


  • University of Pennsylvania(PENN)


    <正> Established in 1740,the University of Pennsylvania has al-ways been a national leader in the advancement of teach-ing and research.It provides exceptional opportunities forgraduate study.Ph.D and related master degree programs are offered by nine

    1997年03期 No.303 49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 18K]




    《金融家》是美国作家德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser,1871-1945)1912年发表的长篇小说。1927年经修改后重新发表。德莱塞在《金融家》中刻画的人物弗兰克与他的其它作品中的人物,如嘉莉(SisterCarrie 中的女主人公)或克莱德(American Tragedy 中的男主人公)等,有很大的不同。嘉莉和克莱德都是无力与命运抗争的小民百姓、任人宰割的社会牺牲品。而弗兰克富于拼搏进取精神,能适应不同的生存环境,为达到个人的目的不断地策划、奋斗。《金融家》中的弗兰克刻画得更深刻、更具活力,也更有现实性,是一个典型的资产阶级金融界人物。

    1997年03期 No.303 61-64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 83K]


  • 语法通信(八十三)


    <正> 亲爱的读者:你们好!有一位读者来信问到下面一句为什么用 news 作主语:(1)The happy news brought them to my home.答:的确,将无生命的东西,像有生命的东西一样用作主语,在汉语中一般是不允许的.但在英语里却不罕见。再如:(2)The first match on the opening day saw Iran beat Qatar 2-0.(match 用作主语)

    1997年03期 No.303 65-66页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 43K]
  • Meeting Objectives


    <正>达标管理(Management by Objectives)是 Candymix Company正在使用的管理方法,即董事会制定目标并下达给各部门,然后,部门经理再具体部署达标方案。总之,达标与否直接关系着各级经理的工资调整和奖金分配。然而,此时在开发新产品 Krackle 饼干的过程中却出现了技术难题……

    1997年03期 No.303 67-69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]
  • 阅读外刊高频单词精选(二)


    <正> 词条:bailout['beilaut]n.释义:paying money to save from failure(LM);a rescue(as of a corpora-tion)from financial distress(WNNCD)例句:a.Even with a $50 billion international bailout to bolster him,theausterity Zedillo must impose will generate opposition from practical-ly every quarter.尽管得到了五百亿美元的国际援助支持,塞迪略必须施行的紧缩政

    1997年03期 No.303 73-76页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 87K]
  • 英语散文的三种节奏小议



    1997年03期 No.303 77-79页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 74K]
  • 词语英译集粹


    <正> 大是大非:major matters of principle;cardinal questions of right and wrong;分清大事大非:distinguish between right and wrong on cardinal issues大喜过望:be delighted that things are better than one expected大显身手:display one's skill to the full;give full paly to one's abilities大显神通:give full play to one's remarkable skill or abilities大相径庭:widely divergent;be entirely different from

    1997年03期 No.303 85页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 22K]

  • Letter from David Crook

    David Crook;

    <正> Editor's Note:In 1936,when Spain was a republic,Francisco Franco,a fascist general,started a revolt a-gainst the democratic republican government.WithHitler's and Mussolini's large-scale intervention and theso-called nonintervention on the part of France,Britain

    1997年03期 No.303 3-5页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 60K]
  • Charles Wants It ALL!


    <正> As the dust from theroyal divorce settlesand Diana heads offinto her uncertain future,alleyes have turned towards

    1997年03期 No.303 6-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 179K]
  • Di's Gym…and Tonic!

    Phil Dampier;王冬梅;

    <正> The Chelsea Harbour Club.The name of Princess Di's fit-ness centre conjures up a world of wealth,sophisticationand glamour.It also is a place to find romance.The last two men linked to the Princess—England rugby cap-

    1997年03期 No.303 11-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]
  • When the Boss is a Woman

    Mary Nemeth;江海;


    1997年03期 No.303 14-21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 169K]

    <正> Many female managers say that even when they behave thesame way men do,they are judged differently,and oftenmore harshly.Office mythology includes variations of theseso-called male and female characteristics.

    1997年03期 No.303 21页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K]
  • Yehudi Menuhin

    Charles Haviland;李浩之;

    <正> Maestro,demi-god,guru,mystic—these are just a few ofthe words that have been used to describe YehudiMenuhin,who celebrated his 80th birthday last April.

    1997年03期 No.303 22-25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 111K]
  • Never Too Old

    Annette Mackenzie;小竣;

    人类长寿的奥秘一向引人关注。法国妇女 Jeanne Calment 的生活真正已跨越了两个世纪,且让我们看看她的长寿秘诀。

    1997年03期 No.303 26-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 88K]
  • Driven Out of a Job

    Jo Parsons;立羽;

    <正> In most sports,champions are only dropped by theirteams once they start losing.But not in motor racing.Inthe high-risk sport of Grand Prix,many drivers are firedas soon as they become world champions.

    1997年03期 No.303 30-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 67K]
  • BIRTH DEBATE:Who's in control?



    1997年03期 No.303 33-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 79K]
  • “Do You Wish to Proceed?”



    1997年03期 No.303 37-40页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 88K]
  • 让氟利昂继续破坏臭氧层还是花钱治理?

    Alain Metzger;陈远;

    <正> 保护大气可能要花上几十亿——也许分文不花美国宇航局,世界气象组织和联合国环境规划署,就大气层中吸收太阳光紫外线的臭氧层的问题,于九月发布了一个联合声明。美国国家海洋和大气局的大气物理学家沃尔特·康姆赫谈到在空调、制冷以及认为会破坏平

    1997年03期 No.303 41-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 48K]
  • 造成温室效应的废气可能作为燃料

    <正> 瑞士一个化学家小组说,把造成温室效应的二氧化碳变成燃料也许可以制止全球温升。坎伯和他的同事们只用光和简单的催化剂,就在实验室中成功地把二氧化碳和水变成甲烷。

    1997年03期 No.303 43-45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 77K]
  • My Power of Observation after Yuan Yie

    <正> I don't know what the practice is now,but in my days stu-dents taking the college entrance examination would esti-mate their own marks as soon as the examination wasover.The teachers would supply us with the key answers to thedifferent exam papers,and we would compare our own answers

    1997年03期 No.303 46-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • Gold Dust

    George Mackay Brown;毅凌;

    <正> ‘Is the post past?’said Bridie Kern to Mrs Scully.Thegarden-fence was between them.Mrs Scully was hang-ing up towels to dry.Streams of bright wind went overthe council house gardens.Mrs Scully removed two pegs from her teeth and said,‘Idon't know.’

    1997年03期 No.303 50-56页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 140K]
  • The Beggar-Woman of Locarno


    <正> At the foot of the Alps,near Locarno in Upper Italy,stood once a castle,the property of a marquis;of thiscastle,as one goes southward from the St.Gotthard,one sees now only the ashes and ruins.In one of its high and spa-

    1997年03期 No.303 57-60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 83K]
  • Town and Country


    <正> 1.Read the passage below and answer the questions following it.Today,people all over the world are moving out of small villagesin the country to go and live in big,noisy cities.They are moving

    1997年03期 No.303 70-72页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • 大学英语初级阶段听力教学应注意的几个问题


    <正> 我从事大学英语听力课的教学已有多年历史了。通过不断的探索和总结经验,我认为听力课初级阶段的教学非常重要,它是学好英语的第一步。因此,这阶段的教学应注意以下几个问题:一、教授学习方法

    1997年03期 No.303 80-82页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 90K]
  • 对《英语主谓一致探微》一文的两点异议


    <正> 贵刊1996年第10期刊登的杨翠萍、沈传海两位先生的文章《英语主谓一致探微》,读后获益匪浅。但对其中两点不敢苟同。一、《探微》一文在 P.68写道:"注意:不定代词 neither 作主语时,动词一般用单数,但 neither of+复数名词时,动词则用复数形式。"该文又在同一页最后一行写道:"(2)当 either,none,any,neither 等+of+复数名词或代词作

    1997年03期 No.303 83-84页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 38K]


    <正> A.Say the words correctly and put them into Chinese.Commonwealth speculation identify royal heirrepercussion monarchy law-abiding vow eruptcontraception domestic obstacle forge thronecoronation abdiction crown hostess curtail

    1997年03期 No.303 86-87页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 29K]
  • Tea


    <正> James Cushat-Prinkly was a young man who always knewthat one of these days he would marry;but up to the ageof thirty-four he had done nothing at all about it.Heliked and admired a great many women generally without pickingout one for a wife,just as one might admire the Alps without

    1997年03期 No.303 88-92页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 109K]
  • An Unknown Dance


    <正> Have you ever seen people dance?Some dances are fast andothers are slow.People's feet always move when they dance.They keep on moving until the music stops.People have enjoyed dancing for a very long time.This storyis of a different kind of dance.It is a dance without people or mu-sic.Yet this dance is one of the oldest in the world.It is the

    1997年03期 No.303 93页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 22K]
  • Crosswood Puzzle No.73 Rich Man's Circle

    <正> What do circles do that a poor man can't do?The answer lies in the shaded squares.When you finish the puz-zle,follow the arrow.

    1997年03期 No.303 94-95页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 23K]
  • Questions & Answers:

    <正> Q What words are used in English for the figure "0" in mathe-matics?A In British English you usually use the word nought.For ex-ample:Statistics show that nought point four per cent(0.4)of the population is affected by the disease.

    1997年03期 No.303 96页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 19K]
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