




    <正> 在一个物欲膨胀的世界里,特雷莎嬷嬷是一盏爱与仁慈的明灯。她的离去留下了一个无法填补的空白。今年九月是特雷莎嬷嬷辞世一周年,谨以此文表示纪念。

    1998年08期 No.320 4-6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 634K]

    简墨;Dr.Kay Redfield Jamison;

    <正> Flights of the MindThere is a particular kind ofpain,elation,loneliness,andterror involved in this kind ofmadness.When you're high it's tremendous,The ideas and feelings arefast and frequent like shooting stars,and youfollow them until you find better and brighterones.Shyness goes,the right words andgestures are suddenly there,the power to

    1998年08期 No.320 7-9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 154K]

    Ruth Shalit;白帝;

    <正> 在美国,大大小小的人物都可能因性丑闻而被传上法庭。而一些被控有性骚扰行为的人们却发起了反攻,试图为自己开脱罪名。 When Harmon Zeigler,a professor inAmerican politics at the University ofPuget Sound,tore open the official-looking envelope that appeared in hismailbox one mellow autumn day five years ago,hereceived some disheartening news.Inside the envelope were two letters from hisdean,Tom Davis,outlining charges of sexual ha-rassment filed against Zeigler by three female stu-

    1998年08期 No.320 10-11页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 193K]
  • Voices from the Grave

    Graham Lloyd;

    <正> 当今世界,罪犯和犯罪的手段愈益狡猾,但侦破的方法也日趋先进,正所谓道高一尺,魔高一丈。法医技术的迅速发展,加上公众的帮助,一些长期悬而未决的案子得以昭白于天下。 Violent criminals with something to hidehave more reason than ever to beparanoid about a tap on the shoulderwhich could send them to jail.Queensland police are working through abacklog of unsolved murders with some dramaticsuccess.Greater co-operation between the publicand various law enforcement agencies is playing a

    1998年08期 No.320 12-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 283K]


  • 泰坦尼克号谜语

    吴刚;Charles Krauthammer;


    1998年08期 No.320 14-16页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 732K]
  • A Titanic Love Affair


    <正> 在全球引起轰动的大制作影片《泰坦尼克号》以咄咄逼人之热一举夺得11项奥斯卡大奖而独领风骚。 Even James Cameron is,he says,"alittle bit mystified"by the passionatereaction to his movie.The director ofTitanic has been tirelessly circling theworld to promote his film's opening.Audiences donot always laugh at the same jokes,he has discov-ered.But whether it is Moscow or Tokyo or Rome,they all cry at the same places.The dimensions of the mania,as we well know,are extraordinary.They love it in Slovenia.It is

    1998年08期 No.320 17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 175K]



  • The World Cup

    <正> Next to the Olympics,the qua-drennial World Cup is surelythe most popular sport event inthe world.Though we are as faraway from it as ever,the Chinese people areshowing more and more concern and thematches relayed through the satellite arewatched by an increasingly large audience.Iremember reading in the papers the other daythat a woman in Xi'an couldn't stand theway her husband neglected her every night towatch the matches on the TV,and as he

    1998年08期 No.320 27-28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 478K]


  • Electric Cigs Bid to Stub Out Unwanted Smoke

    <正> Acigarette that does not smoulderbetween puffs is about to betested in the US and Japan.Itcomes with a battery-poweredcigaretteholder and has been developed forsmokers who want to avoid annoying otherswith their habit.The micro-electronic system cost$100 million to develop during a decade ofresearch by 80 scientists in Richmond,Vir-ginia.Manufacturers Philip Morris claim it

    1998年08期 No.320 29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 485K]
  • 21世纪的电冰箱


    <正> 使用电冰箱的开销有望大大减低。美国能源部新近颁布文件,对2001年7月1日以后生产的冰箱、冷柜规定了新的能耗标准。据此,下一代冰箱的能耗必须在现有基础上降低30%。对生产者来说,实现降低能耗的主要途径是改进压缩机性能,例如降低机油粘度和缩小轴承偶合间隙。另外,还要加大密封层厚度,提高电风扇效率,扩大压缩机和散热线圈面积。生产者将加大革新力度,

    1998年08期 No.320 30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 132K]
  • 会说话的激光


    <正> 两名美国突击队员正监视着向他们逼近的敌人。他们两者的观察点相距一英里多,在不允许使用无线电情况下,如何沟通呢?答案是通过他们手中的望远镜。那两名突击队员只须按动开关,透过望远镜看着对方就可以象使用无线电一样地"对讲",媒体就是激光。望远镜是与全球定位系统导航装置联接的,所以也可传递已记录下的有关观察目标的数据资料。激光波幅极宽,传递速度惊人。在不远的将来,

    1998年08期 No.320 31页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 140K]


  • The Truth about Pyecraft


    <正> He sits not a dozen yards away.IfI glance over my shoulder I cansee him.Poor old Pyecraft!Thefattest clubman in London.Pyecraft-I made the acquaintance ofPyecraft in this very smoking-room.I was ayoung,nervous new member,and he saw it.I was sitting alone,wishing I know more ofthe members,and suddenly he came,agreat wiling front of chins and stomachs to-wards me,and grunted and sat down in achair close by me,and then addressed

    1998年08期 No.320 32-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 227K]


  • 语法通信(九十一)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!江西读者孙如玉来信问:leave sth to sb,leave sthfor sb,leave sth with sb 有什么区别?leave sth to sb 通常有两种不同的含义。一是"遗留或遗赠某物给某人",实例如:(1)He left a big fortune to his son.(2)He left all his money to his family.(3)He had this farm in the hills and he lefc it to mycousin Theodore when he died.

    1998年08期 No.320 36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • 英语词汇迅速发展的原因及构词特点


    <正> 语言是社会生活的反映和表现形式,词汇是语言最敏感、最活跃的因素,社会生活的发展变化,必然伴随着语言和词汇的丰富和发展,加之国际间政治、经济、文化、科技的一体化日渐加强,各种语言之间相互借鉴和吸收,使语言和词汇更加丰富。当代英美等国社会生活变化纷繁,科学技术发展迅猛,英语日益成为世界性语言,其词汇的发展和更新换代更加迅速。莎士比亚时代记录的英语词汇约有十四万个,而1989年出版的《牛津英语词典》(The Oxford English Dictionary)第二版收录的词条就已高达六十一万六千五百个。二十世纪以来,特别是近五十年,英语中出现了大量的新词新义。根据《巴恩哈特词典伴侣》(The Barahart Dictionary Companion)杂志的统计,每年进入他们的计算机数据库的新词和新义达到1500-1600个。如今英语已成为世界上词汇量最大的语种。

    1998年08期 No.320 37-38页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 287K]
  • 常见的英美语词汇拼写差异


    <正> 虽然英国英语和美国英语都是来源于伊丽莎白一世时期,但美国英语在第一次世界大战后逐渐形成了其独有的特点。然而,我国的英语教学自1949年以来一直以英国标准英语为准。现在高校的英语老教师绝大部分接受的教育是以六十年代初期英国英语系统教育为主的,他们无论在语音、词汇拼写、语法、遣词和用语等方面都是英国英语式的。即使中年英语教师受到的英语教育也是混合型的。近十几年来,随着改革开放的深入实施,我国和其他国家一样,英语学习受到美国英语的强烈冲击。大批美籍教师和美国教材读物涌向中国,我国大批留学生、交流学者赴美学习研究,我国自己的英语广播(如

    1998年08期 No.320 39-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 145K]
  • 否定的转移


    <正> 《大学英语》精读第三册第三课有这样一个句子 I don’tteach because teaching is easy for me(我教学不是因为我觉得教学容易)。这个句子的主句是否定,从句是肯定,但其实际意义却相反,即主句是肯定,从句是否定,这种特异的语法现象称为否定的转移(transferred negation)。那么,在何种情况下才会出现否定的转移,它有没有一定的规律可循?下面,我们从几个方面加以说明。从语法的角度讲,否定的转移(亦称后移)的句子,常常是表示句子的主语所代表的人的一种推测、臆断、见解或想法。

    1998年08期 No.320 41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 63K]
  • 英语中无标记比较结构与汉译


    <正> 本文标题中英语无标记比较结构是指没有明显地带有诸如"as…as"、"-er 和-est"、或"more 和 most"等这些具有标记特征的比较句,它是指通过采用词汇手段而形成的比较。笔者拟从词类角度归纳如下,以供英语学习者参考。一、利用介词英语用介词来形成比较意义的句子极为常见。英语中的某些介词除含有一般意义外,还可以用来表示含蓄的比较意义。比如:above 和 over 两个介词都有"more than ","higher in rankthan"等意思,汉译为"比...高","高于…"。例如:1.A soldier should value honour above life.一个战士应把荣誉看得比生命还重。

    1998年08期 No.320 42-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 114K]
  • 试谈英语中的分裂不定式


    <正> 动词不定式包括不定式符号 to 和动词原形(infinitive)两部分。一般情况下,二者被认为是一个整体,即不定式符号 to不应与动词原形分开。但有时,在不定式符号 to 和动词原形之间被一个副词或其他词所分隔,这种不定式称为分裂不定式(split infinitive)。例如:I want you to clearly understand whatI’m telling.you.(我希望你清楚地理解我要告诉你的事。)作为一个规则,不定式不应被分隔。但是,有时把不定式分隔是为了吸引人们的注意、增强效果或避免引起歧义。尽管有些语法学家从文体学角度出发强烈反对,特别反对句中的一些后位副词

    1998年08期 No.320 44-45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 128K]



  • 英语用法问答A—Z


    <正> agreement(plural or singular?)1.问:我在教学中遇到两个问题:1.not only…butalso 连接主语时,谓语动词是用单数形式还是用复数形式?在两本不同的英语教学用书中显示两种不同的处理:Not only she but(also)her brother like playingthe piano.Not only her husband but Lucy herself teachesgeography.此外,neither...nor 和 either...or 连接主语时,动

    1998年08期 No.320 49-52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 447K]


  • Irish Jokes

    <正> One Irishman was showingoff his knowledge to an-other,so he asked him ifhe knew what shape theworld was."I don't,"said the second."Giveme a clue.""It's the same shape as the but-tons on my jacket,"said the first."Square,"said the second."That's my Sunday jacket,"saidthe first."I meant my weekday jacket.Now what shape is the world?""Square on Sundays,round onweekdays,"said the second Irishman.

    1998年08期 No.320 59-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 148K]
  • You Be the Judge


    <正> To do the right thing by his family,Dad Jones took out a$10,000 life-insurance policy payable to his wife,if living;oth-erwise to his son;and,if neither survived him,to his estate.When he divorced his first wife and married again,he neglectedto change the policy.So,when he died,both wives and the sonclaimed the insurance.The triple claim wound up in court.The first wife said,"The policy plainly gives the money tome,if living,and I certainly am living."

    1998年08期 No.320 60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 105K]


  • 感谢您,我的良师益友


    <正> 《英语学习》四十岁了!人人四十不惑,《英语学习》更是以她成熟执著、多姿多彩的无穷魅力吸引着愈来愈多的读者。我最初订阅《英语学习》是在七十年代末。那时我刚刚踏人大学校门。一次与同学一起去一位老师的宿舍,在那里见到了老师装订成册的一套套《英语学习》。虽然当时自己的英语水平还很有限,可发现《英语学习》中的内容很适合我,我立即给自己订阅了一份。当时,虽然手头不宽绰,每月靠家里寄来的20元钱生活,但数年的《英语学习》从未中断过。而且我发现《英语学习》赐于我的精神食量、知识快餐要远远超过她本身

    1998年08期 No.320 63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 81K]

  • 命运之风

    易草木;Ella Wheeler Wilcox;


    1998年08期 No.320 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K]
  • Sino-US Relations Improve

    <正> On June 25,1998 US President Bill Clin-ton began his visit to China in Xi'an,to the accompaniment of red lanterns,colourful flags,warriors,palace maids,gongs,drums,bugles and flowers.The visit returns Chinese President JiangZemin's state visit to the United States last autumnand is the first visit to China by an American presi-dent in nine years.Then the president watched dances and displaysof performers clad in coloured garb from the TangDynasty-China's golden age from 618 to 907-be-

    1998年08期 No.320 2-3页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]
  • My Heart Will Go On


    1998年08期 No.320 16页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 50K]
  • 自学英语也要精泛并举


    <正> 不少自学英语的同志以阅读方法为题,要我谈点个人意见。我想,就方法而论,任何人进行阅读时总是精泛并举的。精读和泛读是两种不同的阅读方法。它们各有特定的目的,然而总是相辅相成,相互补充,相互为用,在阅读过程中又各自成为促进对方的一种手段。精读的材料应该少而精,应该是范文。范文倒不一定全是名家的名作;学文科的可选读一些当代外国书报杂志上的短文,学理、工科的可再加选一些科技书籍的序言和短篇论文、报告等。选择的标准只有两条:首先要求适合自己学习各阶段的实际语言水平;其次,文章的语言应该是鲜明、生动、比较规范化,足以成为

    1998年08期 No.320 18-19页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 133K]
  • 改革后的国务院机构中、英文名称


    <正> 第九届全国人大对国务院机构的组成部门进行了重大改革,改革后的国务院由原来的40个部门减少到29个。它们的中、英文名称分别是:1.外交部 Ministry of Foreitm Affairs2.国防部 Ministry of National Defence3.国家发展计划委员会 State Development Planning Commission4.国家经济贸易委员会 State Economic and Trade Commission5.教育部 Ministry of Education

    1998年08期 No.320 19页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]
  • Buying a Dead Horse


    <正> In 311 BC King Zhao began to rule thestate of Yan.He was facing a difficultsituation.Yan had just been defeated,and his father,the former king,hadbeen killed by the state of Qi.Determined to takerevenge on Qi,the new king used all possible waysto recruit capable and virtuous men to work for him.He was modest,even humble,to these men,andwas ready to give them money,fine houses,andvaluable things if they could help to make Yan pros-perous and strong.

    1998年08期 No.320 20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 41K]
  • 英美社会与文化简介


    <正> Absolute Decline andRelative DeclineBy the 1880s the British economy wasdominant in the world,producing one thirdof the world's manufactured goods,half itscoal and iron,half its cotton.The amount ofBritish shipping was greater than that in therest of the world put together.But even by1900 this was no longer the case,the UK

    1998年08期 No.320 21-23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 269K]
  • Hero of Many Nations

    <正> Once in a country named Venezuelathere lived a man who had a big dream.He wanted all the countries of SouthAmerica to be free so that they couldjoin together to become one strong coun-try.The man with this big dream wasSimón Bolívar.From all over the world men whoheard about Simón Bolívar's dream

    1998年08期 No.320 24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 39K]
  • Why the Oceans Are Salty

    <正> If you ever get a mouthfulof ocean water,you'll find it'svery salty.How did it get this way?Rivers are the oceans'saltshakers.Almost every riverin the world finally pours its wa-ters into an ocean.While theriver is nmning to the sea,itloosens some of the land andcarries it along.The land ismade up of rocks and soil,which contain minerals,One ofthese minerals is salt.

    1998年08期 No.320 40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 82K]
  • 英语习语趣谈


    <正> 1.Scapegoat 替罪羊——指代人受过的无辜者这则习语出自《圣经》。古代犹太教每年在赎罪日都由大祭司赎罪祭礼,杀公羊两头,把羊血洒在赎罪板上,以此为众人赎罪。最后,大祭司把双手按在第三头公羊的头上,历数大家的罪过,让公羊承担所有的罪过,然后把公羊逐人旷野,表示负罪之羊已经远去,大家的罪过也被带走。后世的人们就用scapegoat 来指代人受过的无辜者、替罪羊。其中 scapegoat 中的scape 相当于 escape,指逃跑、逃脱,scapegoat 指被大家逐人旷野而逃脱的那只羊。He was sentenced to death,but in fact,he was just a scapegoat.

    1998年08期 No.320 43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • 随意学英语

    <正> A 14-year-old girl got her own phone for her room.Her father ventured(冒险)into no man's landone day and found his daughter sobbing amid thesea of debris(杂物)."The telephone just rang,"she cried."I heard it,but I couldn't find it."Sir Arthur Eddington,a British astronomer(天文学家),was once asked:"Is it true,ProfessorEddington,that you are one of the three people inthe world who understand Einstein's theory of relativity(相对论)?"The astronomer appeared reluctant(不情愿)to answer.

    1998年08期 No.320 53-54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 86K]
  • American Music(7)

    立俊;Sonia Eagle;

    <正> 13.SIXTIES ROCK In the 1960s the West Coast became an im-portant center for rock music.Los Angelesand Southern California are famous for sun-shine and surfing.There,a quieter kind ofrock called surf rock became popular.TheBeach Boys sang songs like"Sunfin' U.S.A.,""California Girls"and"Fun,Fun,Fun."These songs made people dream aboutthe good life in California.

    1998年08期 No.320 55-56页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 236K]
  • The Boy Who Lives in a Snowhouse

    <正> The barking of the dogsawakened Akeeko,the Es-kimo boy.His mother was already up,mak-ing tea over the soft yellow flame thatburned in the whale-oil lamp.Akeeko slid from under the warmcover made of walrus skin and pulledon his trousers and his hooded fur jack-et,or parka.Underneath all this hewore underwear made of skin from acaribou,with the warm fur turned to-ward his body.Over his boots he pulled

    1998年08期 No.320 57-58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 103K]
  • Only的几种特殊用法


    <正> 在学习英语的过程中,我们常遇到 only 与其它词或结构搭配来表达不同的意思,现将这些用法例示如下:一、only 引导的词组或句子放在句首作状语时,通常要用倒装结构。例如:Only in this way can you solve the problem.只有通过这种方式你才能解决问题。Only if you study hard can you pass the exsm.只有努力学习,你才能通过考试。Only then did I realize my mistake.只有那时我才意识到错了。

    1998年08期 No.320 58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 53K]
  • Three American Painters of the 19th Century

    <正> George Henry Durrie(1820—1863)wasborn in New Haven,Connecticut,oneof the New England States in America.He started as a portrait painter but ended as alandscape painter.He was particularly fond of do-ing winter landscapes.At the time when Americawas moving rapidly on the way of industrialization,his winter landscape paintings,of New Englandcountry life took one away from the noise of urbanlife and put one in the midst of tranquility of rurallife.

    1998年08期 No.320 64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 223K]
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