,如果不注意它们的区别就很容易造成理解上的困难,下面我们具体谈谈它们的意义。一.have+sb.+do sth.在 have sb.do sth.的句型中,复合宾语所包含的不定式要省去 to。表示让某人做某事。句型中的 have 可用 make,let,cause,get 等替换。如:l)The teacher had these students clean the classroom beforethe visitors came.在参观的人到来之前,教师让这些学生把教室打扫干净。2)I'll have the gardenerplant some trees.我要让园丁种些树。3)He would have had herbelieve that he was

    1999年06期 No.330 49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 52K]
  • Alexander's Horse


    <正> Young Alexander was the son of aking.He lived a prince's life in hisfather's great palace.He wore richclothes and ate fine foods.He had hisown teacher and also learned manywise things from his father.Yet very often he felt solemn andsad."Can a boy like me never enjoyhimself?"Alexander wondered.For hehad no one to play with:not evenbrothers or sisters.Other children of thecountry were not allowed to come nearthe prince's home.It is no wonder,therefore,thatAlexander was glad about the strangerswho were coming to see the king.Hehad heard that they were bringing a

    1999年06期 No.330 61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 42K]
  • Migration


    <正> An English family werereturning home afterworking for some time in a city on theMediterranean coast.They had a cat,which they could not take with themand which they decided to drown.Thecat was placed inside a bag,the bag wastied at the top,and the now very angryanimal was put in a boat.The husbandthen took the boat out to sea and threwthe bag,with the cat inside,into thewater.A few months later,the man wentback to his old job in the same town.The house where the family had livedbefore was still empty,so he returnedto it.On his first morning,while he was

    1999年06期 No.330 63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 285K]
  • 幽默

    <正> Two pals are sitting in apubwatching the eleven-o'clocknews.A report comes on about a manthreatening to jump from the 20thfloor of a downtown building.Onefriend turns to the other and says,"I'llbet you ten bucks the guy doesn'tjump.""It's a bet,"agrees his buddy.A few minutes later,the man on the

    1999年06期 No.330 63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 285K]
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