



  • Breakinq the Silence

    Ami Chen Mills;流水;

    <正> 二十九岁的美籍华裔作家张纯如(Iris Chang)从小生长在美国中西部一个宁静和谐的小镇。她所著的《南京浩劫》(亦译《南京大屠杀》)1.是第一本全面记录「南京大屠杀」的英文书,自九七年底出版以来,迄今已售出五十万本,在西方社会引起很大回响,令西方人士对日本当年侵华罪行有所认知,亦作出抨击。然而,日本当局仍然坚称「南京大屠杀」纯属捏造。日本驻美大使六

    1999年08期 No.332 4-9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1598K]
  • Unit 731

    Steven Butler;向东;

    <正> 日军七三一部队在侵华战争期间使用细菌武器造成大量平民受害,中国一百零八名受害者于去年二月十六日奋起抗争诉诸法庭,追究日本政府战争责任。起诉以来,东京地方法院已进行八次开庭审理。在法庭上,来自湖南,浙江等地的九名中国受害者代表和原告辩护团相

    1999年08期 No.332 10-11页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 441K]
  • The Red Scare McCarthyism in the US


    <正> The Cold War extended beyondforeign policy and reached intothe spirits of America and the SovietUnion.Fear of subsversion,espionage,and Communistsympathizers ran rampant inAmerica.Senator Joseph McCarthyfrom Wisconsin exemplified thedistrust in the United States and

    1999年08期 No.332 12-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 470K]
  • Hungry for Your

    Herman;Roma Rosenblat;胡华芳;

    <正> Itis cold,so bitter cold on this darkwinter day in 1942.But it is nodifferent from any other day in thisNazi concentration camp.I standshivering in my thin rags,still indisbelief that this nightmare ishappening.I am just a young boy.Ishould be playing with friends;I

    1999年08期 No.332 14-15页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 179K]



  • truth of love Excerpts from“SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE”


    <正> 本文从《莎翁情史》剧本里节选了相关的两段对白,大概内容为:威廉·莎士比亚(WILL)和 Viola De Lessepes(VIOLA)幽会,Lord Wessex(WESSEX)来请 Viola 去面见英国女王伊丽莎白一世(QUEEN),Wessex 想请求女王赐婚,娶 Viola 为妻。莎士比亚化装成 Viola 的表姐一道去格林尼治王宫,在那里观看了一场演出之后,就戏剧是否能表现真正的爱情,Wessex 和莎士比亚打了一个五十英镑的赌,女王为证人。在第二段节选里,已嫁给 Wessex 的 Viola没有去美国的庄园,意外地在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》剧中扮演了朱丽叶一角和扮演罗密欧的莎士比亚同台演出,获得巨大的成功,使秘密观看演出的女王深受感动,并判 Wessex 输掉赌注。但有情人还是不得不分手,莎士比亚把爱情转化为强大的创作动力。

    1999年08期 No.332 18-22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 876K]


  • Steer Eegai

    David Bentley;

    <正> 新加坡是世界著名旅游圣地之一。她之所以著名并非仅因为你所看到的,也许更因为许许多多你所看不到的。标题 streetlegal(法制街道),揭示了新加坡为高度法制化的国家。

    1999年08期 No.332 23-24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1104K]


  • Letters from America

    <正> Dear Wang Mei:One of the maddening things in life in New York is parking.The reason is simple.Too many cars.Nowonder this country is called a Car Nation and some people jokingly say the national flower of US is carnation.Finding a legal parking space in New York City is a hassle,especially in Manhattan.Parking in a garage?.That'sexorbitant,($14 per hour plus tax),so for most drivers,the first choice is to park their cars along the streetcurbs by the side of parking meters.But to find a space along a parking meter during peak hours in a busystreet is an exception rather than the rule.When you fortunately enough to find the meter,you put coins into

    1999年08期 No.332 25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 311K]
  • 一个留美学生的日记


    <正> Before Christmas,I went to a travelagent and booked a ticket toFlorida to visit an old American couplewho were my parents'long-standingfriends since 1976.I had no idea howfar away the airport was so I camehome happily with a ticked on Dec.23rd,right before Christmas,leaving at6 a.m."How are you going to get to theairport?You have to leave around 4a.m.!"Meng started to worry for me theminute I showed her the ticket.Shewas my brother's high school classmateand close friend.She arrived here a

    1999年08期 No.332 26-27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 684K]


  • Queen of Talk

    Ian Hodder;水清;

    <正> The reigning queen of all mediain the U.S.is talk-show host OprahWinfrey. Her influence goesbeyond her daily one-hour showinto everything from the publishingbusiness to the agricultural markets.Do you need proof?When Winfreydiscusses an unknown author on her

    1999年08期 No.332 28-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 450K]


  • Vanishing Act

    张锡宝;Charles Bickers;


    1999年08期 No.332 30-31页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1134K]


  • Father Sews On a Button

    Clarence Day;蒋素华;

    <正> t must have been hard work to keep up with themending in our house.Four boys had to be keptin repair besides Father,and there was no specialperson to do it.The baby's nurse did some sewing,and Cousin Julie turned to and did a lot when she wasaround,but the rest of it kept Mother busy and her workbasket was always piled high.tLooking back,I wonder now how she managed it.I remember her regularly going off to her room andsewing on something,right after dinner or at other idle

    1999年08期 No.332 32-33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 710K]


  • Crane Diver


    <正> No one had ever believed him,that one summer evening he had wandered on to thelocks,under the legs of the biggest crane,and climbed the steel ladder,up,up,and up into the swaying heights of the counterweights and control house.The view over the city had been inspiring-the smoking derelict docklands,with milesof kingfisher-walled warehouses; the sun-tinted towers of distant churches;the cars,likeinsects,creeping one after the other along the expressway.Clinging to the drifting girders,

    1999年08期 No.332 34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 285K]
  • The aqueduct


    <正> It leapt over the country in great stonearches.It was empty now,with thewind blowing in its sluices, it took ayear to build,from the land in the Northto the land in the South.Soon,said mothers to their children,‘soon now the Aqueduct will be finished.Then they will open the gates a thousandmiles North and cool water will flow tous,for our crops,our flowers,our baths,and our tables.’

    1999年08期 No.332 35页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 262K]


  • taste for the world's wine

    Anthony King;齐人;

    <正> The roast beef of Olde England usedto be washed down by the bitter beerof Olde England. But that wasbefore the British acquired their fellowEuropeans'taste for wine.Today bottles ofPommard and plonk jostle for space on mostBritish supermarket shelves. The largerTesco's and Sainsbury's stock severalhundred lines. Wines now take up fourtimes as much space as both beer and spirits

    1999年08期 No.332 36-37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 611K]


    <正> beard and you know that his clothes areprobably heaving with lice and fleas.The fire must be extinguished sinceit is a hazard.But what of this old man?What are you to do with him?Move him on? But he has nofamily,no money and nowhere to go onthis freezing night.Arrest him for vagrancy?Section 4

    1999年08期 No.332 37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 207K]
  • The Canadians


    <正> There are approximately 29 million people living in Canadatoday,a relatively small population for such a large country.Canada is also a young country(just over 125 years old),and most of the population comes from immigration overthe last 400 years.Only indigenous peoples inhabited theland before that time.

    1999年08期 No.332 38-39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 629K]


  • How to astonish your friends

    Andrew Wright;杨鲁;

    本文选自外研社出版的《如何受人欢迎》(How to Be Entertaining),该书教你在日常生活的交往中如何通过玩游戏、耍魔术、讲笑话、说故事等娱乐方法获得别人的认可,改善人际关系。该书文字简明浅显,内容活泼有趣。下文是第一章,介绍了几种很新颖的小把戏,读者不妨一试。

    1999年08期 No.332 40-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 176K]


  • 汉英翻译练习讲解


    <正> 练习讲解上期刊出的翻译练习"黔驴计穷"是一篇著名的中国古代寓言,虽然是文言文,但并不难懂,许多人在中学甚至小学的语文课上就学过;因此,我们在翻译它时不会存在汉语理解上的问题。有的读者可能会问,原文是古文,邵么我们翻泽出来的英文是不是也应该是古文,或者至少有一些古色古香呢?这是个有意思的问题,一般说来,我们面对的是当代的英文读者,而且我们翻译的主要目的是传达信息,正如我们现在做这篇翻译就是要想为英文读者介绍一个广为流传的中国寓言。这样,只要我们把原文的意思用读者易懂的现代语言传达出来,也就基本上达到了翻译的目的。从前人的翻译实践看,莎士比亚的戏剧与我国的四大古典名著也都是用现代语言翻译的。

    1999年08期 No.332 43-44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 436K]
  • Only Time Will Tell

    <正> Switzerland which is knownas the garden of the world,due toits lush green summer pastures.turns into a white world everywinter.Over a hundred years ago,Swiss people were confined totheir homes during the long harshwinter.But a resourceful farmerin La Cote-Aux-Fees chose not towaste a precious single minute of

    1999年08期 No.332 44页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 91K]


  • 答读者来信


    <正> 问:在高中英语教材里有这样一句话:The nany was planning an expedition to the southPacific Ocean with the purpose of watching a veryunusual event,that is the planet Venus passing betweenthe earth and the sun in 1769.另外还有两句:It is thought that one billion people,that is half theworld's workers,earn their living by farming.The two men were still following him,that was

    1999年08期 No.332 45-46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 191K]
  • 语法通信(九十六)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!关于 this 的用法还有几点值得中国学生注意:(一)this 除可指代事物、概念、情况(包括活动和事件)外,还可直接指代人、时间和地点。指代人,如:(1)Who is this?(电话用语,问对方是谁)(2)Rhis is Martin Brody.指代现在、今日、这一时期等,如:(5)If they were girls we should have asked them to sitdown before this.We should not have allowed them to stand

    1999年08期 No.332 47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]


  • 《简爱》中的人名、地名趣谈


    <正> 《简·爱》是英国伟大的女作家夏绿蒂·勃朗特的成名作和代表作。这位天才的作家对人物的刻画独具匠心,在这部小说中,不少人名、地名都被赋予一定的寓意。人名《简·爱》这篇小说中的女主人公 Jane Eyre,她的姓"Eyre"在英语中与"air"同音,"air"是"气",

    1999年08期 No.332 48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 97K]
  • 从Daphne到月桂树:看古希腊神话爱情故事的



    1999年08期 No.332 49-51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 420K]
  • 不是“杰克”的“Jack”


    <正> 看到"Jack",人们便会想到它是一个常见的英语人名,并把它与"杰克"等同起来。其实,"Jack"除了表示人名外,还构成了许多常见的英语习语,这时它就不是"杰克"了。如:

    1999年08期 No.332 51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K]
  • “kangaroo”(袋鼠)一词的来历


    <正> 有些英语单词的来历很有意思,"kangaroo"就是一例。说起该词的来历须追溯到遥远的十八世纪。当英国著名的探险家科克船长(James Cook)首次踏上澳洲的土地时,偶遇一只正在远处吃草的、外形奇特的动物。他指着这只动物向身边的土著人向导询问它的名字,向导好象没搞清楚科船长的意思,就顺口说道"kang-a-roo"。科克船长误以为"kang-a-roo"就是这只动物的名称并仔细地

    1999年08期 No.332 51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 158K]
  • 独立主格结构的特点和用法


    <正> 独立主格结构是现代英语中常见的一种特殊语法现象。它使用起来简练、形象,语言效果强烈。一、独立主格结构的特点:1.作主格的词为名词和代词,放在逻辑谓语之前。(1)Off we started,he remaining behind.(我们动身了,他却留在后面。)(2)Xinjiang's geography adds to the difficulty,its centerbeing a large desert walled m by mountains.

    1999年08期 No.332 52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 99K]
  • 英语词汇中的哑音字母及拼写


    世界上所有活的语言都处在不断地发展变化之中。几个世纪以来,英语的语音发生了巨大的变化,一些原来在古英语中和古英语时期发音的字母(如字母 b 在 climb,thumb等词后面原是发音的)现在已变得不再发音,但英语的拼写却基本保持原来的样子,这给英语单词的拼写带来了一定的困难。高年级学生的英文作文中时常出现单词误拼和字母漏拼现象,大部分都是由于哑音字母造成的。本文把英语单词中常见的不发音的辅音字母进行归类整理,希望对英语学习者和英语爱好者单词的拼写能有一定的帮助。

    1999年08期 No.332 53-54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 265K]
  • 谈谈英汉口译中数字翻译的技巧


    <正> 英汉口译常常遇到数字的翻译,即使是受过专门训练的人稍不留心也会出错。其原因在于英汉两种语言数字的基本记数单位有些不同。四位数以下的数字容易直译,而四位数以上的数字不能直译,需要转换。正是在这个转换的过程中容易出错。英语有个、十、百、千、百万兆、十亿、万亿作为其基本记数单位,每个数位的大小均以3位数表示,如:965,000,000.英语念作 nine hundred and sixty-five million。数字

    1999年08期 No.332 54页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 143K]
  • 英语类比构词趣谈


    <正> 类比构词(Word-Formation byAnalogy)是英语中一种有趣而又实用的构词方式。其构词特点是,以某个同类词为模式,在语义上进行联想类比,替换其中某个词索,伪造出与之对应或类似的新词来。例如,workaholic(工作迷)系仿alcollolic(嗜酒者)而造,而 seajack(海上劫持)和 skyjack(空中劫持)则是类比 hijack(拦路抢劫)而成,故都属类比词。

    1999年08期 No.332 55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 133K]
  • 语义对比 同根名词与形容词作定语的


    <正> 英语中形容词是允当定语频率最高的词类。很多情况下,名词也被用来充当定语。名词作定语,有时是为求表达简练,如 quality steel 和coal miner 同时也可分别写作 steel ofhigh quality 和 a miner whoproduces coal;有时是因为没有相应的形容词,如 news broadcast 和research project。但英语学习者不难

    1999年08期 No.332 56页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 82K]
  • 广告英语的修辞魅力


    <正> 广告,作为推销商品的理想媒介,以各种形式影响着人们的生活。广告大师雷蒙·罗必凯指出"上乘广告的最好标志是,它不仅能使群众争购它的产品,而且能使群众和广告界都把它作为一件可佩的杰作而长记不忘"。从这段话可以看出,广告不仅是为达到某种经济利益的目的而采用的促销手段,而且是一种高品位的策划行为。成功的广告英语语言优美、和谐、生动、简洁、高雅、幽默,无一不蕴藏着高度的艺术性。而运用词语的各种修辞手段,是实现广告语言艺术的关键。本文试分类列举一些常见的广告英语,看看修辞是如何在广告中体现其魅力的。

    1999年08期 No.332 57-58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 206K]


  • Manganet Patnick Meets Ruth Eisenbeng


    <正> Ruth Eisenberg and MargaretPatrick play the piano.They giveconcerts in the United States and inCanada,and they are often on TV.Theyare famous.Why are these women famous?They play the piano well,but they arenot famous because they play well.They are famous because Mrs.Eisenberg plays the piano with only her

    1999年08期 No.332 59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 336K]
  • Magnetism and life


    <正> We are all familiar with magnets.The Chinese knew about themin the eleventh century.But the earthitself is also a magnet,with a magneticNorth and a magnetic South.No one really understands verymuch about the earth's magnetism,although many people have writtenabout it.Scientists believe the centreof the earth is like an enormous

    1999年08期 No.332 60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 266K]
  • The house on the hill


    <正> Andrew Wright and his wifewere looking for a house.They went to see a houseagent.‘I'm coming to work in thistown,’Andrew told the agent,‘and I want to buy a house.’‘I can help you,’the agent said.‘How much can you pay?’

    1999年08期 No.332 61-62页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 523K]


    <正> "Nothing new ever happens,"Harry Black said to his wife."Everyday is the same.""I don't want anything new tohappen," his wife said."I'm happy.You've got a good job.We've got a nicehouse and a car.What else do youwant?""I want something new to happen,"Harry said."That's all.I don't want

    1999年08期 No.332 63页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 121K]


  • Vlother Teresa


    <正> 特蕾莎嬷嬷是最虔诚谦逊的基督教徒的代表,40多年来,她走出加尔各答生活相对舒适的修道院,到贫民窟给遭遗弃、失去亲人的孩子发放食物、药品,也为孩子们播撤了希望。她还资助了世界上700多家收容所和医疗所。许多人把她和她的修女,慈善的使者,所做的工作仅仅看成神学上的权宜之计——只对付人口过剩带来的表面上的影响,而她的教会由于反对计划生育,对

    1999年08期 No.332 64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 185K]

  • 英语专家如是说

    <正> 胡文仲北京外国语大学教授,博士生导师。1958年参与创办《英语学习》杂志。曾任北京外国语大学副校长,北京外国语大学外国文学研究所所长,现为《外国文学》主编。社会兼职包括:国务院学位委员会外文学科组成员,中国跨文化交际研究会会长,中国澳大利亚研完会

    1999年08期 No.332 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 804K]
  • How old when he died?

    <正> A man goes to see a newdoctor for a physical,A fter hisexam the doctor returns with theresults."You are in good shape for a40 year old.""Did I say I was40?"asks the man."How old areannoyed."Did I SAY mygrandfather died?!""I'm truelysorry.How old is yourgrandfather?""Why he's 103.He's fit as a fiddle too!!""I'm gladto hear that."How about yourgreat grandfather?How old was

    1999年08期 No.332 17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 214K]
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