



  • 书虫英汉对照系列读物

    <正> "书虫"是牛津大学出版社和外研社奉献给英语学习者的一大精品。书虫在英语中大约是颇为可爱的形象,试想想如痴如醉沉迷于书卷,孜孜不倦咀嚼着字母的那么一只"书虫"……如今这只"书虫"漂洋过海,轻盈地落在中国英语学习者的掌中。"书虫"将首先给你以自信,即使你目前只有几百词汇,也可以不太

    1999年05期 No.329 4页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 334K]
  • Anne of Green Gables


    <正> 本书内容简介"胡萝卜! 胡萝卜!"吉尔伯特·布莱思一边轻声叫着,一边从课桌后伸出手来拽安妮的红辫子梢。安妮从座位上跳起来叫道:"讨厌鬼!我恨你!"随后她用课本重重地打了他脑袋一下。自从安妮·雪利住进卡斯伯特家以后,埃文利村的生活变得不再死气沉沉。他们本想收养一个男孩来帮忙料理格林·盖布尔斯的农活,可他们却得到了安妮,一个长有红发、雀斑且叽叽喳喳有说不完的话的女孩。她是个富于爱心的孩子,但她的麻烦却总是不断!先是林德太太的来访,然后是给教区牧师妻子的蛋糕,还有她的红头发……经过在学校的争吵,她还会理睬吉尔伯特·布莱思吗?

    1999年05期 No.329 4-5页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 503K]
  • Five Children and It


    <正> 本书内容简介它是个"赛米德"即(沙精)。有一天孩子们在砾石坑中挖沙时发现了它。它已经几千岁了。当然了,沙精可以帮人们实现他们的愿望——愿望每天只能实现一个,而且当太阳落山时一切也就结束了。安西娅、西里尔、罗伯特和简觉得这棒极了。他们的小弟弟还太小,不会许愿,而且大部分时间都呆在家里;可其他几个盘算着要些激动人心的东西。可那又是什么呢?变得漂亮,富有,还是能像鸟儿一样飞翔?有

    1999年05期 No.329 6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 310K]
  • Black Beauty


    <正> 本书内容简介"我还想要什么呢?"黑骏马描述他愉快的家和好心的主人时说。"自由!在我生命的头4年,我曾拥有那么广阔的田野,我可以在那儿全速奔驰——没有缰绳,没有嚼口,也没有眼罩。现在,除了有活儿干的时候,我得日夜呆在马厩里"。在19世纪70年代,有很多活儿要马来干——在各种天气中,拉着各种车子穿过拥挤的城市,走过乡村的小道。黑骏马受过良好的训练。他知道他永不能踢、咬或是逃跑,永远都得服从命令,不管多

    1999年05期 No.329 8-9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 415K]
  • The Unquiet Grave


    <正> 本书内容简介死去的人并非总是安静地躺在坟墓里。有时他们在这个世界上还有没做完的事情或者想为自己所受的委屈报仇雪恨;或许生活中他们自己也作过恶,即使死了也不得安宁,所以他们一定要回来给活着的人带来麻烦和恐惧。在这5个故事中,死者可能随时随地以最奇怪的方式到来——到牛津某一学院,威廉斯先生正在那儿饶有兴趣地看着一幅古旧的画作;或者光天化日之下来到年轻的汤姆森先生度假住的一家小旅馆。爱德华·邓宁先生的房间里灯灭了,他伸手去找火柴,黑暗中他的手触到的是什么?乡绅鲍

    1999年05期 No.329 10-12页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 461K]
  • 香魂女(选段)


    <正> 六月的那个空气潮润东天洇红的清晨,郜二嫂像往常一样,一边扣着衬衣钮扣一边匆匆出院门向隔壁的油坊走去。每天的这个时辰,香魂油坊要开始它的第一道工序:炒芝麻。二嫂进去时,偌大的油坊炒棚里已是热气滚动白烟飞腾,三十八口铁锅里全已倒上了芝麻,锅灶里都已有火苗乱爬,每口铁锅前都站着一个短裤赤膊的男人,手拿一柄大铁铲在锅里翻炒。

    1999年05期 No.329 13-14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 154K]
  • 上帝之死



    1999年05期 No.329 16页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 230K]
  • 浮生六记


    <正> 译者序芸,我想,是中国文学上一个最可爱的女人。她并非最美丽,因为这书的作者,她的丈夫,并没有这样推崇,但是谁能否认她是最可爱的女人?她只是我们有时在朋友家中遇见的有风韵的丽人,因与其夫伉俪情笃,令人尽绝倾慕之念。我们只觉得世上有这样的女人是一件可喜的事,只愿认她是朋友之妻,可以出入其家,可以不邀自来和他夫妇吃中饭。或者当她与她丈夫促膝畅谈书画文学(乳腐)卤瓜之时,你们打瞌睡,她可以来放一条毛毡

    1999年05期 No.329 18-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 724K]


  • Letters from America

    <正> Wang Mei:Cellular phone wassomething new when youwere here a few years ago,but no longer so now.Even in China,especially in big cities likeBeijing,Shanghai,andGuangzhou,it's not a rarething to see people makingcellular phone calls inrestaurants or on streets.Thesame is true in New York,people talking to theirclients,bosses,colleagues,friends on cellular phone inbuses,trains,

    1999年05期 No.329 21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 128K]


  • Kosovo Issue:A History of Complicated Conflicts



    1999年05期 No.329 22-23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 617K]
  • What is NATO?


    <正> NATO or North AtlanticTreaty Organization is a babyof Cold War,originallyestablished as a militaryorganization to counterweighthe Soviet military presence inpostwar Eastern Europe.TheTreaty was signed on April 4,1949,whose fiftieth anniversaryis applauded by bombs onYugoslavia.NATO's 16 allies includeBelgium,Canada,Denmark,France,Germany,Greece,lceland,Italy,

    1999年05期 No.329 35页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 593K]


  • The Butterfly


    <正> Brother Timothy's cassock made a peculiarswishing noise as he strode up and down thepassage.His face was red,his mouth twitched,whilsthis fingers pulled nervously at the buttons upon thecassock.There was something wild,even a little aimless,about this pacing up and down,a kind of clue as tothe chaos of his thoughts.One could see at a glancethat he was angry.From time to time he muttered tohimself,and when he did this he always cast a quick

    1999年05期 No.329 24-26页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 151K]


    <正> It would be dawn soon.The man in the cell was unableto sleep.He had dressed himself.He stood looking out of a smallbarred window at the waning nightand the winter stars going away.Two heavy-set men with tiredpuffy unshaven faces were also inthis cell.They stared at the cellwalls with a remarkable ox-likepersistency.

    1999年05期 No.329 26-28页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 153K]


  • 碎裂


    这是英国桂冠诗人丁尼生(1809—1892)为悼念亡友而作,是他著名的悲情诗之一。该诗的中译已有几种,多为直译。本译为意译,即在忠实原诗的思想内容前提下,在形式方面有较多的变动,以适合广大中国读者的审美习惯。如诗题的三个连续的"break"仅译为一个"碎裂",以使感情较为含蓄;同样,第1,4节首行则被译为"碎裂,崩溃,碎裂",并被置于两行中,也避免了第二行直译中为了中文句法的完整而不得不增添的一个"break";第2节中的"O well"被具体地译为"多么亲切"和"多么喜悦",而"渔夫的儿子和他的妹妹(或姐姐)"则简译为"渔家儿女"同时,为了不使字数过少,增加"奔逐"二字;等等。原分节换韵也改为全诗同韵,并增添了原诗没有的行内韵,如"灰冷的危岩","庄严的航船"。本译参考了飞白先生的译作。

    1999年05期 No.329 29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 706K]


  • 校园生活(英文)



    1999年05期 No.329 31-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 852K]
  • First Impressions

    Nathan Faries;

    <正> The following is a frank list of impressions and experiences in China.Someof the items may surprise you,make you laugh,make you mad.None of themis meant to insult,but simply to reveal to you some fragments of a visitor'smind.

    1999年05期 No.329 32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 36K]
  • Students' Organizations

    <正> Ginger the Campus UpA vigorous group on the campus of Peking University is students' organizations.The students' organizations registered in 1998 numbered 78,ranging widely from ancientcalligraphy to modern network,from astronomy to geology,from guitar to Chinese Gongfu.Buthere I'd like to tell you about four particularly interesting ones among them.Heroic A was born on a Fools' Day but is definitely not a joke at all;ambitious B declares"Give me two wheels,I'll·roll over the earth;"benevolent C is engaged in endless "love affairs";and academic D fascinates you with language games of 26 impish letters.

    1999年05期 No.329 34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 507K]


  • “Old Dead-Eye Bean”


    <正> My favorite teacher's name was"Dead-Eye" Bean.Her real namewas Dorothy.She taught Americanhistory to eighth graders in thejunior high section of Creston,thehigh school that served the northend of Grand Rapids,Mich.It wasthe fall of 1944.Franklin D.Roosevelt was president;Americantroops were battling their wayacross France;Joe DiMaggio wasstill in the service;the Montgomerybus boycott was more than adecade away,and I was a 12-year-old black newcomer in a

    1999年05期 No.329 36-37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 334K]


  • The Thin Red Line


    <正> The Thin Red Line is based on thenovel by James Jones about the bloody1942 battle for the Japanese-held islandof Guadalcanal and tells the story of agroup of men,an Army Rifle companycalled C-for-Charlie in the World War Ⅱ.They suffer and finally discoverthemselves during the fierce battle.Thestory takes place as the Army troops movein to relieve battle-weary Marine units.

    1999年05期 No.329 38页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 362K]


  • 从the Swan of Avon谈起


    <正> 在英文作品中,我曾见过以 theSwan of Avon 来称呼英国剧作家及诗人莎士比亚。the Swan of Avon 翻译成中文是"埃文河上的天鹅"。我们知道莎士比亚的故乡是位于英国埃文河畔的斯特拉特夫镇(Stratford),但为什么把莎士比亚称作 swan(天鹅)而不称作 eagle(鹰),pigeon(鸽子)或者其他呢?通过查找词典得知 swan(天鹅)这个词,除了其本义外,还可指"卓越的诗人,歌手"。因此,用 the Swan of Avon 称呼莎士比亚是再贴切不过了。我们知道汉语中用动物指人、喻人的

    1999年05期 No.329 39-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 903K]
  • 从Zeus和Hera谈古希腊神话的“人神同性”


    古希腊神话是人类历史上一份宝贵的文学遗产,它对语言的影响,除《圣经》(the Bible)外,恐怕无与伦比。它不仅给语言特别是英语注入了充足的血液,而且为文学提供了大量取之不尽、用之不竭的题材。古希腊神话在创造和丰富着语言文化的同时,也得到以文人墨客为代表的人们的完善和发展。

    1999年05期 No.329 41-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1891K]


  • The Jewels


    <正> How much ice did you ever see inone place?An ice tray full?Askating rink full?A pond full?A riverfrozen from bank to bank?That's a lot ofice.But there are places in the worldwhere there is more.Much more.You know how high mountains are.Thereare places where the space betweenmountains is crammed and jammed andpacked full of ice.This kind of ice is called a glacier.

    1999年05期 No.329 44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 193K]
  • Tunguska


    <正> There is a river called the Tunguskariver,which runs through forest.Thisforest is in Siberia,in the middle ofRussia.At seven o'clock in the morningof 30 June 1908,there was an enormousexplosion in this forest.However,because Tunguska is so far away,andbecause of the revolution in Russia,therewas no search of the area for nearlytwenty years.On that morning people saw anobject,brighter than the sun and with along tail of smoke,move quickly across

    1999年05期 No.329 46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • Two Sailers and a Boy

    <正> Two sailors who had just finished a long voyage went home to their village and decided to have a few drinksin the bar there.When they had had enough,they came out into the street to look for something amusing todo,but it was a very quiet place,and nothing interesting ever happened there,so they could not findanything.But at last,while they were standing in the market-place outside the bar,they saw a village boy coming slowlytowards them.He was leading a donkey by a rope,so the sailors decided that they would have a joke with him.

    1999年05期 No.329 46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • Everybody's Baby


    <正> At a day care center in Texas,children were playing outside.One of thechildren was Jessica McClure.She was18 months old.Jessica's mother,workedat the day care center,was watching thechildren.Suddenly Jessica fell anddisappeared.Jessica's mother screamedand ran to her.A well was in the yard of the day carecenter.The well was only eight inchesacross,and a rock always covered it.But

    1999年05期 No.329 48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 253K]
  • 悠闲读物(英文)

    <正> Brian was Irish,and being Irish he had a lot of worries.He came from a strict Catholic family,but he'd given upreligion,and that worried him.He thought Ireland was theGarden of Eden,but he'd come to live in England,and thatworried him.He hated the English,but he'd married anEnglish girl,and that worried him.Worst of all,he knewthat the English hated him,and he wasn't going to let themput him down.So he talked a lot,and laughed a lot,toldlittle lies,and big lies,boasted,cheated,and got drunk.He

    1999年05期 No.329 61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 42K]


  • 英汉翻译练习解析


    <正> 本期练习取材于海明成的短篇小说 A Clean,Well-lightedPlace,这是海明威早期的一篇作品。翻译文学作品与翻译其他文体的东西有所不同。如第1期《人工降雨》,只需把内容读懂,用明白的话传达出意思即可,非文学的东西一般做到达一点也就够了,当然语言也可讲究一些,但这毕竟小是主要的方面。而翻译文学作品我们所应当注意的就不单单是内容了。翻译文学作品必须特别注意形式问题,也就是

    1999年05期 No.329 49-50页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 139K]


  • 英语用法问答A-Z


    <正> decline & refuse问:下面两个句子是否都正确?He was afraid he would have to decline the invitation.He was afraid he would have to refuse the invitation.答:都能成立。decline 比 refuse 婉转,是客气的说法。despite问:《新英汉词典》在 despite 条下列出:(in)despite of(=in spite of),我理解为二者是通用的。但另有一本指导TOEFL 考试的书上却明确指出:"Avoid using of withdespite;avoid omitting of after in spite."两种说法显

    1999年05期 No.329 51-52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 126K]


  • 浅谈作主语的关系代词省略的句法条件


    <正> 一般英语学习者都知道,关系分句可分为限定性的和非限定性的两类。在非限定性关系分句中,关系代词无论用作什么成分,都决不能省略,故关系代词在此类关系分句中作主语的情况,便不在本文讨论范围之类。引导限定性关系分句的关系代词,作主语时,通常也是不能省略的。例如:(1)The stairs which/that leadto the cellar are rather slippery.(通向地窖的楼梯相当滑。)(2)He is the man who lives

    1999年05期 No.329 53-54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 128K]
  • 时髦的“-gate”后缀


    <正> 本世纪七十年代起一直到现在,英美报刊中出现了大量的以"-gate"作后缀的词汇,诸如Watergate,Irangate,Camillagate,及至最新出的 Zippergate 等等。除极少数外,这些词汇很难在词典中查到,那么这个时髦后缀的含义到底是什么呢?"-gate"最早起源于 Watergate 水门事件。Watergate 是美国民主党总部的所在地水门大厦。1972年6月,共和党内为尼克松总统

    1999年05期 No.329 54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 68K]
  • 浅论英语错综时间条件句的构造原则



    1999年05期 No.329 56-57页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 134K]
  • 虚拟语气在从句中的应用


    <正> 大学英语四级考试中 Vocabulary and Structure 共有30个小题占15分,其中语法结构18题占9分。这些语法结构题均为客观选择题,表面看似简单,但因为涉及的范围较广,变化较大,不易掌握重点。但其中的"虚拟语气"这一语法项目几乎是必考的内容。纵观各次四级考试的试题,"虚拟语气"是测试的重点之一。尤其是虚拟语气在从句中的应用。本文对从句中的"虚拟语气"在四级考试中的内容和试题情况进行一点总结和归纳,对辅导四级考试的教师和参加四级考试的学生提供

    1999年05期 No.329 58-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 738K]



  • Yehudi Menuhin(1916—1999)


    <正>1999年3月12日,世界失去了一个伟大的小提琴演奏家和指挥家,谨以此文祭奠,并向这位二十世纪的音乐大师致敬。A descendent of Russian-American immigrants .yehudi menuhin was

    1999年05期 No.329 64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 280K]

  • The Hound of the Baskervilles


    <正> 本书内容简介这也许是世界上最驰名的侦探故事。歇洛克·福尔摩斯当然是最负盛名的侦探了。阿瑟·柯南·道尔爵士是在一百多年以前塑造了这个人物的。但是,福尔摩斯的种种奇特经历迄今依旧是既生动有趣又扣人心弦。为了更好地理解这个故事,我们有必要对达特沼地有一番了解:这是英格兰西南地区的一个确有其名的地方。它是由岩石和沼地组成的一片旷野,在日头当空时分一股浓雾会突如其来地向你迎面扑来,并且将你笼罩起来。它

    1999年05期 No.329 7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 620K]
  • “红杏”丛书(《国际短篇小说选》入选中国作品)


    1999年05期 No.329 13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K]
  • 在对照阅读中学习中国特有事物的译法


    特有的词汇和表达方式是不同文化在语言上的体现。随着中西文化的交流,有些词语已经有了普遍接受的译法,这些词语一般不太难翻译。例如,中国"功夫(武术)"英语一般译为 gongfu,用这个词表达中国特有的武术,西方读者是能理解的。还有许多词语并没有普遍接受的译法,或者虽然有了一些译法,但并不太理想,还需要更多的翻译家们探索,以寻找更好的译法。有些词语是经过很多翻译家的努力才最后定型的。这里,学习已有的翻译作品是条捷径,而对照阅读原文与译文便是一个好办法。前人的译法有成功的,也有不成功的,要抱着分析的态度去学习。保尔·怀特翻译的《香魂塘畔的香油坊》是一件成功的译文,把原作的内容以至神韵都译出来了。下面从小说中选出一些与中国特有文化有关的词语,看看译者是如何处理的。

    1999年05期 No.329 15页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 86K]
  • Everyone Needs a Lift Now and Then

    <正> An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall.They were amazed by almost everythingthey saw,but especially two shiny,silver walls in the hotel lobby that could move apart andback together again.The boy asked,"What is this,Father?"The Father(never having seen an elevator)responded,"Son,I have never seen anythinglike this in my life.I don't know what it is."While the boy and his father were watching wide-eyed,an older lady walked between

    1999年05期 No.329 15页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 86K]
  • 荷塘月色(选段)



    1999年05期 No.329 17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 66K]
  • 朗斯顿·休斯的《一位黑人讲述的河流》



    1999年05期 No.329 30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 420K]
  • A Lonely Dancer

    <正>我的朋友炎樱说:"每一个蝴蝶都是从前一朶花的灵魂,回来寻找它自己。"——张爱玲。In autumn,the grassland turns into a world of silence and drabness. The ground is accemulated with

    1999年05期 No.329 33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 33K]


    <正> Mrs.Kent always carried anumbrella.She carried one whenit was raining,and she carriedone when it was not raining.InEngland it rains a lot,so Mrs.Kent never liked tobe without her umbrella.She lived in the country,and one day she wentto London in the train.For the first time she did notremember to take her umbrella.When the train got to London,Mrs.Kent tookher bag and started to get out.There was an umbrellanext to her,and without thinking,she took that.too.

    1999年05期 No.329 45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 50K]
  • Aba Gebre's Marriage


    <正> Aba Gebre was known as the wizardof his country.He was a short,ugly manwith big eyes,a long nose,and very littlehair on top of his head.But people forgotthat he was ugly because of his quickmind.His tricks were very good,and forthis reason people loved him."He canplay a trick onanyone,"they said.He wandered

    1999年05期 No.329 47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 52K]
  • 漫谈后置介词


    <正> 介词(Preposition),又称前置词,通常位于名词词组或相当于名词词组的结构之前,从而构成介宾短语。然而,有时由于结构变化的需要,在许多情况下介词可以后置。一、在比较复杂的句式中,句中或分句中若有一名词或名词词组可以和后置介词构成介宾关系,则该介词不可省略。1、在不及物动语的被动语态中,谓语部分的介词和句子主语构成介宾关系,必须保留相应介词。(1)The children are taken good care of.(2)Such success has never been dreamed of.

    1999年05期 No.329 55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 44K]
  • 唇枪舌战外研社杯(英文)

    <正> The Third "FLTRP Cup" NationalEnglish Debating Competition washeld in Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity from April 19th to April23.The competition is organized andsponsored by Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press.Itscoordinator is China UniversityEnglish Speaking Association(CUESA).The contest is cosponsoredby English Speacking Union,BritishAirways,Pearson Education,International Thomson Publishing,

    1999年05期 No.329 62-63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1708K]
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