




    <正> MOBY DICK 又名 THE WHITE WHALE(白鲸)是美国十九世纪的作家H.梅尔维尔(HERMAN MELVILLE 1819—1891)的代表作品,发表于1851年。故事描写了捕鲸船长 Ahab 与一条名叫 Moby Dick 的白鲸之间捕杀与反捕杀的人鲸大战。Ahab 驾驶着他的捕鲸船常年在大西洋、太平洋及印度洋上追踪捕杀鲸群。他为人严厉冷酷,是一个性情怪癖的偏执狂。在一次捕鲸作业时,他被白鲸咬掉大腿。从此,他不顾一切地在海上四处追逐白鲸,执意要将其捕杀。而这条白鲸象是凶神的化身,它不仅形体庞大,而且凶狠狡猾。在与众多捕鲸船队的较量中,它都是胜利者。不少捕鲸船员因为捕杀它而葬

    1996年03期 No.291 56-62页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 170K]


  • Dream of the Red Chamber

    <正> Cao Xueqin(1716—1763),who wrote Dream of the ReaChamber,was born into the family of a very rich and importantofficial—chief commissioner of the Nanjing Silk Bureau.This en-viable post was given by the Qing rulers first to his great grandfa-ther,and then to his grandfather and father.During his five in-spection tours to the South,Emperor Kangxi stayed in their resi-dencc four times,which showed their close relations with the em-

    1996年03期 No.291 63-66页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 78K]
  • 语法通信(七十二)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!广州读者刘瑛问到下面一句中的 different than 是否正确:(1)It's very,very different than what's happened.答:关于 different 后应接 from,than 或 to 的问题,一百多年来,一直是有争议的。在美国历史上,本有不少大作家都曾用过 different from,differentthan 和 different to,并未引起争议。但从18世纪下半叶起,有些英语学者就只赞同使用 different from,而反对使用 different than 和 different to;由于different than 较为常见,所以对它尤为反对。在当代,有一种看法较为公允,似

    1996年03期 No.291 67-68页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 47K]



    1996年03期 No.291 85-86页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 27K]


  • “专家”是specialist还是expert?


    <正> 这两个英文词都相当于汉语的"专家",它们有无区别?如有,区别何在?它们的区别在于:对于某一明确规定的方向 specialist 是向前看的,expert是向后看的。specialist 不断缩小自己研究范围以图集中精力得到这一范围尽量多的知识;expert 则认为自己已掌握某方面全部知识而试图扩大研究范围,认为这样做他的专业知识也可扩大。常有人说世上曾有的科学家90%以上今天仍然活着。这话的意思是:知识积累如此巨大,各专一行的千千万万科学家仍然有容纳他们的一席之地。通三个领域的半吊子专家(semi-expert)就不如只通一个领域的 expert 容易找到工作。要是你患脑瘤,你是愿找脑外科 expert 呢,还是愿找一个脑外科、心

    1996年03期 No.291 69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 26K]




    <正> The University of Texas at Austin was established in 1876.Classes began in the fall of 1883 with 8 faculty members and 221students.Today close to 2300 faculty,including Pulitzer Prizewinners,Nobel laureates,and members of the National Academyof Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering,teach49000 students from all fifty states and over one hundred coun-tries.

    1996年03期 No.291 96页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 15K]


    Brad Darrach;张伟民;

    <正> Ayear has passed since that terrible night on the road to Sici-ly,but for Reg Green and his wife,Maggie,the pain isalways there.He is 66,a British-born journalist(ManchesterGuardian,The Times of London)who lives in the village of Bode-ga Bay on the coast of northern California.She is 34,an Ameri-can he met on a sailboat in Chesapeake Bay.When disaster

    1996年03期 No.291 3-8页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 133K]

    Allison Adato;申雨平;

    <正> Those who wonder how Maggie and Reg Green could act so self-lessly as their tragedy unfolded might ask instead,"Why aren'tmore people like them?"Every year in America thousands mustchoose whether or not to donate the organs of a loved one who hasdied."The greatest single problem we face is people saying no,"says Joel Newman of the United Network for Organ Sharing.When a high-profile case-like Nicholas Green-makes the

    1996年03期 No.291 9-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 44K]
  • The Grass Isn't Greener,Just the Money

    Robert Coles;Jane Hallowell Coles;宋云峰;

    <正> A white woman from Somerville,a so-called"streetcar sub-urb"outside of Boston,has for a long time worked in the homeof a prominent,quite well-off Cambridge family. Helen hascleaned for them,cooked for them.She has taken care of theirtwo children.She knows them well—and herself,too;and knowsthe difference:"I come over there every day.When they go away,I stay.They've given me a room.They say I can live with them.They

    1996年03期 No.291 11-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 155K]

    Liz Brody;炳和;


    1996年03期 No.291 18-24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 166K]
  • The Bridges of Madison County


    <正> SOMETHING of an unusual role for Clint Eastwood here ashe takes on a romantic lead in the five-handkerchief special.Clintnot only stars as the National Geographic photographer RobertKincaid,he also produces and directs this overly-sentimental butnevertheless charming film.The film is based on Robert James Waller's novel of thesame name.The book was quite rightly dismissed by critics as

    1996年03期 No.291 25-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 174K]
  • RICE FOR A BOOK after Gong Ping

    <正> The few hundred books which are my only treasured posses-sion are always in disarray,scattered all over the place in mystudy.Every now and then,when I have some leisure time on myhands,I would tidy them up and rearrange them on the book-shelves again.At such times I would be immersed in a greatsense of satisfaction and enjoyment.In the process,my handwould invariably fall on a thick heavy volume and my instinct

    1996年03期 No.291 30-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 64K]
  • Do you know?


    1996年03期 No.291 32+86+24页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 58K]
  • Sonar for the Blind


    <正> A blind baby is doublyhandicapped.Not only is itunable to see,but because itcannot receive the visualstimulus from its environmentthat a sighted child does,itis likely to be slow in intell-ectual development.Nowthe ten-month-old son of Dr.and Mrs.Dennis Daughters isthe subject of an unusualpsychological experimentdesigned to prevent a lag in

    1996年03期 No.291 33-35页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 58K]
  • 未来的技术转眼就成现实


    <正> 加速。正是这种加速现象使一级方程式赛车在不到10秒钟的时间里从零加速到275公里/小时。使航天飞机起飞后8分钟,速度猛增到28000公里/小时轨道速度的还是这一加速现象。不过所有加速现象中最令人难以置信的是技术变化的速度。人类花了二百多万年的时间发明了轮子,但用蒸气机驱动轮子大约仅花了五千多年。最初的计算机要整个房间才

    1996年03期 No.291 36-45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 246K]
  • An Attempt at Reform


    <正> She had noticed with indignation that girls were solelybrought up to be housekeepers for their future husbands.There-fore she had learned a trade which would enable her to keep her-self in all circumstances of life.She made artificial flowers.He had noticed with regret that girls simply waited for a hus-band who should keep them;he resolved to marry a free and inde-pendent woman who could earn her own living;such a woman

    1996年03期 No.291 46-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 83K]

    Milward Kennedy;李又文;

    <正> Rupert Morrison was a respected and very rich man.Whenhe was younger he had done something foolish and criminal.Theonly other person who knew about this was an old school fellow,George Manning.He had some papers that were written byMorrison.Manning had been in prison for a number of years andwhen he was free again he decided to blackmail Morrison.Hethought he could get a lot of money by keeping silent about Mor-

    1996年03期 No.291 50-55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 127K]
  • 英语“俗词源”浅说


    <正> 有人说,英语中的新闻 news 一词是由表示方位的北、东、西和南 north、east、west、south 四个词的第一个字母组成的。表面上来看,这似乎有道理。但是,查一查该词的词源就会发现,这种说法纯系杜撰。news 同四个方位词的第一个字母相同,完全是巧合。news 这个词是 new 的复数形式,是仿照古法语词 noveles 构成的。在十五世纪,它表示"消息";十六世纪,表示"新奇的事物"。

    1996年03期 No.291 70-71页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 72K]
  • No Context,No Text


    <正> 有位教师在课堂里把十七世纪英国哲学家培根的名言"Writing makes anexact man"解释为"写作使人精确",这是不正确的。培根的全句是"Readingmakes a full man;conference a ready man;writing an exact man,"后面接下去的原句是"and therefore,if a man writes little,he need have a great memo-ry."(因此,不作笔记者须记忆力特别强。)根据原作上下文,全句应译成:"读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。"

    1996年03期 No.291 72-73+83页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 72K]
  • 漫谈英语中的Conundrum


    <正> "Conundrum"一词中文一般译为"双关语"、"双关谜语"或"谜语"。《牛津英语大辞典》解释为:a pun or word-play depending on similarity of sound inwords of different meanings。按此解释,它应该有二层含义:双关语和双关谜语(即双关文字游戏)。关于第一层含义(双关语),例如:①Ben Battle was a warrior bold,And used to war's alarms:But a cannon-ball took off his legs,

    1996年03期 No.291 74-75页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]
  • of的一种习惯用法


    <正> 在浩繁的英语词汇中,介词 of 真可谓是一个小词。凡学过英语的人都知道 of 后边的名词修饰 of 前边的名词,如 the width of the room(房间的宽度),the handle of the door(房门的把手)等。但是 of 还有一种习惯用法,即 of-短语不修饰前边的名词,而是与前面的名词构成表示比喻的习语,相当于汉语中的"象……一样的"。如:

    1996年03期 No.291 76页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 18K]
  • Ways of Touching and Holding


    <正> Ⅰ.Read the passage below and do the tasks that folloDetective Jones sat at her deskand studied the three photographs.In the first picture,a man wasplaying tennis.The second pictureshowed the same man eating in arestaurant.In the third picture,theman was lying on the floor,holdinga gun in his hand.He was dead andit looked as if he had shot himself.But was it really suicide?There wassomething wrong with this pictureand Detective Jones didn't know

    1996年03期 No.291 77-79页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 59K]
  • Booking a Hotel Room


    <正> Hilary Beacham 要为会议预订宾馆房间。她分别询问了三个宾馆的情况,以便做出决定。注意她在电话询问之前,先将要求的要点概括列出,便于逐项了解又避免遗漏,不失为一个实用的好办法。

    1996年03期 No.291 80-83页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 68K]
  • 词语英译集粹



    1996年03期 No.291 84页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 19K]
  • The Model Millionaire

    Oscar Wilde;双林;

    <正> 百万富翁模特,少见。模范百万富翁,则更为少见。下面这个故事文字浅显,情节有趣。是乞丐当模特,还是富翁当模特?为什么作者又把他说成模范百万富翁呢?

    1996年03期 No.291 87-91页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 87K]
  • Humorous Stories


    <正> (1)Matthew Hobbs was sixteen years old.He had been at the sameschool for five years,and he had always been a very bad pupil.He was lazy;he fought with other pupils;he was rude to theteachers,and he did not obey the rules of the school.His head-master tried to make him work and behave better,but he wasnever successful—and the worst thing was that,as Matthewgrew older,he was a bad influence on the younger boys.Then at last Matthew left school.He tried to get a job with abig company,and the manager wrote to the headmaster to findout what he could say about Matthew.

    1996年03期 No.291 92-93页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 48K]
  • Crossword Puzzle No 63


    1996年03期 No.291 94-95+73页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 47K]
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