


  • Josephine's Leave

    <正> Got a memo from the Associate Head of the Department,saying that Ms.Josephine lp,who's been serving as the De-partmental Executive Officer (EO) for the last seven years,isleaving at the end of May."She intends to settle in Toronto,Canada.If you would like to contribute to a gift as a souvenirof her time with us,please see Kit in OT401 before Wednes-day,28 May,"the memo goes.

    1997年11期 No.311 33-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 68K]


  • 语法通信(八十七)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!不久以前,有一位读者问到如何解释下面句子中的动词 lay:(1)The surplus grain problem has always been the main trouble.Eachyear some of the cultivated lands has to lay uncultivated.我曾简单地回答说,这里的 lay 是一种传统用法;按照语法与逻辑应改用 lie.其实,这个问题并没有这样简单。

    1997年11期 No.311 59-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 46K]
  • 作业是中学英语教学中的重要环节


    <正> 作业在整个英语教学过程中起着非常重要的作用。实践证明:一个教师如果只注重备课、上课,而对学生的作业不重视,随意布置作业或只布置不批改,最后,尽管课上得很好,教学效果是不会很好的。作业是学生接受、巩固新知识过程中不可缺少的一个环节。老师的课上得再好,要靠学生通过作业慢慢消化理解,成为自己的东西。老师改作业,纠正学生的错误,绝不是做无用功。

    1997年11期 No.311 73-76页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 139K]
  • 英文礼仪电报用语


    <正> 礼仪电报在电报文中所占比率极大,它属于社交电文的一部分。在拍发时用词造句要简练,而表达的意义又要准确。电文要真情流露,适时表达祝贺、安慰、鼓励、哀悼之意。常用礼仪电报用语如下:①兹祝福:BEST WISHES FOR...②兹祝贺:CONGRATULATIONS ON...

    1997年11期 No.311 81-82页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 33K]
  • Normal University 是否杜撰?


    <正> 报载,为迎接香港回归,国家教委于1997年6月6日在北京举办了京、沪、澳、港大学生迎香港回归英语演讲比赛。在观看比赛的电视实况转播时,恰好听到主持人在介绍参赛大学的名单,其中有个叫 Beijing Normal University,指的是北京师范大学。记得以前也见到过 normal university 的说法,这次又听到这么说,忍不住使人想分辨几句,以正视听。翻遍案头辞书,也未能找到 normal university 这个词条,所列出的只有

    1997年11期 No.311 83-84页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]
  • Vocabulary Builder(29) Size and Shape


    <正> 1.Read the following passages and decide what the objects are.Object One:It is square.It is 31 centimetres long and 31 centimetres high.Itis made of cardboard and is about 15 millimetres thick.There arepictures and words on both sides of the cardboard.At one endthere is an opening.You put a thin round black plastic disc into

    1997年11期 No.311 85-87页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 41K]


  • 外刊阅读高频单词精选(十)


    <正> 词条:sift[sift]vi.释义:to make a close examination of(things in a mass or group)(LM)例句:Judge Cohen's commission would take years to sift through the evi-dence.考恩法官率领的调查团得花上几年时间来仔细审察这些证据。I sifted through my coat pockets but could not find the lottery ticketwith the winning number.

    1997年11期 No.311 61-63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 66K]


  • 贺氏英文法专栏

    <正> 本期登载的是《贺氏英文法全书》中有关主动语态与被动语态转换的另外一部分。5.主动语态为"S.+V.+不定词(有受词)"之转换:agree/arrange/determine/decide/demand/be anxious/be determined之类的动词之后"有受词的不定词"通常都是用"that...(should)+被动不定词"代替主动语态里的不定词。如:(1)主:They decided to sell the apartment.(他们决定卖掉这套公寓。)被:They decided that the apartment(should)be sold.

    1997年11期 No.311 88-90页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 73K]

  • Exploring the Red Planet in search of life

    Michael Carroll;

    <正> By the time you read this,three spacecraft should bespeeding toward Mars,part of an armada that will in-vade our celestial neighbor in the coming decade.Thesemissions may answer the question given new prominence this pastyear: Does life exist on Mars?The first spacecraft to arrive will be Mars Pathfinder,on Ju-ly 4.Pathfinder will plow into the martian atmosphere at a speed

    1997年11期 No.311 3-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 165K]
  • Thomas Edison Father of the Future

    Jonas Hughes;

    <正> Thomas Edison was the greatest inventor who ever lived.He gave the world the electric light,the motion picturecamera,and he made the first sound recordings.If oneperson can be said to have led the world into the age of technologyit was Thomas Alva Edison.Not only did he invent and perfectmany of the technologies vital to the modern world,he also set

    1997年11期 No.311 11-14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K]
  • Tony Blair,Britain's New Prime Minister


    <正> The landslide vitory bythe Labour Party inthis year's generalelection was so overwhelmingthat it shocked everyone,in-cluding Labour and its leader,Tony Blair.His achievementwas twofold: he had mod-

    1997年11期 No.311 15-18页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 77K]
  • Do you know?

    <正> 142.What is the difference be-tween a deer fleeing fromhunters and a midget witch?143.Which is most valuable,apaper dollar bill,or a silverdollar?144.What trembles at each breathof air;yet it can bear theheaviest burdens?

    1997年11期 No.311 18+26页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 35K]
  • Who's the Next Pope?


    <正> The Vatican in Rome is the headquarters of the CatholicChurch and it is also one of the most secretive instiu-tions in the world.But there is one thing that the Vati-can cannot conceal or deny.Pope John Paul Ⅱ,the head of thechurch and spiritual leader of 900 million Catholics,is in declininghealth and could soon be dead.At the beginning of his term,he was famous for his vigour

    1997年11期 No.311 19-22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 77K]
  • An Old American Mother


    <正> I work part time in the international student affairs officeat UMKC and part of my responsibilities is providinghousing information to the newcomers to UMKC andmaking temporary housing arrangements for those who have justarrived.As I am the only Chinese working in the office,naturallynew students from China would often turn to me for help.It was

    1997年11期 No.311 23-26页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]
  • Clearing out the Castles


    <正> Fifty years ago,much of Britain's power and wealth belonged tothe aristocracy.But today many of these once rich and powerfulfamilies are having to sell their possessions to survive.

    1997年11期 No.311 27-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 64K]
  • Sex Slaves in Europe


    <正> Each year,an estimated half a million women are illegally broughtinto the European Union and forced to become prostitutes.Mostcome from Eastern and Central Europe,where they are lured intothe sex trade with promises of a better life.

    1997年11期 No.311 30-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 59K]
  • 青香蕉

    Donald Batchelder;王文丽;

    <正> 也许,人们在那儿都会碰上这样的事。但我同青香蕉的邂逅却是从巴西腹地的一条陡峭的山路上开始的。当时,我正驾着那辆老吉普车费劲地翻越景色壮观的山区。突然间,散热器漏水了,而最近的修理站也在十里开外。过热的引挚使我不得不在下一个村庄停了下来。村子里有一家小杂货店,周围有些零星房舍。村民们围上来观看,只见从散热器外壳上的小洞里,往外喷射出三股细细的热水柱。"这

    1997年11期 No.311 37-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 103K]
  • 概念车

    Ron Cogan;张弦;

    <正> 没有方向盘!在梅赛迪—奔驰 F200概念车里,你会找不到方向盘,也没有加速器和制动踏板。取而代之的是在无噪音的驾驶室内,装在仪表板上的测式操纵杆,向前推是加速,向后拉是制动。前门两边的操纵盘上都装有方向操纵杆。为什么要有这样奇特的设制?其目的是为了显示未来汽车电子集成电路驾驶技术的潜在能量。集成电路驾驶技术已用于油门的联接与切断,它取代了普通机械系统,完全由电脑和电子机械系统控制。

    1997年11期 No.311 41-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • 轨道救生船

    Stuart F.Brown;田卓楠;

    <正> 如果在未来的国际空间站中发生了意外事故或是有人得了疾病,宇航员们需要立即返回地球,那怎么办呢?美国航天局的答案是令一艘救生船终日停靠在空间站。该航天机构已委托制造一种试验性的、命名为"X—38"的宇航员返回船。试验搭载六名宇航员,用伞降软着陆方式返回家园,而不采用航天飞机那种不太好掌握的高速着陆。

    1997年11期 No.311 43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 25K]
  • The Red Dog

    Howard Maier;

    <正> This is the story of a dog named Spook.From his nose tothe point of his tail,he was a king.As a king,he ruledme with love.When I was called into the army,I had no close friend totake care of my dog.For a long time I thought about what Ishould do with him.At last I put Spook in the car.We went to a little valley

    1997年11期 No.311 44-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 99K]
  • The Two Things

    Sue Cason;

    <正> Taffie watched as herfather unloaded thetubs of fish from hisbattered trawler,"Morning,Taffie,"he grinned,droppinga tub half-filled with speckledflathead onto the trolley."Mornin’,Dad,"shecalled."Did you have a goodnight ?""Filthy night,"he grum-bled."The sea was sidewayschoppy and the prawns were

    1997年11期 No.311 50-58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 157K]
  • What Is a Sister?

    Carey Martin;

    <正> A sister is someone more special than words.She's love mixedwith ftiendship;the best things in life.She's so much innerbeauty blended together with an outward appearance that bringsa smile to the happiness in your heart.A sister is one of the most precious people in the story of

    1997年11期 No.311 58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 12K]
  • 浅析英语连系动词的语义分类


    <正> 英语中的连系动词(Copular 或 Linking Verb)是构成英语七种基本句型的主要动词之一,它连接主语和补语,不能单独作谓语。连系动词不仅具有表层语义(词典上能查得到的具体语义),而且还具有深层的语义。全面透彻地认识和理解连系动词的语义对准确地理解和表达句子的意思大有裨益。为了便于掌握连系动词的语义,笔者将从以下几个方面对连系动词从语义上进行较详细的分类和说明。

    1997年11期 No.311 64-69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 162K]
  • 一组程度副词用法举例


    <正> 英语中表示程度的副词很多,形态各异,用法、译法也非常灵活。本文只探讨一些较特殊的程度副词的意义及用法:1.bad a.坏的,badly ad.非常;很(厉害)He was badly hurt.他伤得很厉害。We are badly in need of hands.我们急需要人手。2.terrible a.可怕的,terribly ad.非常;很I was terribly sorry.我非常抱歉。The poor girl was terribly,tragically sad.

    1997年11期 No.311 70-72页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 63K]
  • 一个特殊的关系代词—than


    <正> than 除可做连词、介词外,还可以作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句。Ⅰ.than 作关系代词只用于表示不等同的比较或先行词被 the other 修饰时。这时的 than 既有关系代词的作用,又具有连词的性质。There are more people present today than are expected.He smoked fewer cigarettes than were normally available.You spent more money than was intended to be present.He is the other man than I want to see.(=He is not the man whom Iwant to see.)

    1997年11期 No.311 77页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 18K]
  • 谈主语修饰语


    <正> 有时,在句子主语之前或之后会出现一个介词短语来修饰说明句子主语,这些修饰语被看作是句子主语的一部分,但却不影响句子中的动词形式。句中的动词只与主语本身保持一致。主语修饰语经常有下列介词短语:1.with...One man with his wife,looking very anxious,was asking the guard tolet them through.有个男人带着他的妻子,看上去很焦虑,正在恳求那位看守放行。

    1997年11期 No.311 78-80页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 81K]
  • Blue Jeans


    <正> Levi Strauss was born in 1830,in Bavaria.He went tothe U.S.A when he was 17 years old.When he arrivedin New York,he was poor.For the first few years,heworked as a traveling salesman for his two brothers.He was stillpoor.But Levi Strauss was young.He wanted adventure and suc-cess.He wanted to make money.At that time,people in the eastbegan to hear stories about the west.They heard about a wonder-

    1997年11期 No.311 91-93页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 57K]
  • The Beaver Bounces Back

    Penny Snyder;刘俊凤;

    <正> As a student in wildlife biology,I was often up before thesun to observe some creature in its natural habitat.Iwanted to be a biologist,so I was excited when I waschosen to be part of a study on beavers.I was one of many observers in a research effort taking placeall over the western United States.My job had two parts:torecord beaver activity each day,and to record any other animals Isaw at"My"site,a damaged meadow stream in Utah.The colony I observed was known to have two adult beavers

    1997年11期 No.311 93-96页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 92K]
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