

  • 沉痛悼念许国璋教授

    <正> 我国著名的英语教育家、语言学家、北京外国语大学博士生导师、《英语学习》顾问许国璋教授,因病医治无效,于1994年9月11日在北京不幸逝世,享年79岁。许国璋教授1915年11月25日出生于浙江省海宁县。

    1994年11期 No.275 3-4页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]


    <正>All Day There had been rain,It swept down form the hills in drizzing,Smoky sheets that made a lineless blend of sky and prairie.The drab yellow stubble-fields lay sudderly inert,oppressed by the cloud and wetness.

    1994年11期 No.275 5-14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 326K]
  • Goldenrod

    Regine Haensel;云芳;


    1994年11期 No.275 15-21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 172K]
  • A Love Story

    Bert Batstone;易草木;

    <正> In the 1920s religious prejudice was as virullent in New-foundland as it had ever been in its troubled history. IrishCatholics and English Protestants had come to these rocky shoresgenerations before and settled in separate covess and bays alongthe rugged coast. If circumstances brought Catholics and Protes-

    1994年11期 No.275 22-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 209K]


    1994年11期 No.275 29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 17K]

    Alice Munro;周彤;


    1994年11期 No.275 30-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 322K]

    Lionel Kearns;立青;

    <正> Whenever Harvey hears the song he thinks of SybilChalmers, who in 1949 came into the grade seven class, and sangit,astonishing them all."We have a new face with us this morning,"the teacher had

    1994年11期 No.275 42-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 195K]

    Diane Schoemperlen;龚雁;

    <正> Jack Marsh didn't like parties much but he went to this oneanyway because he'd been out of town, working up in Edmon-ton, for two weeks and because Benjamin Kozak was his bestfriend. When he got to Ben's, late, everyone was in the livingroom dancing, drinks in hand, in front of the picture window.

    1994年11期 No.275 50-61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 314K]
  • E.J.Pratt;杨芳林;


    1994年11期 No.275 61+2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 405K]

    Margot Livesey;乐安;

    <正> WHENEVER I VISIT a museum and see one of those sienna or-ange and black Attic vases, around which the figures pursue eachother in an endless mutilated procession, I remember my father,who held in great regard mummeries and funerals. His whole in-terest in life lay in death and the rituals surrounding it and,like a

    1994年11期 No.275 62-75页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 355K]
  • Infiltration of the nicest sort


    我们对美国了解的比较多,但对美国的邻居加拿大却所知甚少。那么,加拿大人是个什么样子呢?具有哪些特点呢?"友好邻居的渗透"一文对美、加的区别进行了分析,也说明不同的文化与制度的交流碰撞有利于双方的发展。美国独立宣言强调"生命、自由和追求幸福",而加拿大宪法则侧重"和平、秩序、和好政府",立国之本的不同说明了两个民族不同的性格特点。读完本文,读者自会明白为什么加拿大人被戏称为"An American with health care and no gun"(享受医疗制度而不带枪的美国人),克林顿为何被称为"a closetCanadian"(暗地里的加拿大人)了。

    1994年11期 No.275 76-79页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 116K]
  • Birth control that lasts 5 years


    <正> Canadian women will soon have access to a revolutionarybirth-control device that is effective for a period of up to fiveyears.The Norplant implant has been approved by the federalhealth protection branch, and officials from Wyeth-Aycrst Canada

    1994年11期 No.275 79-82页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 92K]
  • Ugly signs of racism stir up Canada's calm


    <正> CANADA'S confidence in its lack of racism has taken a dou-ble knock with revelations about attacks on Somalis by some ofCanada's 1,300 peacekeeping troops and a survey that showsmounting antipathy to immigrants.The biggest shock was caused by the sentencing of Private

    1994年11期 No.275 82-85页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 98K]
  • English is fine if French is bigger


    <正> 魁北克地区与法国在加拿大最早的移民殖民地(1608年)。英法七年战争后,该地区于1763年割让给美国,变成一个省(1763-90),1867年加入加拿大联邦。该省80%的人讲法语,法国文化传统的影响十分强烈,所以当地居民欲脱离加拿大而独立。魁北克人竭力排斥英语文化,所以语言方面的立法是个很敏感的问题。过去只有法语为

    1994年11期 No.275 86-88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 91K]
  • Spar to reach out with bigger and smarter arms

    Ken Romain;罗宾;

    <正> The successful repair mission carried out by U.S. astronauts onthe Hubble space telescope last December highlighted a bigperformance by the robotic Canadarm.The arm reached out from the shuttle Endeavour and

    1994年11期 No.275 89-91页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]
  • A Special School


    <正> In the country of Burma inAsia there are many littleone-room schoolhouses.They hold only one pupil ata time.On the first day of

    1994年11期 No.275 92-95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 108K]
  • The Most Unusual Birds


    <正> If there were a contest for the most unusual bird, the pen-guin might win the prize.Of course, the ostrich has a strange long neck, and the pea-cock has beautiful tail feathers, which it can spread out like a fan.The heron sleeps standing on one leg, and the pelican has alower bill so huge it can hold a whole big fish. Hummingbirds

    1994年11期 No.275 96-97页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 39K]
  • 外国幽默画欣赏


    1994年11期 No.275 98页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 16K]
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