


  • 美貌不过一张皮

    <正> 意谓外在美不过是表面现象,内在美更为重要。这句谚语可追溯到英国诗人、散文家托马斯·奥弗伯里(ThomasOverbury,1581—1613)约1613年所写的诗篇《妻子》(A Wife)。在美国这一格言首见于1710年。此格言有多种其他的变化形式:Beauty is but skin-deep./Beauty is only skin-deep in the eye ofthe beholder./Beauty isn't always skin-

    2005年07期 No.403 1页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 259K]


  • 2005年,你的暑期如何渡过?

    <正> 伴随着我国申奥的成功,外语学习不断升温。对于外语(尤其是英语)的掌握已成为民众的基本素质要求之一。大众购买外语书、学习外语的热情高涨。然而,由于外语图书种类繁多,读者往往在选购时,因为对图书内容不够了解或对自身英语水平没有准确的定位,而不能在琳琅满目的外语书海中挑选到满意的教材和读物。外研社作为国内最大的外语出版基地,始终坚持"面向全民外语教育,提供全面解决方案"的原则,想读者之所想,急读者之所急。2005年暑期,外研社将在北京、广州、成都、西安、沈阳等8大城市陆续开展丰富多彩的图书推介活动,详情敬请关注 http://www.fltrp.com。

    2005年07期 No.403 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 366K]


  • 死不瞑目

    <正> 一名加拿大男子对北美冰球联盟(NHL)的首脑们发出了诅咒——从坟墓里面。84岁的阿奇·本尼茨是来自渥太华附近安大略省卡纳塔市的一名狂热冰球迷,他用自己的讣告咒骂了 NHL 专员加里·贝特曼以及 NHL 球员工会总干事鲍勃·古得诺,原因是罢工使得球迷在这个赛季无球可看。这份讣告刊登在《渥太华公民报》上,是本尼茨45岁的儿子大卫在父亲的病床前按其口授撰写的。在讣告中,本尼茨称贝特曼和古得诺为"臭鼬,因为他们剥夺了他在今年通过电视观看 NHL 比赛的乐趣。"他还要求贝特曼下台,把管理联盟的

    2005年07期 No.403 5-6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 228K]
  • 两年撞车400次?

    <正> 柏林的警察在两年中造成了将近400起撞车事故,因此而报废的车辆达到21台。尽管如此,他们还是拒绝接受大马力车辆使自己变成了坏司机的说法。反对派的领袖们指出,事故从2002年开始大幅度上升,正好与警方新配备260台高性能宝马车的时间相吻合。"你不能根据这些统计数据就得出柏林警察开车不规矩的结论,"一位警方发言人说。"你得把情况分开来看。这些事故中有一些不过是后视镜撞掉或者保险杠受损之类的小问题。"柏林的一些报纸认为,事故如此多发的原因是警察们所受的训练不够,不懂如何驾驶那些177马力的高

    2005年07期 No.403 7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 187K]
  • 图书馆新法

    <正> 一条旨在防止图书馆读者散发臭气的全新县级法规诞生了。从1994年开始,圣路易斯-奥比斯波县的各个图书馆就已经有了禁止令人不快的体味的内部规定,这一政策到2005年1月更升格成了法律,当时县督导委员会采纳了一条法规,授权图书馆将体有异味的客人扫地出门。该县的14个图书馆和一个流动图书馆也可以把在馆内打斗、吃喝、睡觉、玩游戏以及用馆内电脑打印或浏览非法材料

    2005年07期 No.403 7-8页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 313K]
  • 怕仓鼠孤单

    <正> 德国警方的一位发言人说,一名德国男子在前去度假时没有关掉家里的灯和立体声音响,为的是不让独守空房的宠物仓鼠感到孤寂。在此之前,警方破门闯入了他的房子,原因是他们担心屋主可能已经死亡。不来梅市的警方发言人说,警方接到邻居的举报,得知此人房里的音乐已经连续高声播放了五天,而灯也一直开着,于是破门而入。警方说,他们敲了门,但却无人应答。"我们担心屋主可能已经死亡,要不就

    2005年07期 No.403 9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 108K]


  • 日本的历史遗忘症(英文)

    Gerard Jones;张玉琴;

    <正> It is often said that three times is a charm,and theJapanese public and its politicians may very wellhave been charmed by Prime Minister JunichiroKoizumi's recent visit to Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine forthe fourth year in a row.Like a batter who has used up his three strikes,MrKoizumi may be batting Japan out of the prospects offorging the kind of relations that North-east Asia haslong been needing.

    2005年07期 No.403 10-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 228K]
  • 从丑小鸭到白天鹅——安徒生诞辰200周年纪念(英文)

    Alan Riding;晏筱;

    <正> In his lifetime,Hans ChristianAndersen was Denmark's mostfamous native son.Yet even afterhis fairy tales won him fame and fortune,he feared he would be forgotten.He neednot have worried.Denmark began eightmonths of celebrations to coincide withthe bicentenary of his birth.And it iseager that the world take note.The festivities began on Andersen'sactual birthday,with a lively show of

    2005年07期 No.403 14-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 657K]


  • 美国学者谈两岸关系新走向(英文)


    <正> T:Tian Wei,anchor of Dialogue,CCTV-9L:Kenneth Liberthal,professor of political science,Universityof MichiganT:As someone who has been watching closely the issuesof the East Asia for years,how do you look at thesignificance of the mainland trips of Lian Zhan andSong Chuyu?L:I think these trips are very important.They reallyopen up a new level of dialogue across the TaiwanStrait.I think they've given the people in Taiwana different kind of view of the mainland.As thepeople going back to their old homestead,they'vebeen welcomed by the Party and state leaders inBeijing,and they had a chance to express viewsand to express them in a place like Peking

    2005年07期 No.403 18-23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 357K]


  • 埃迪·克伦茨:小报新闻大师


    <正> 事实和报道之间的关系一直很微妙。没有什么场景经过人眼之后能保持原貌,没有什么场景能被原原本本地诉诸笔端。但置身于这样的矛盾中的同时,很多记者还在同一些更卑劣的诱惑作斗争。他们真正想写进文章中的是非比寻常的"事实".也就是某人大打电话提供的、让人惊诧得张口结舌的报道,只要他们能自圆其说,就可以得到通栏大字标题的位置。在这一点上.埃迪·克伦茨比大多数人体会更深,而且他从不抵制这种诱惑。作为《世界新闻周刊》的策划者和20年的主编,他的乐趣就是刊登他能发现的最荒诞怪异的故事。他称自己为马戏团老板,而不是编辑,以一系列无穷尽的怪诞稀奇的东西把读者吸引到他的"帐篷"中来。

    2005年07期 No.403 24-25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 131K]
  • 打响法语文化保卫战!(英文)

    Alan Riding;海客;

    <正> Surrounded by the 13 million books in the French National Library,Jean-No(?)l Jeanneney has good reason to feel safe from the frequentincursions of American popular culture and technology intocontemporary French life.Indeed,for many French,the vast library overwhich he presides is a reassuring symbol of the durability of Frenchliterature and thought.Yet Jeanneney,who has headed the library since 2002,is not one tolower his guard.And he was immediately alarmed in December when heread that Google planned to scan 15 million English-language books andmake them available as digital files on the Web.In his view,rather thandemocratizing knowledge,Google's move would further strengthenAmerican power to set a global cultural agenda.

    2005年07期 No.403 26-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 349K]


  • Google的挑战:法国反击美国文化霸权


    <正> 在进入正题之前,先转述中国旅英学者赵毅衡先生说过的两件关于法国人在使用语言方面的趣事。一件事发生在2000年3月.巴黎戴高乐机场决定空中调度全部使用英语。哪怕驾驶员和地面调度都是法国人也一律使用英语,原因是外国驾驶员一直抱怨听不懂法国调度员在说什么,视出入戴高乐机场为畏途。这显然与1994年法国通过的关于使用法语的《杜宝法》(La LoiToubon)精神不相符合,但毕竟人命关天,这个问题让法国官员伤透了脑筋。当时就有人在美国的《华尔街日报》上撰文嘲笑他们"不识时务"。另一件事发生在一次国际会议上,一位法国教授坚持用法语发言,虽然台下大部分学者的法语水平不足以听懂学术报告,但全场始终保持沉默,听完后还礼貌地鼓了鼓掌。可一

    2005年07期 No.403 29-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K]


  • I low to Be a Tourist,When You Live in NYC

    Jean Wen;

    <正> My German friend Volker,who I visited last January inRome is coming to visit me.Though he is a Germanworking on his combined Bachelors & Masters degree atthe University of Maastricht in the Netherlands,he has been living inRome this last year as part of a European Erasmus program.He wasthe perfect host in Rome.He showed me and my friend Vanessa all thebig sites--enough to satisfy the overachiever-tourist as Vanessa.Ihave a different style as a tourist.Though I enjoy the sites,I enjoy justliving like the people in the country I'm visiting.To satisfy my touristgoals,Volker and I enjoyed several long afternoons just hanging out in

    2005年07期 No.403 31-33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 512K]
  • 最差劲儿的教学楼(英文)

    Thomas H.Benton;杨眉;

    <正> I was meditating in the men'sroom down the hall from myoffice,and it occurred to methat humanities departments oftenhave the worst buildings andfacilities on the campus.Is your toilet paper a giganticroll in a locked plastic case(toprevent you from stealing it)?Doesthe roller have a spindle so stiff

    2005年07期 No.403 34-37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 353K]


  • 花草幽语(英文)

    Cheryl Grady Mercier;汀兰;

    <正> She laughed to herself,"Ispeak the language offlowers and he thelanguage of plants." She loved flowers.Each spring from theage of six until twenty,she pickeddaisies and violets and lily-of-the-valley and put them in glasses on the kitchentable.She doodled flowers and tried to paintthem in art class.She put the lily-of-the-valleyin her room and loved their smell.The spring she turned nineteen,she met himin college.She had been seeing someone else

    2005年07期 No.403 38-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 509K]


  • 消灭贫困

    <正> 如果不是那些天灾人祸,比如东南亚海啸、非洲流血冲突,世界上生活在"赤贫"中的人们,恐怕很难吸引住富国的目光。但是,贫穷的威胁早已远远超过许多人的想象: 正是这位美国经济学家杰弗里·萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)教授,率领众多的经济学家、科学家和发展战略专家制定了刚刚公布的"联合国千禧计划"(United Nations Millennium Project)——

    2005年07期 No.403 44-45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 119K]


  • 恋恋笔记本(英文)



    2005年07期 No.403 46-50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 897K]


  • 盐一样的智慧


    <正> 有这么一个故事:长者带领村民日夜兼程,要把盐运送到某地换成大麦过冬。有一天晚上.他们露宿于荒野.星空灿烂。长者依然用世代祖先所传下来的方法.取出3粒盐块投入营火,占卜山间天气的变化……大家都在等待长者的"天气预报"若听到火中盐块发出"噼里啪啦"的声响,那就是好天的预兆,若是毫无声息,那就象征天气即将变坏,风雨随时来临。

    2005年07期 No.403 51-53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 205K]


  • 单身日记(英文)

    Katharine Wang;

    <正> Under the hazy lights of the"modern"hanging light bulbs in Palo Alto'svegetarian restaurant,I lazily scanned the area.Plush yet also simple indesign,the rooms were horrifically futuristic-vegetarian.I,attired in mytrusty jeans,white shirt,and denim jacket,was looking for the"in".What's new?What's hot?It was all there.I sat with a group of girlfriends on the sidewall;a place dangerously below amodem artifact made out of stainless steel and was gliding only two feet abovemy head.If you want to know what it feels like to be below a guillotine...nowyou know.My friend's friends were at the bar trying to charm some alcohol from

    2005年07期 No.403 54-57页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 787K]
  • 人权与公民权利宣言


    <正> 第一条人人生而拥有且保持自由,在权利上一律平等。社会差别只能基于对公共利益的考虑。第二条每一种政治联合体的目的均在于保护自然的与不可剥夺的人权。这些权利是:自由、财产、安全与反抗压迫。第三条一切主权在本质上均源于国家。任何团体、任何个人均不得行使任何并非明确来自国家的权威。

    2005年07期 No.403 58-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 166K]
  • 击剑与奥运会(英文)

    Jeanne Knechtges;张锜;

    <正> Since the beginning of humankind,humans have tried to enhance theirphysical strength by utilizingweapons to defend themselves againstanimals or other human beings.Forexample,in ancient Greece,the Greeksused short swords,long spears,ordifferent shapes of weapons to fightagainst their enemies.They woreprotective gear such as helmets,armors,round shields,metal fitted boots to protectthemselves during their battles.The use of

    2005年07期 No.403 74-76页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 178K]


  • 七月决心(英文)

    Nancy Gibbs;紫云清;

    <正> Forget January.The time to turn over a newleaf is when the leaves are full. Maybe the reason we never keep our NewYear's resolutions is that we have thestart date wrong.There is little that feelsnew or resolute about January 1,when the days areshort,the trees bare and in much of the countrypeople are wrapped in so many layers that no one cantell if they shed that extra holiday weight or not.Surely there is a better time to turn the leaf,scrubyour goals,and fix what's broken.The Mesopotamians,who invented New Yearabout 4,000 years ago,celebrated in March,after thespring equinox;the Egyptians chose September,

    2005年07期 No.403 61-63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 289K]
  • “博客”来了(英文)


    <正> In the early days of the Internet,each new page was a causefor celebration.The early pioneers watched in excitement asthe network grew,and they wanted to keep people informedabout this growth.Now,home pages are so yesterday.Youwere cool 10 years ago if you had a home page.Today blogsare Where it's at.

    2005年07期 No.403 64-65页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K]


  • Fashion in Words poc与gahoo的变迁(英文)

    Jon Lu;

    <正> Be warned readers of the EnglishLanguage Learning magazine:since2004"POD"people are among us!Maybe your holiday shopping during the ChineseNew Year included a new,slick-looking"pod"coffeemaker,a single-serving machine that breweach cup of coffee from an individually wrappedbag.If you are an IPod lover,the portable musicplayer from Apple Computer,you are among themillions of people who bought them in the past

    2005年07期 No.403 66-67页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 38K]

    <正> Suhua:GIVE and TAKE is another pair of oppositesfrequently used in everyday English.Shall we talkabout these two words?Susan:Putting GIVE and TAKE together like this,GIVE-and-TAKE,has a meaning of its own.It is a noun,and it means you are exchanging ideas andforming new ones as a result of this exchange.Alllife is based on GIVE-and-TAKE.

    2005年07期 No.403 68-69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 44K]


  • 税收与代议制

    Niall Ferguson;宏刚;

    <正> 自古雅典时期以来,征税与政治代议之间的联系就一直是民主制的核心尽管人们已赋予了(并将继续赋予)"民主"(demos)不同的定义。伯里克利统治的雅典曾指望有产阶级为公众节日和制造战舰的开销买单,并在公元前418年推出了一种财产税,用以支付伯罗奔尼撒战争的费用。这样做的后果就是民主制的出现(当然,只有有产阶级的精英才能拥有自己的代表)关于税收的决策由成年男性公民参加的群众大会制定.并由一个五百人组成的理事会负责执行。

    2005年07期 No.403 70-73页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 149K]

  • 领袖们的荣耀


    <正> 有些人也许会批评美国总统乔治·布什、副总统迪克·切尼以及国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德在伊拉克战争中的做法,但这并不妨碍两位前康奈尔大学昆虫学家以这三位政要的名字来给甲虫命名。前昆虫学及植物科学教授昆廷·惠勒及2001级博士凯利·B.米勒最近命名了65种新发现的甲虫,并为 Agathidium 属的三种甲虫冠上了美国政府成员的名字,分别是A.bushi Miller and Wheeler,A.cheneyi Millerand Wheeler 以及 A.rumsfeldi Miller and

    2005年07期 No.403 4-5页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 191K]
  • 大网捕小贼

    <正> 德国官方宣布他们已经开始使用配备有红外摄像机的警用直升机来抓捕那些夜间出没的"涂鸦艺术家",对外界关于此举纯属小题大做的批评置若罔闻。内政部发言人雷纳·林根塔尔说,这一旨在现场抓获破坏分子的新举措成效明显。不过,绿

    2005年07期 No.403 6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 117K]
  • 驱鸟装置的语言破绽

    <正> 中国进口了一台美国制造的"尖叫机器",用以惊走首都机场的鸟类——没想到,乌儿们对它发出的声音没有概念,还是不肯挪窝。据《北京晚报》报道,这台驱鸟装置中录有美国鸟类的尖叫声,还有鸟类天敌发出的声音。报纸说:"本地鸟儿听不懂驱鸟装置讲的外语。"有鉴于此,中国专家们把这些美国鸟类的声音"翻译"成了中国同种鸟类的语言。"工作人员已经录下了六、七种在北京很常见的鸟儿的尖叫声,"报纸还补充说,

    2005年07期 No.403 8-9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 234K]
  • Excerpts

    <正> "I am no one special,just a common man with common thoughts.I've leda common life,There are no monuments dedicated to me and mv name willsoon be forgotten.But in one respect,I've succeeded as gloriously asanyone who ever lived.I've loved another with all my heart and soul and forme that has always been enough."

    2005年07期 No.403 50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 330K]
  • Did you know?

    <正> The International Fencing Federation(FIE)was founded on 29 November1913 in Paris by the national fencing representatives of France,Italy,GreatBritain,Germany,Belgium,Bohemia,Holland,Hungary,and Norway.From 1920to 1936,there was the"Championnats du Monde,"a fencing competition heldfrom 1 to 15 August each year,with fencers from countries around the worldtaking part.This competition took place in the interim between Olympic events.

    2005年07期 No.403 76页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 41K]
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