


  • Saved The Tony Bullimore story


    设想只身一人,没吃没喝、饥寒交迫,困在一只颠覆的小船下面。这是何种感受?英国赛艇选手Tony Bullimore 在他新近出版的书中讲述了自己的这种遭遇,告诉人们他是怎样和海水、寒冷、脱水、孤独搏斗的,也记录了他被救前五天五夜的所思所想。

    1998年11期 No.323 2-6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 826K]


  • What Motherhood Really Means

    Dale Hanson Bourke;李献伟;

    <正> Time is running out for my friend.While we are sitting at lunch,shecasually mentions that she and herhusband are thinking of "starting afamily".What she means is that her biologicalclock has begun its countdown,and she is beingforced to consider the prospect of motherhood."We're taking a survey," she says,half jok-

    1998年11期 No.323 7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 56K]
  • TV:Could You Kick the Habit?



    1998年11期 No.323 8-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 267K]
  • Pair Die on Way to Fight AIDS

    Jonathan Bor;Diana Sugg;刘相东;


    1998年11期 No.323 11-12页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 102K]


  • Oscar and Lucinda

    <正> The film takes us to the country-side in Vitctorian England.Thehard working and frugal mis-sionary Theophilus Hopkinshves alone with his son Oscar.The stem fa-ther never allows his son to have any"frivolous" ideas or habits so life has alwaysbeen very dull for the boy.Once the young

    1998年11期 No.323 13-14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 95K]




    <正> Education in a New Nation Americans trace the origins oftheir nation to the English colo-nialists (settlers) who came tothe eastern coast of North Amer-ica in the early 17th century.The largestgroup of these first colonists,the Puritans,founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in

    1998年11期 No.323 17-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 220K]
  • Who Smokes?

    <正> Until the twentieth centttry cigarettes were not an impor-tant threat to public health.Men used tobacco mainly in theform of cigars,chewing tobacco,pipe tobacco,and snuff.Most women did not use tobacco at all.The cigarette industry began in the 1870s with the devel-opment of the cigarette manufacturing machine.This made itpossible to produce great numbers of cigarettes very quickly,and it reduced the price.Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit.Aboutforty-three percent of the adult men and thirty-one percent of

    1998年11期 No.323 20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 48K]


  • 钢琴


    <正> 一个女人在黄昏对我轻声歌唱,她的歌声带我穿过岁月回到童年时光,直到我看见一个小孩坐在钢琴下,听琴弦的鸣啸,母亲边唱边笑,孩子的手按着她悬空的小脚。

    1998年11期 No.323 21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 24K]


  • Why Are So Many People So Ready To Be Taken In?

    <正> Have you noticed that recentlymany ladies,mostly young andfashionable ones,but with cer-tain proportion of the middle-aged too,wear bands of adhesive plastersround their fingers? They can't be dressingsfor cuts for there are too many of them andthey are spaced so evenly on all the fingersof the hand.They can't be the latest fash-

    1998年11期 No.323 22-23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 101K]
  • The Life Style of a Rock Star

    <正> Around the world young people are spending unbeliev-able sums of money to listen to rock music.Forbes Magazineclaims that at least fifty rock stars have incomes of betweentwo million and six milhon dollars per year."It doesn't make sense," says Johnny Mathis,one ofthe older music millionaires,who made a million dollars ayear when he was most popular,in the 1950s."Performersaren't worth this kind of money.In fact,nobody is."But the rock stars' admirers seem to disagree.Those

    1998年11期 No.323 23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 52K]


  • A Whole New Body


    <正> The face of the next century is al-ready growing in a laboratory.Get-ting a piece of the new look couldsoon be as simple as writing a cheque.Scientists in recent years have made gi-ant leaps in the artificial production of skin,bones and tissue.While their research hasbeen motivated by a desire to help accidentand medical victims,their work is about to

    1998年11期 No.323 24-26页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K]
  • Long on Luxury

    Gunjan Sinha;柯雪;


    1998年11期 No.323 27-28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 279K]
  • Special Schools

    <正> Some people carmot learn in ordinary schools.Oftensome physical or mental handicap prevents a child from learning.In education today new methods are being used inspecial schools to help the handicapped

    1998年11期 No.323 28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]
  • Smart Shooter


    <正> You can run but you can't hide.That's the message a new riflebeing developed for U.S.sol-diers will deliver to enemies inconflicts to come.Scheduled for military use by 2005,thenew rifle may be the most lethal gun ever de-veloped.Accurate to 1,000 meters,it has

    1998年11期 No.323 29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 106K]


  • How I Overhauled My Mechanic's Novel

    Dan Greenburg;单祝堂;

    <正> My mechanic was having trouble withhis novel.Knowing I am an author,heasked if I could help.I told him I'd have alook.He told me he needed it back prettysoon.I told him it was my busy season,butI'd see what I could do.A couple of dayslater my mechanic came by to see what I hadfound."Well," I said,"I opened her upand took a look,and I'm afraid you've got

    1998年11期 No.323 30-31页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 105K]


  • 乡兽村医

    James Herriot;赵冉;

    <正> 这是最后一道栅门了,因为是特里斯坦在开车,所以就由我下车去开门。我向来路回望,山谷下的农庄已经离我们很远了,看得见车子在陡坡上行驶时车轮碾过草皮留下的痕迹。因为我的左手在一次为难产的母牛助产时感染了,左臂托着绷带,特里斯坦就成了我的司机。他不把车开过栅门,倒是下了车,倚

    1998年11期 No.323 34-39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 385K]
  • How New York Became America's Largest City

    <正> In the 18th century New York was smaller than Philadelphiaand Boston.Today it is the largest city in America.How canthe change in its size and importance be explained?To answer this question we must consider

    1998年11期 No.323 39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]


  • 从Zeus和Jupiter看希腊文化和罗马文化的融合


    <正> 古代希腊、罗马是欧洲文明的发源地,也是世界文明的发源地之一,古希腊、罗马神话不仅在欧美文学史上具有深刻长远的影响,而且在世界文艺史上也曾经发挥了很大作用,它为后世的艺术家提供了取之不尽的创作源泉,英语中大量的词汇、习语、典故均来自希腊、罗马神话,所以对一个学习英语的人来说,了解希腊罗马神话,洞悉它们之间的相互影响,相互融合,无疑是非常重要的。Zeus(宙斯)是希腊神话中的主神,他统治着神灵和人的整个世界,是"众神和人类之父",是"明亮的闪电和黑云之神,他

    1998年11期 No.323 40-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 143K]
  • 哲人的话如何译?


    <正> 去年八、九月间,在《文汇读书周报》上先后有三位学者投书,讨论如何翻译古希腊哲学家赫拉克利特的一句名言,即"You can't step twice into thesame river."。看上去很简单平易的一句话竟然能引起一场小小的讨论,着实说明翻译的方法问题不容轻视,即是说这句话,该如何翻译,是用直译法抑或用意译法,还是有点学问在里面的。在明确我的想法以前,先请各位看一看他们的译法。戴子钦先生在其《译语求达一例》(8月16日)所举翻译方

    1998年11期 No.323 41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 66K]
  • 阅读技巧漫谈


    <正> 英语的阅读有精读(intensive read-ing)与泛读(extensive reading)两种。为了增加词汇和扩大阅读量,除了精读外,我们也应该重视泛读这一环节。但泛读不是盲目地读,它也有一定的技巧,掌握了这些技巧,一则可以提高我们的阅读速度,二则可以使读者锻炼阅读理解能力。我想在本文中就我的教学体会谈几种阅读技巧。一、查阅法(Scanning)查阅法是一种查寻式阅读,它是从阅读材料中有目的、有选择地迅速查找某一具体事实或特定信息的技能,其要求是快速、准确。而没

    1998年11期 No.323 42-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 154K]
  • 话说“Thank you!”


    <正> "Thank you!"在英美人口中是使用频率很高的一旬话。不管是大事,还是小事;不管是成功,还是失败,英美人都喜欢用"Thank you!"来表示感谢。它是"I thank you!"的缩写形式。一、"Thank you!"的使用场合"Thank you!"是一句表示"感谢"的常用客套话。一般用在如下场合:1别人问候你,你要说"Thank you!"

    1998年11期 No.323 44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 60K]
  • 关于“0”的英文读法


    <正> 数字"0"在英语里有多种读法,如 o,oh,zero,nought,naught,aught,love,nil,zip,zilch,cipher,nothing 等。o 和 oh 通俗而简便,主要用于日常用语。zero 正式而精确,主要用于科技方面,也是最常见的美式用法。nought 是英式用法。naught 用于美国和澳大利亚。aught 等于 naught。love 和 nil 用于竞赛记分中。zip 和zilch 属于俚语。cipher(英式:cypher)可表示零的符号。nothing既可用于数学术语,也可用于竞赛记分中。其具体区别如下:一、在说符号时,"0"可读作:zero,nothing,nought,naught,aught,

    1998年11期 No.323 45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 53K]
  • 从“boring”谈起


    <正> 《英语学习》98年第4期第58页文章中有这样几句话:"Mom,you must have been terribly bored of stay-ing at home when I was a child," I said."Bored? Housework is boring.But you were never boring."以上对话十分清楚地说明了 boring(令人厌倦)和 bored(感到厌倦)的含义与用法。曾在中国大学执教多年的新西兰教师John Black 先生曾不止一次的说起中国学生错用 boring 和 bored给人带来的不愉快。许多对英语兴趣颇浓的学生总是争取机会与外教交谈或请教问题、练习口语,然而占用了外教的时间又感到不安,因而常问:"Are you boring?"Black 先生说他知道学

    1998年11期 No.323 46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 79K]
  • 可数名词零位冠词形式的意义与用法


    <正> 让我们先看下列两个句子:1.She was woman,all woman,just hke anywoman.2.Morden man does not know what to do withhimself,how to spend his lifetime meaningfully.第一句的意思是:正象任何女人一样,她也是女人气十足,十足的女人气质。第二句的意思是:现代人不知道自己干什么,不知道怎样度过一生才有意义。一般来说,表示具体事物的可数名词单数形式,如个体名

    1998年11期 No.323 47-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 124K]
  • 谈“心”


    <正> 从前,甚至在现代科学研究中,都有心脏是思维、心智的中心之说;这在人们的语言文字中有所反映。同汉语一样,英语中也有大批围绕"心"而形成的词汇和习语,多与灵魂、思维和感情有关,常

    1998年11期 No.323 48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 60K]
  • 英语“倍数”巧表达


    <正> 英语中"倍数"的表示法常见的有以下几种:1.用 n times 表示。n 代表任何整数,times 表示倍数。不论用何种句型都包括它本身的基数在内。可译为"是……的 n 倍";也可译为"比……大(高,长)(n—1)倍",表示净增加。如果倍数是个很大的近似值,则可照译不减。(1)用"n times+名词"表示。例如:The river is four times the width of that river.这条河比那条河宽三倍。This hall is five times the size of our classroom.这大厅比我们的教室大四倍。

    1998年11期 No.323 49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]



  • 英语用法问答A—Z


    <正> babies问:But in this period,there will be relatively few fam-ilies to take up the offer of rather cheap,shghtly substan-dard housing,for these are the years when the poor crop ofdepression babies is passing into the housing market.句中的 depression babies 是什么意思答:问题的产生在于对 depression babies 的含义不清楚。它是指经济萧条时期出生的婴儿。这里讨论的似乎是美国的房地产业的问题。全句大意是说市场上有一批质量较差、价格比较便宜的住房出售,但买主相

    1998年11期 No.323 55-57页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 211K]


  • World of the Future


    <正> At the docks you step into ashiny metal submarinethat is shaped like ashark.The door is closedbehind you,and the powerful enginepurrs to life.2 Down shdes the subma-fine-like a shark diving.Deeper anddeeper under the water.Soon all sunlight is gone.Theheadlights of the diving ship are turnedon.Then,six miles below,you come to

    1998年11期 No.323 58-59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 590K]
  • The Airplane That Wouldn't Stay Down


    <正> Airplanes today are big andA strong and made of metal.This little,old-fash-ioned plane1 is made most-ly of cloth and wood.Glue and wirehelp hold it together.It has only oneengine.What's so special about it? Whydo people all over the world know aboutit?

    1998年11期 No.323 60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 182K]
  • The Trojan Horse


    <正> More than 3,000 years agothe Greeks and Trojansfought a long,terriblewar.No one knows forsum what started the war.But one oldstory says that the Greeks went to Troyto rescue the most beautiful woman inthe world-a woman named Helen-who had been carried away by Pads,aprince of Troy.

    1998年11期 No.323 61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 290K]

  • 歌谣

    Philip Sidney;易草木;


    1998年11期 No.323 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 810K]


    1998年11期 No.323 6+26+31+48+59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 611K]
  • 怎样学习词汇


    <正> 许多青年朋友向我提出这样的问题:英语语音和语法,我已经基本掌握了,可词汇量太少,说话、写东西都很贫乏。应当怎样来扩大词汇量呢?首先应该说明,词汇的学习,是不能同语法的学习截然分开的。例如:He stoppped to talk to me.他停下来(站下来、或停下手里的工作)和我说话。He stopped talking to me.他停止和我说话。

    1998年11期 No.323 15-16页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 133K]
  • Sesame Street

    <正> "Sesame Street" has been called "the longest street inthe world." That is because the television program by thatname can now be seen in so many parts of the world.Thatprogram became one of America's exports soon after it wenton the air in New York in 1969.In the United States more than six million childrenwatch the program regularly.The viewers include more thanhalf the nation' s pre-school children,from every kind of e-

    1998年11期 No.323 43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 76K]
  • 对“只能作表语的形容词”一文的几点商榷意见


    <正> 《英语学习》1998年第6期"只能作表语的形容词"一文使笔者收获很大,但笔者认为文中有几处表述过于偏颇,有商榷余地。特与大家一起探讨。一、原文中肯定地指出:以 A 开头的形容词只能作表语,而不能作前置定语。这种说法是与语言事实相悖的。对此,R.Quirk.的《英语语法大全》(中译本)P.557和章振邦的《新编英语语法》P.467明确指出:以 A 开头的形容词通常不能作前置修饰语,但当它们本身有副词修饰语时则又可以,此时一般表示抽象的行为。例如:

    1998年11期 No.323 54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 62K]
  • Funny Stories

    <正> An Irishman joined theA American Air Forceandwas making his-firstparachute jump.The in-structor said,"When you jump out ofthe plane,shout ’Geronimo‘ and pullthe rip-cord."When the Irishman woke up inhospital a few days later the first thinghe said was,"What was the name ofthat Indian again."

    1998年11期 No.323 62-63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 74K]
  • The Perfect Squelch

    Susan Cole;

    <正> Mr.Bigg,president of the Parent-Teacher Association,sought to rally support for a school bond issue.At thePTA meeting,he outlined an approach to be used in solic-iting votes by telephone.Then,as if his audience weredim-witted,he ordered amiable Bob Smiley to "write itup on the blackboard for all to see." Smiley,whom Biggtook pleasure in embarrassing,obligingly chalked up thefollowing gems as Bigg dictated them:

    1998年11期 No.323 63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 44K]
  • Two Still-life Painters

    James Peale;Paul Cézanne;

    <正> James Peale was an American still-lifepainter.He was born in Chestertown,Maryland,USA.Between 1776-1779,he served in GeorgeWashington's American Colonial Army.AfterWashington became the president of the UnitedStates,he did a portrait of him.It was a great suc-cess.In time,he estabhshed himself as a painter,painting battle scenes of the American Revolution.

    1998年11期 No.323 64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]
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