


  • 编读往来

    <正> (浙江金华朱威)ELL的各位编辑,你们好!我是你们的忠实读者,从高一暑假在巷子尽头的书摊上偶尔瞥见的她,一直到现在放在枕边爱不释手的她,我们已经一起走过了六年的时光了。在她的悉心帮助下,我先后取得了"英语翻译大赛"第三名、"全市英语竞赛"一等奖等出色成绩。因此我深信,她将一直是我的良师益友,我们的友谊会永远延续下去的。 (广东东莞冯笑囡)我很喜欢学英语,也经常购买各种英语杂志与书籍。它们对我提高英语水平、扩大知识面起了很大的作用。但是现在我发现了一个现象,那就是英语类的杂志越来越多了,五花八门、各式各样,令人目不暇接。我都

    2002年09期 No.369 3页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 775K]


  • 缤纷世界



    2002年09期 No.369 4-7页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 453K]


  • 为什么地球越来越热?

    John Weier;绿袖;


    2002年09期 No.369 8-9页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 209K]
  • 女王年轻时

    Kevin Ward;莲染;


    2002年09期 No.369 10-11页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 181K]


  • 去吧,2002届毕业生,承担起你们的责任



    2002年09期 No.369 12-15页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 391K]
  • 部落民族

    Stephen Hugh Jones;国华;树春;


    2002年09期 No.369 16-17页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 197K]


  • 美国学者眼里的中美关系



    2002年09期 No.369 18-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 228K]


  • 等待清风

    Marti Attoun;王敬群;


    2002年09期 No.369 21-22页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 750K]
  • 瑞典访问手记


    <正>本文作者跟随长春代表团访问了瑞典,让我们和她一起去看看这个遥远而美丽的北欧国度吧。I never dreamed that I would set foot on Sweden, a distant end small country of the Scandinavia until one day I had a chance to visit our project partners there. And, the trip which has left me with memories of a beautiful land and friendly people often comes back to me so vividly and clearly as if it were only yesterday.

    2002年09期 No.369 23页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 486K]
  • 落在我身上的目光


    塞浦路斯王皮格马利翁(Pygmalion)擅长雕刻,他把全部热情和希望放在自己雕刻的一个少女雕像身上,爱神阿弗洛狄忒为其真情所感,赋予雕像以生命,使两人结为夫妇。电影《窈窕淑女》(My FairLady)就是这一故事的翻版。据此产生了一个心理学名词"皮格马利翁效应",本文便是对这一效应的一个很好的注解:期望对于人的行为有着巨大的影响,要想使一个人发展更好,就应该给他传递积极的期望,积极的期望促使人们向好的方向发展。

    2002年09期 No.369 24-25页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 156K]
  • 朋友的境界


    <正>朋友,就是……的那个人.In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly blace one.

    2002年09期 No.369 26-27页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 695K]


  • 疯狂世界

    Tim Rhys;贺丹注;

    <正> I wanted to run, but Plummetheld me back. - Keep calm, he said. Walk,don't run. We walked fast towards the exit.Some of the people in the marketstarted to follow us. The faster we walked, the fasterthey walked, until there was a greatcrowd of people coming towardsus, catching up with us. I tried towalk even faster. I was almostrunning. Plummet grinned at meand spoke again. -Let's turn on them! Let's showthem who's boss! We both turned round at once.

    2002年09期 No.369 31-32页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 566K]
  • 潮涨潮落

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow;周向勤;


    2002年09期 No.369 33页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 962K]


  • 死囚之舞


    美国反映黑人题材的电影虽然不多,但每隔一段时间都会有这方面的影片问世。60年代有《杀死一只知更鸟》、《猜猜谁来赴晚宴》,80年代有《紫色》、《光荣》和《为戴茜小姐开车》。90年代则有《绿里奇迹》和《飓风》。这些影片都引起了世人的关注,时时提醒我们种族的完全平等还尚未实现。 2001年,一家小制片公司推出了又一部发人深省的种族问题影片《死囚之舞》(又名《孽爱伤痕》)。影片通过黑白两个家庭的不幸遭遇说明即使有了种族平等的立法,但人们(尤其是白人)头脑中的种族歧视观念的改变还需要很长的时间。黑人女演员Halle Berry凭本片获得了第74届奥斯卡最佳女演员奖(2002年)。

    2002年09期 No.369 34-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 777K]


  • 给一匹马的诗


    <正> 拉丁音乐就像巴西的桑巴足球一样体现着南美人的激情和野性,无论是男足还是女足的世界杯上,拉丁歌手带来的主题歌都极大地提高了现场气氛的热度。Jennifer Lopez的"Let's Get Loud"、RickyMartin的"The Cup of Life"成为全世界球迷的共同语言。奔放的节奏、热情的舞蹈,给紧张的体育竞赛涂上了缤纷绚烂的色彩。拉丁热潮甚至席卷了亚洲,如今我们在北京可以看到很多教授拉丁舞的健身中心和具有拉丁风情的酒吧。 1977年出生于哥伦比亚的Shakira 13岁时发行了第一张专辑Magic,其中包含了她从8岁到13岁之间写的歌。虽然Sony

    2002年09期 No.369 37页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 75K]
  • 跳蚤市场:心动无处不在


    <正> My most wonderfulchildhoodremembrance is ofhunting for mushrooms and wildstrawberries with my pals in thewoods of northern Italy. Thenearest I get to that experience inmy adult years is when I goshopping at a good flea market. Whether in London, Paris or ata rural antique fair, an addictiveadrenaline surge is triggered whenI discover an architecturalfragment I know can be convertedinto a headboard, or when I come

    2002年09期 No.369 38-39页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 776K]


  • 追名逐利

    Jennifer Kroll;丹雅;

    <正> What do you want out oflife? Do you hope to makethe world a better place?Do you dream of becoming amillionaire? Or have you set yoursights on becoming a star? If what you want most is to see yourname in lights, be featured onEntertainment Tonight, or have a mobof screaming fans swoon in yourpresence, you're not the only one.Many Americans dream of fame, andsuch fantasies tend to be morecommon among teens than adults.When Girls' Life magazine recentlyasked its readers to name their biggestgoal in life, the largest number (35percent) said that they wanted tobecome famous.

    2002年09期 No.369 40-41页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 696K]
  • 接下来会是什么?

    Marissa Melton;Barbra Murray;王碧;


    2002年09期 No.369 42-43页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 119K]


  • 树之栽培


    <正>树是我们的朋友,它需要的,并不仅仅是一个树坑……Healthy trees are an asset. They Provide eooling shade,habitat for birds,and ean inerease the value

    2002年09期 No.369 44-45页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 413K]
  • 玩扑克,学英语


    <正> 英语中有不少词组源自扑克牌游戏,学生在阅读英美报刊或文学作品时常常被它们难倒,即使查阅字典,往往也是只知其然,不知其所以然。如果能够了解这些词的来历或出处,一方面可以从中了解西方的民俗文化,另一方面也能增进对这些词组的理解。 follow suit跟出同花色的牌,学样扑克牌中,clubs指梅花,spades指黑桃,hearts指红桃,diamonds指方块,suit指同一花色的牌。follow suit的原义是跟牌,即上家打什么花色的牌,下家也跟着出同样花色的牌。现在多用于转义"学样,跟着做"。例:If you do it,I think I'll follow suit.如果你去干的话,我想我会跟着做的。

    2002年09期 No.369 46页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 89K]


  • 来自陌生人的友善

    Mike Mclntyre;魏峥;


    2002年09期 No.369 47-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 198K]
  • The Art of Public Speaking——Outlining The Speech

    <正> Think what might happen if you tried tobuild a house without a floor plan or anarchitect's blueprint. You build the kitchennext to the driveway to make it convenient forcarrying in groceries. But the dining roomturns up at the other end of the house. When you cook andserve a meal, you have to run with the plates to keep the foodfrom getting cold. You put the bathroom at the head of thestairs to make it accessible to visitors. But the door opens insuch a way that the unwary guest is catapulted down thesteps. Plans and blueprints are essential to architecture. So,too, are outlines essential to effective speeches. An outlineis like a blueprint for your speech. By outlining, you makesure that related items are together, that ideas flow from oneto another, that the structure of your speech will "stand up"

    2002年09期 No.369 50-51页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 138K]


  • 十诫



    2002年09期 No.369 52-53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 345K]


  • 殖民地时期的农业生产



    2002年09期 No.369 54-56页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 208K]


  • My Attitude towards Money



    2002年09期 No.369 57-58页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 108K]


  • 麦琪信箱

    <正> Dear Maggie,I am a 23-year-old English teacher. I work at a nearby middle school in myhometown. I've never left this place, and I've always fantasized about leavingit. But I don't want to just travel around China. I want to go somewhere else.About a year ago. I met an American businessman on the Internet. We'vebecome very close since then. He even came here to see me two times. And,for the first time, I know I fell in love. We talked a few times about marriage,but there was nothing serious. This made me even move enthusiastic aboutleaving to another country. And I told him that. He loved the idea. Now I'm

    2002年09期 No.369 59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 579K]


  • 兜圈子


    <正> The American investment bankerwas at the pier of a small coastalMexican village when a small boat withjust one fisherman docked. Inside thesmall boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimentedthe Mexican on the quality of his fishand asked how long it took to catchthem. The Mexican replied, only a littlewhile. The American then asked whydidn't he stay out longer and catchmore fish? The Mexican said he had enough tosupport his family's immediate needs.The American then asked, "but whatdo you do with the rest of your time?"

    2002年09期 No.369 60页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 39K]
  • 身临绝境?


    <正> This parable is told of a farmerwho owned an old mule. Themule fell into the farmer's well.The farmer heard the mulepraying or whatever mules dowhen they fall into wells. Aftercarefully assessing the situation,the farmer sympathized with themule, but decided that neither themule nor the well was worth thetrouble of saving. Instead, hecalled his neighbors together, toldthem what had happened, andenlisted them to help haul dirt tobury the old mule in the well andput him out of his misery.

    2002年09期 No.369 61页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 75K]
  • 理解万岁


    <正> A store owner was tacking asign above his door that read"Puppies For Sale." Signs like thathave a way of attracting smallchildren, and sure enough, a littleboy appeared under the storeowner's sign. "How much are yougoing to sell the puppies for?" heasked. The store owner replied,"Anywhere from $30 to $50." The little boy reached in hispocket and pulled out some change."I have $2.37," he said. "Can Iplease look at them?"

    2002年09期 No.369 62页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 41K]

  • 英语专家如是说


    <正> 学习英语是一个循序渐进的过程,需要不断积累、操练和自我纠正。英语学习中的投入和产出基本上成正比,但集中学习和注重方法也至关重要,得法者往往可以达到事半功倍的成效。所有的学习者都希望自己能说一口流利的英语,但并非都能如愿。除了性格、习惯及神经系统的差异外,许多人抱怨环境,如无机会与外国人接触、缺少操练对子、教材与师资短缺等等。其实语言练习主要是个人的事,只要抓紧,也能无师自通。由于文革的影响,我上大学开始系统学习英语时,已经25岁了。虽然那时各方面的条件非常有限,但因喜欢口语,就坚持自己练习。具体做法是:(1)每日对自己听到的语言进行无声翻译练习半小时左右,他人的言谈、电台广播等,都是很好的素材。听到中文,则将其译成英语,反之亦然。(2)遇到比较有趣的内容(如电影),则对一静物(如墙壁、家具或树)用英语复

    2002年09期 No.369 1页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 87K]
  • 段和段律师事务所的创建

    沙叶新;David Moser;国华;

    <正> 段祺华1983年毕业于上海华东政法学院,1988年自费赴美留学,1990年获华盛顿大学法学院硕士学位,同年又受聘于西雅图著名的律师事务所——威廉,克斯诺及吉布斯律师事务所,任法律顾问。 1992年段祺华决定回国创业,当开办私人合伙律师事务所的第一人。为回国他毅然辞去了在美

    2002年09期 No.369 28-30页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1342K]
  • JOKE

    <正> A doctor, a lawyer and a manager werediscussing the relative merits of having a wifeor a mistress. The lawyer says: "For sure a mistress isbetter. If you have a wife and want a divorce, itcauses all sorts of legal problems." The doctor says: "It's better to have a wifebecause the sense of security lowers yourstress and is good for your health." The manager says: "You're both wrong.

    2002年09期 No.369 53页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 226K]
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