


  • A Warning from Nature?


    <正> For months,the world has experienced some of the most destructive weather everrecorded.The cause is a huge mass of warm water which periodically appears in thePacific Ocean,disrupting weather patterns all over the globe.It's called El Ni(?)o,and it may be a warning that global climatic upheaval is not far off.

    1998年05期 No.317 2-4页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 220K]
  • Muriel Spark


    <正> In February this year,the writer Muriel Spark turned 80.To mark the event,theBBC World Service broadcast a reading of her novel Loitering with Intent.JonasHughes profiles one of Britain's greatest living authors.

    1998年05期 No.317 5-6页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 208K]
  • One World One Economy


    <正> Globalisation is the buzz word of the 1990s.In the last two decades,the amount of money and goods moving be-tween countries has been rising steadily.At the same time,trade barriers across the world have been lowered.Sohow close are we to a true global economy and what effect is it likely to have?

    1998年05期 No.317 7-8页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 115K]
  • Art of Survival~1


    <正> The arts in Britain seem to be in a continual state of financial "crisis",but as Max de Lotbinire reveals,Britain's classical music orchestrasare surviving against the odds.

    1998年05期 No.317 9-10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 120K]
  • A Time for Apologies


    <正> According to a well-known song,"Sorry seems to be the hardest word".But that may be changing.In recent years,world leaders have been liningup to apologise for past wrongs.

    1998年05期 No.317 11-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 220K]
  • Was Shakespeare a European?

    David Wood;

    <正> The British are well-known for being somewhat re-luctant on European issues,and now it seems thatintegration may soon be about more than just theloss of the national currency.Germany's GoetheInstitute has said that William Shakespeare is too

    1998年05期 No.317 14页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 68K]


  • The Biana

    <正> On a desolate shore in the 19thcentury New Zealand,a womanand a little girl are being carriedashore on the shoulders of agroup of seamen.The woman is Ada Mc-Grath and the girl is Flora,her nine-year-old

    1998年05期 No.317 15-19页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 593K]



  • My Credit Card Story

    <正> The first thing I did after I ar-rived at Yale was to open a bank ac-count.Money is the necessary ingredi-ent of American life.I needed moneyto register for my ID card in order toobtain a library card and use all the

    1998年05期 No.317 23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 41K]



  • 乡村兽医

    James Herriot;赵冉;

    <正> 我感觉此时来到德尔斯,真是来得不是时候。农民们足有一代人没人过问,终于盼来了法尔农先生,一个极好的兽医,一位先知。他的到来,象是彗星出现,带来了许多新鲜思想。他才能出众,精力充沛、魅力无穷,村里人欢迎他就象少女欢迎自己的恋人一般。可现在,正在人家兴致最浓欢度蜜月之际,我却硬挤了进来。没有人需要我。

    1998年05期 No.317 27-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 197K]


  • 永远的朋友


    <正> 今年是《英语学习》创刊四十周年,怀着激动的心情我写了一些心得感受。愿陪伴着无数人走向成功的《英语学习》愈久弥坚,青春长在,新的一年里百尺竿头,更进一步;也希望更多的人与她相识,相知,相伴,共同进步。

    1998年05期 No.317 40-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 163K]


  • 常见名词后缀


    <正> 在英语中,词的派生现象很普遍,其中名词派生现象尤为突出,对于我们学习英语的人来讲,了解它们非常重要。词的派生是由一个词根加上相应的词缀而形成的。词缀包括前缀和后缀两种。如果词根加上一个后缀而派生成一个名词,那么这个后缀就叫做名词后缀。名词后缀很多,如:-tion,-ment,-ty,-cy,-ance,-er 等等,不仅表达的意义不同,而且构成名词的方式

    1998年05期 No.317 44-45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 146K]
  • 联想—比较—辨析法——扩大词汇量的有效途径


    <正> 在多年的英语教学中,学生们常常向我提出这样那样有关如何扩大词汇量的问题。英语是一种历史悠久、词语丰富、词意众多、使用灵活、且搭配能力很强,广为世人所用的语言。要学好英语,要在浩翰的英语词海中学会游泳,并非是一朝一日的易事。总结多年的英语教学实践,以及广大英语学习者的经验,笔者认为,联想—比较—辨析法(Association-Comparison/Con-trast-Discrimination-Method)是学习英语词汇,理解辨析其意,准确将其使用的快捷而有效的途径。

    1998年05期 No.317 46-47页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 146K]
  • 悬垂但不致错的现在分词短语现象


    <正> 按照语法规则,现在分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语应当与句了主语一致(这种规则叫做"依附规则"),否则,即认为是错误的(即"悬垂错误")。比较:(1)Looking out through the window,we saw a beautiful land-scape.(2)(误)Looking out through the window,a bird flew away.分析与总结:例(1)中状语分词的逻辑主语是句子的主语we,该句是正确的。例(2)中的状语分词的逻辑主语不是句子

    1998年05期 No.317 47-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 138K]
  • 附加疑问句(Tag Questions)的几个特例


    <正> 要学好附加问句,除掌握一般规律外,还必须了解几个比较特殊的情况:1.陈述部分主语为 I,附加疑问句在现代英语口语中通常为aren’t I,例如:I am good enough,aren’t I?我够好了,可不是吗?Oh,dear,I am a dead loss,aren’t I?哎呀,我完全无能为力,

    1998年05期 No.317 49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
  • 最新日常实用美语:缩写字



    1998年05期 No.317 50-51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 129K]
  • 杂谈两则


    <正> 一、最新词典也滞后日前去英国朗文出版公司与中国合办的北京朗文图书陈列室,想查一下词典上关于 Internet 的释义。在书架上见到了朗文出版亚洲有限公司1997年出版的英汉双解《朗文当代高级辞典》,这应该是迄今为止最新版本的英语辞典了。可是,里面居然没有收录近年来在传媒上十分红火的 Internet 一词,

    1998年05期 No.317 51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 74K]



  • Being A Beidaren


    <正> It was a colour picture that made me decide on my goal.That was the night scene of the West Gate of Peking Universi-ty:the red ancient doors with golden knobs,twin stone lionssquatting in front and two royal lanterns shining above.I be-lieved that inside it there must be a land of knowledge andtruth.That year I was thirteen.Day in,day out,the dream

    1998年05期 No.317 55页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 51K]


  • 比你想象的更可能


    <正> Three hundred years ago,a gambler askedBlaise Pascal,the French mathematician,howto figure the odds(机会)on certain dice throws(掷骰子).Pascal's answers were the beginningof"probability theory,"now one of the fastest-growingbranches of mathematics.Scientists,businessmen,govern-ment officials use it.It's hard to think of a field in which it

    1998年05期 No.317 56-57页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 117K]


  • 休闲篇(英文)

    <正> Riddles & Jokes184.Why should a housekeeper never put the letter Mintoher refrigerator?185.What is the difference between a new five-cent pieceand an old dime?186.When is an umbrella like a person just getting overan illness?187.Why is the hand of the Statue of Liberty only eleven

    1998年05期 No.317 62-63+48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 149K]

  • 月亮留下的记忆



    1998年05期 No.317 2页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 14K]
  • What's the Speed Limit Here?

    <正> Mr Jenkins had a sports car which heliked driving very fast.The problemwas that there were speed limits on allthe roads,but when he thought hecould let the car go without beingcaught by the police,he did so.Mrs Jenkins did not enjoy it

    1998年05期 No.317 4页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 65K]
  • Last Night for the Opera?

    <正> Britain's government raisesmillions of pounds each yearfrom the National Lottery andsome of this money is used asan additional subsidy for thearts.But this money can only

    1998年05期 No.317 10页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 52K]
  • Joker's Corner

    <正> A young lady entered a crowded,car with a pair ofskates slung over her arm.An elderly gentleman arose to give her his seat."Thank you very much,sir,"she said,"butI've been skating all afternoon and I'm tired of sitting

    1998年05期 No.317 13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 37K]
  • Save Up for the Safari Park

    <正> When Dave was sixty-five,he retiredfrom his job in an office,and now hehad to find ways of keeping himselfbusy and amused.He had always been

    1998年05期 No.317 22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 60K]
  • Car Culture in China

    <正> Car culture is fast becoming a part ofour lives,whether you own a car or not andwhether you like it or not.The air pollutionis turning Beijing into an almost uninhabit-able place.The motor traffic in the street is

    1998年05期 No.317 24-25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 219K]
  • Bella Fleace Gave a Party


    <正> Miss Annabel Rochfortdoyle-Fleace,to give her the fullname under which she appearedin books of reference,thoughshe was known to the entire countryside asBella Fleace,was the last of her family.There had been Fleaces living about

    1998年05期 No.317 30-34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 256K]

    <正> It is interesting to see in this sto-ry Waugh's humorous,though not un-kind,attitude to an aristocratic andeccentric old lady.In his later years,when he discouraged visitors to thecountry house where he lived with hisaristocratic wife and six children,he

    1998年05期 No.317 34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]
  • Sorry,l've Got to Go Out

    <正> Norah had a cottage on a cliff above abig bay.In winter it could be verynasty because of strong winds and seaspray.In fact,when a gale wasblowing,Norah and her husband got

    1998年05期 No.317 34页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 55K]
  • 雪莱的《云》


    <正> 雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792—1822)的《云》作于一八一九年与一八二○年之交,这是诗人离开英国到意大利居住的第二年,也是他一生中诗作的丰年,打开诗人生前手编的一八二○年出版的诗集——《解放了的普罗密修斯·抒情诗剧·四幕·附杂诗》——我们便可领略到这一丰年的丰产。开始当然是本集的主体:那

    1998年05期 No.317 37-39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 226K]
  • The Hotel Bill

    <正> Freda Livingstone was a saleswoman.She had just begun to work for a bigcompany that employed a lot of sales-men and saleswomen.They had to goto various parts of the country,visitingfactories,offices and shops and tryingto get them to buy the things the com-

    1998年05期 No.317 39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 69K]
  • 编者·读者


    <正> 编辑同志:我阅读《英语学习》已经有十几年的时间了,从《英语学习》到"Eng-lish Language Learning"经历了几次版面的改进,作为一个英语爱好者,无不为这独辟蹊径的高精创意所吸

    1998年05期 No.317 41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 84K]
  • 英语中否定的焦点和范围


    <正> 正确理解英文中带有否定结构的内容所表达的意义在很大程度上取决于对否定的焦点和范围的正确理解。本文欲就如何确定、理解否定的焦点和范围作一初步的探讨,以求引来同行们更广泛深入的讨论。一、否定的焦点与语义在不同的上下文中,同一个否定句中的否定焦点可以迥然不同。在口语中,人们往往根据说话者语调中重音的不同位

    1998年05期 No.317 42-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 134K]
  • Sally and Alice

    <正> Sally had lived abroad most of herlife,but at last she came back toEngland to live.She had alwaysloved trees and flowers,and now sheaimed to buy a small house in thecountry with a garden.She hadmanaged to save quite a lot of moneywhile working in hospitals in foreigncountries,so she hoped to be able tobuy something nice.‘You know,’she said to hersister Alice,‘it was very difficult in-deed to have an English garden in

    1998年05期 No.317 45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 71K]
  • Big City Survival

    <正> Cities are exciting places tovisit,but they are not alwayswelcoming.Roisin Vanghan,who teaches in London,suggests how learners canget the most out of cities.

    1998年05期 No.317 58-59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 310K]
  • Language Learning Cities of the World


    <正> LONDONAlthough London is not the world'sbiggest city in terms of population,it isone of the biggest in area.So learnersmay be surprised to discover that thepart of London they are studying or liv-ing in is a long way from where they

    1998年05期 No.317 59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 124K]
  • American Music(4)


    <正> 6.EARLY POPULAR MUSICBy the late 1800s America was a richcountry,and for many people these werehappy times.A piano was one sign of suc-cess.At home,usually only ladies played

    1998年05期 No.317 60-61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 328K]
  • Joker’s Corner

    <正> "Why do you always call yourwife‘Honey’,Mr.Brown?""Well,honey has always dis-agreed with me."Two friends met for the first timein several years."Well,old man,"one said,"I hear you finally got mar-ried.Congratulations,for I also hear

    1998年05期 No.317 61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 152K]
  • Michelangelo,the Great Renaissance Sculptor

    <正> Michelangelo(1475-1564)was a great fig-ure in the ltalian Renaissance period.He was apainter,a sculptor,an architect and a poet.Hewas from Florence,one of the five main states of I-taly in those days.Michelangelo suffered time and again from

    1998年05期 No.317 64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 54K]
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